Is Joe Biden A Little Freaky?

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Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?
Joe is actually touching those children. It is so obvious that Progs are a hundred times worse then non Progs at this. Its just not investigated by the journalists.

So, he touched them. Obviously not inappropriately as not a single parent or child complained.

Meanwhile, trump did look at a 10 year old and thought of sex. He also cheated on every wife he had, got caught on tape bragging about wanting to commit adultery, and has a bastard child. — you know, the very plank of conservative family values.


I've always been instinctually repulsed by Joe Biden. I never gave much thought as to why, but now that he's beginning to look more and more like a candidate in 2020 I've begun to look more closely at him -- and the more I look the creepier he seems to be.

He is not a little creepy.
He is creepy as f*ck.
NO NORMAL MAN puts his hands on little girls like does, we don't. At all. Nope. Nada. Zero. Doesn't happen.
His handling of the preteen black girl in the red dress that day blew my mind. Holy shit.

Who’s “we?” You and the your gerbil in your pocket?
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45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?

What?! Wtf is wrong witcha boy? Oh! I know what this is:

If Republicans go low, Faun will definitely go lower!
Talking about Trump’s misadventures is going low?
When you make up shit and have no facts...yeah....Funny how Stormy's original lawyer said don't challenge it and Avenatti the fame whore said to. Now he's off the jail and Story owe Trump big time's hilarious......somehow the truth and Trump always come out on top.
Oh? What lie do you imagine I told?
You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?

What?! Wtf is wrong witcha boy? Oh! I know what this is:

If Republicans go low, Faun will definitely go lower!
Talking about Trump’s misadventures is going low?
When you make up shit and have no facts...yeah....Funny how Stormy's original lawyer said don't challenge it and Avenatti the fame whore said to. Now he's off the jail and Story owe Trump big time's hilarious......somehow the truth and Trump always come out on top.
Oh? What lie do you imagine I told?

You scummy fuck. I can't believe leftists would even claim your scummy ass.
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?

What?! Wtf is wrong witcha boy? Oh! I know what this is:

If Republicans go low, Faun will definitely go lower!
Talking about Trump’s misadventures is going low?
When you make up shit and have no facts...yeah....Funny how Stormy's original lawyer said don't challenge it and Avenatti the fame whore said to. Now he's off the jail and Story owe Trump big time's hilarious......somehow the truth and Trump always come out on top.
Oh? What lie do you imagine I told?

You scummy fuck. I can't believe leftists would even claim your scummy ass.
What?! Wtf is wrong witcha boy? Oh! I know what this is:

If Republicans go low, Faun will definitely go lower!
Talking about Trump’s misadventures is going low?
When you make up shit and have no facts...yeah....Funny how Stormy's original lawyer said don't challenge it and Avenatti the fame whore said to. Now he's off the jail and Story owe Trump big time's hilarious......somehow the truth and Trump always come out on top.
Oh? What lie do you imagine I told?

You scummy fuck. I can't believe leftists would even claim your scummy ass.

You just keep posting, and you'll keep helping re-elect Trump. :)

Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?
Joe is actually touching those children. It is so obvious that Progs are a hundred times worse then non Progs at this. Its just not investigated by the journalists.

So, he touched them. Obviously not inappropriately as not a single parent or child complained.

Meanwhile, trump did look at a 10 year old and thought of sex. He also cheated on every wife he had, got caught on tape bragging about wanting to commit adultery, and has a bastard child. — you know, the very plank of conservative family values.

Conservative family values are just so much BULLSHIT
Talking about Trump’s misadventures is going low?
When you make up shit and have no facts...yeah....Funny how Stormy's original lawyer said don't challenge it and Avenatti the fame whore said to. Now he's off the jail and Story owe Trump big time's hilarious......somehow the truth and Trump always come out on top.
Oh? What lie do you imagine I told?

You scummy fuck. I can't believe leftists would even claim your scummy ass.

You just keep posting, and you'll keep helping re-elect Trump. :)

Biden is the same level of creepy freaky as he always was. Democrats can't allow a white guy as their candidate. This is what they are doing to get rid of him.
Folks, as Rush indicated today, that attack on Biden is either a DNC conspiracy like they did with Crazy Bernie, or Biden's staff themselves. The concept being if he survives this, he will be somewhat immune going forward, and if he fails, he would have lost in the primaries anyway.
So what, it wasn’t sexual? No less than 17 women had accused trump of sexual misconduct— were you with them too?

So what is hair smelling with his eyes closed and kissing ?
Did you bother to read your own link?

Or did you read it but not understand it?

The woman said he didn’t touch her in a sexual manner. I know that sucks for you because you so much want to bash Biden, even when you have to make shit up to do so, but it’s a reality you’re gonna have to live with.

Now why don’t you try answering my question? We’re you “with” the 17 or more women who accused trump of sexual misconduct?
So what, it wasn’t sexual? No less than 17 women had accused trump of sexual misconduct— were you with them too?

So what is hair smelling with his eyes closed and kissing ?
Did you bother to read your own link?

Or did you read it but not understand it?

The woman said he didn’t touch her in a sexual manner. I know that sucks for you because you so much want to bash Biden, even when you have to make shit up to do so, but it’s a reality you’re gonna have to live with.

Now why don’t you try answering my question? We’re you “with” the 17 or more women who accused trump of sexual misconduct?

So rubbing noses is just a good ole hey glad to meet ya move ?

I have to review each case specifically on its merits of the 17. Do you have well circulated public space photos of this like with Biden ?

For example I am not with Stormy Daniels.
It must be frustrating for you to think that he is a child molester and then have millions of people disagree and elect him to be VP of the United States. Sucks to be you

Nobody voted for that old white fool, they voted for that young black traitor. Wake up moron.
So what, it wasn’t sexual? No less than 17 women had accused trump of sexual misconduct— were you with them too?

So what is hair smelling with his eyes closed and kissing ?
Did you bother to read your own link?

Or did you read it but not understand it?

The woman said he didn’t touch her in a sexual manner. I know that sucks for you because you so much want to bash Biden, even when you have to make shit up to do so, but it’s a reality you’re gonna have to live with.

Now why don’t you try answering my question? We’re you “with” the 17 or more women who accused trump of sexual misconduct?

So rubbing noses is just a good ole hey glad to meet ya move ?

I have to review each case specifically on its merits of the 17. Do you have well circulated public space photos of this like with Biden ?

For example I am not with Stormy Daniels.
Here’s a list to get you started...

List of Trump's accusers and their allegations of sexual misconduct
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