Zone1 Is it time to update Christianity?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It seems to me that Western Christianity has been dying on the vine for some time now, becoming more of an antiquated ritual than a rational belief system. What was considered to be answers to the mysteries of life 2,000 years ago are now being relegated to the realms of fantasy and superstition. For example, the Virgin Birth, Holy Trinity and Jesus' physical ascension to Heaven are now acknowledged to be "miracles" without any basis in fact or logic.

Conversely, the teachings of Jesus remain as relevant today as they did when he first spoke of them. Reading a "red letter" (aka Jeffersonian) Biblical account of his actual words leaves a much different impression than does the Apostle's Creed and other subsequent creations. Is the validity of his teachings solely dependent on the musings of his metaphysical status?

Perhaps it is time for Christianity to focus more on what Jesus said rather than debate what he was.
"I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." - Jesus to the disciples.
"Go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." -Jesus to the disciples.

Focus on those words.
Speaking of updates.

Are there any on the evolutionary belief that we evolved from rocks?

Perhaps it is time for non-believers to focus on their own beliefs and realize it takes as much (I would say more) faith to believe in their own fairytales.

It seems to me that Western Christianity has been dying on the vine for some time now, becoming more of an antiquated ritual than a rational belief system. What was considered to be answers to the mysteries of life 2,000 years ago are now being relegated to the realms of fantasy and superstition. For example, the Virgin Birth, Holy Trinity and Jesus' physical ascension to Heaven are now acknowledged to be "miracles" without any basis in fact or logic.

Conversely, the teachings of Jesus remain as relevant today as they did when he first spoke of them. Reading a "red letter" (aka Jeffersonian) Biblical account of his actual words leaves a much different impression than does the Apostle's Creed and other subsequent creations. Is the validity of his teachings solely dependent on the musings of his metaphysical status?

Perhaps it is time for Christianity to focus more on what Jesus said rather than debate what he was.

Jesus is still relevant today, just not as relevant as he once was. This is cyclical I imagine.
Jesus is still relevant today, just not as relevant as he once was. This is cyclical I imagine.
To the extent that Jesus represents morality he is more relevant than ever today. People today have no 'moral dilemmas', they simple don't know or care about right and wrong. People want to satisfy their mouth with little regard for their body. It's difficult if not impossible to care for others when one doesn't care for themself.
To the extent that Jesus represents morality he is more relevant than ever today. People today have no 'moral dilemmas', they simple don't know or care about right and wrong.
We need more love music and less angry movies/music. Start there, work towards Faith.
Speaking of updates.

Are there any on the evolutionary belief that we evolved from rocks?

Perhaps it is time for non-believers to focus on their own beliefs and realize it takes as much (I would say more) faith to believe in their own fairytales.

They have too much skin in the game to quit now.
It seems to me that Western Christianity has been dying on the vine for some time now, becoming more of an antiquated ritual than a rational belief system. What was considered to be answers to the mysteries of life 2,000 years ago are now being relegated to the realms of fantasy and superstition. For example, the Virgin Birth, Holy Trinity and Jesus' physical ascension to Heaven are now acknowledged to be "miracles" without any basis in fact or logic.

Conversely, the teachings of Jesus remain as relevant today as they did when he first spoke of them. Reading a "red letter" (aka Jeffersonian) Biblical account of his actual words leaves a much different impression than does the Apostle's Creed and other subsequent creations. Is the validity of his teachings solely dependent on the musings of his metaphysical status?

Perhaps it is time for Christianity to focus more on what Jesus said rather than debate what he was.
Unfortunately, little of what he said has come down to us and what has come down may not always be accurate. Remember that Jesus didn't speak English and no translation is 100% accurate (e.g., the virgin birth).
Sadly, we can't change life by changing art. Change life and art will follow.
Art has a big influence, I am confident in this. The world needs more positivity and soul. Our spirits are increasingly rotten and lacking tenderness.
Art has a big influence, I am confident in this. The world needs more positivity and soul. Our spirits are increasingly rotten and lacking tenderness.
Some of the best art appears on the sides of buildings in the worst neighborhoods.
It seems to me that Western Christianity has been dying on the vine for some time now, becoming more of an antiquated ritual than a rational belief system. What was considered to be answers to the mysteries of life 2,000 years ago are now being relegated to the realms of fantasy and superstition. For example, the Virgin Birth, Holy Trinity and Jesus' physical ascension to Heaven are now acknowledged to be "miracles" without any basis in fact or logic.

Conversely, the teachings of Jesus remain as relevant today as they did when he first spoke of them. Reading a "red letter" (aka Jeffersonian) Biblical account of his actual words leaves a much different impression than does the Apostle's Creed and other subsequent creations. Is the validity of his teachings solely dependent on the musings of his metaphysical status?

Perhaps it is time for Christianity to focus more on what Jesus said rather than debate what he was.

Brand's follow a life cycle and this one is in decline .

Going out .
Not with a Bang but a whimper.
Matthew 7:13-14
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

We are all given the opportunity by God to excel in our existence but this is based solely on our free will. Unfortunately, many choose not to excel and end up where they choose to be.
Matthew 7:13-14
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

We are all given the opportunity by God to excel in our existence but this is based solely on our free will. Unfortunately, many choose not to excel and end up where they choose to be.
It's not solely based on our free will. Maybe in America, yes. You don't appreciate how unique a nation you are and how absolutely blessed you are to live there though I understand your point.
Pease explain further.
Free will isn't as it seems in other nations, there are "guiding hands" in unaccountable, centralized systems that allow people to destroy others for their own benefit. A well paid govt. job for instance. They choose to abuse the young, it's sick. In the U.S you fight hard for civil liberties, transparency and accountability. It's more unique than you think. Not always convenient for people but far better than the alternative.
In America we do have it within our constitution to have freedom of religion. We also do not believe in having a state religion. Within my faith we have been able to go into many of the countries of the world and preach the gospel and set up churches and the people are allowed to worship the Christian God. So I guess I wonder in what countries and how in those countries they keep people from freely living the commandments of God and praying unto God. I know in some Muslim countries they have put Christians to death but in most the world people do seem to have the freedom to worship as they please. Can you give specific example of how some are kept from worshipping freely or praying to the God of their choice?
In America we do have it within our constitution to have freedom of religion. We also do not believe in having a state religion. Within my faith we have been able to go into many of the countries of the world and preach the gospel and set up churches and the people are allowed to worship the Christian God. So I guess I wonder in what countries and how in those countries they keep people from freely living the commandments of God and praying unto God. I know in some Muslim countries they have put Christians to death but in most the world people do seem to have the freedom to worship as they please. Can you give specific example of how some are kept from worshipping freely or praying to the God of their choice?
When you were referring to Free Will I was anticipating a more broader definition. In Canada, you can practice what religion you'd like this is true.

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