Is it really THIS easy to let Biden off the hook? Biden's crime isn't a "high crime"? LOL. You've painted yourself yet into another corner. My sincere thanks on proving once again what a useful idiot you are.
I have ZERO doubt that Biden wont be charged.
What you repubs are forgetting is that Biden has a pretty much perfect record.
Why are you saying things that no one believes? Your post was a complete waste of time and it makes you look stupid.
Well, we can't indict a sitting President according to the blob's DOJ. So I think you're right.
The investigations wont even be over by the time he is out of office in 2024. He still wont be indicted.
Wow, that must be frustrating.
Bidens issues arent coming from the documents. His MASSIVE issue is all the other shit. Do you think that when Hunter is facing YEARS in prison, he wont roll over on his senile and nearly dead father? Hunter will desperately reach for any life raft thrown his way like a drowning man.
Where were you when Trump was president?
I'm a patriot so just like all patriots I was calling him a piece of shit lying criminal scumbag everyday he was in office, That is what patriots did , all patriots did exactly that.
Bidens issues arent coming from the documents. His MASSIVE issue is all the other shit. Do you think that when Hunter is facing YEARS in prison, he wont roll over on his senile and nearly dead father? Hunter will desperately reach for any life raft thrown his way like a drowning man.
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?

Is it really THIS easy to let Biden off the hook?​

For what exactly?
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
When will any of them apologize?
Unlike the former guy, who refused to return classified documents, Biden's team has been proactive in turning them in. No amount of spin can change that fact.

At the same time, this has to be investigated, and anyone -- including Biden -- who should be held accountable must be held accountable. Fully and fairly. This shit can't happen, and no one is above the law. Period.

The rest of this is the standard bullshit partisan noise.
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