Is It Possible...


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
That the U.S. used a forward embedded group of special forces to shoot down the Ukrainian plane carrying Ukrainians and Canadians in order to get more support from around the world to defend their actions? The plane was shot down while at only 7,000 feet, which is in range for some shoulder mounted rockets that reach as high as 300 meters or 9,000+ feet. Also, this type of rocket ht would explain why the plane didn't break into pieces upon impact, but instead tried to either turn around to land, or was forced into a turn through damage.

I'm not sure if Iran is keeping this as a secret because they did it on accident, or that they have no idea how it happened and don't want other countries doing an investigation to eventually see that indeed it was their fault.

(Edit I somehow got my math wrong...) But of course we don't know if the U.S. may have a new weapon that could still do it.
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I read speculation that it was their defense system on automatic --- defending against incoming missiles, but there weren't any; it was an airplane.
Ummmm 300 meters is less than 1000 feet. I am not aware of any shoulder launched missile that could reach 7000 feet.

You are correct. That's only 900+ feet. :abgg2q.jpg: Good thing I'm a Criminology major and not math... or I was just blinded by this thought and I subconsciously put 9,000 instead of 900.
I read speculation that it was their defense system on automatic --- defending against incoming missiles, but there weren't any; it was an airplane.

Issue with that is, on the news they said 22 other airplanes left the same airport in between the rocket attacks and the plane being shot down.
Huh. This does need clearing up. There are news outlets saying that both Canadian and U.S. techs are saying that it was Iran that shot it down (apparently there were a lot of Canadian citizens on board, I don't know why, which explains Canada's interest).
So to sum up: Iran does have pinpoint targeting. That's not good, for us.

On the other hand, they are so disorganized that they get overexcited and shoot down a civilian aircraft. And they got so wildly overexcited that in milling around in one of those show funerals they stage, hundreds died and were injured in a stampede. Uncivilized.

So I'm not REAL impressed so far. Discipline is everything, the Romans knew that a long time ago, and Iran ain't got it. But our military does.
So to sum up: Iran does have pinpoint targeting. That's not good, for us.

On the other hand, they are so disorganized that they get overexcited and shoot down a civilian aircraft. And they got so wildly overexcited that in milling around in one of those show funerals they stage, hundreds died and were injured in a stampede. Uncivilized.

So I'm not REAL impressed so far. Discipline is everything, the Romans knew that a long time ago, and Iran ain't got it. But our military does.

But on the other hand, they are similar to the Japanese in WWII that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to create maximum damage. You can't stop people that have the mindset that giving their one life is martyrdom as long as they can take out 2 or more lives of their enemy.
So your theory is that someone like Adam Shitt shot down the Ukrainian airliner with the objective of Trump receiving the blame and subsequently losing support.

It's actually somewhat believable. Shitt-stain would definitely sacrifice 176 souls for the marxist cause. Hmmm.... you got me thinking....
So to sum up: Iran does have pinpoint targeting. That's not good, for us.

On the other hand, they are so disorganized that they get overexcited and shoot down a civilian aircraft. And they got so wildly overexcited that in milling around in one of those show funerals they stage, hundreds died and were injured in a stampede. Uncivilized.

So I'm not REAL impressed so far. Discipline is everything, the Romans knew that a long time ago, and Iran ain't got it. But our military does.

But on the other hand, they are similar to the Japanese in WWII that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to create maximum damage. You can't stop people that have the mindset that giving their one life is martyrdom as long as they can take out 2 or more lives of their enemy.

So, how are we to protect ourselves from such madmen?
But on the other hand, they are similar to the Japanese in WWII that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to create maximum damage. You can't stop people that have the mindset that giving their one life is martyrdom as long as they can take out 2 or more lives of their enemy.

No, I haven't seen any kamikaze strikes from Iran. Not even suiciders.

We'll stop them.
But on the other hand, they are similar to the Japanese in WWII that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to create maximum damage. You can't stop people that have the mindset that giving their one life is martyrdom as long as they can take out 2 or more lives of their enemy.

No, I haven't seen any kamikaze strikes from Iran. Not even suiciders.

We'll stop them.

It's not just Iran, it is the proxy groups they have all across the Middle East.
You can't stop people that have the mindset that giving their one life is martyrdom as long as they can take out 2 or more lives of their enemy.

So, how are we to protect ourselves from such madmen?

The usual ways. They aren't mad; they are just ineffective, relatively speaking. I think the most important thing is not letting them get nukes and intercontinental ballistic missiles, or there goes Chicago.
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Or... There were persons, or suspected Intel on that plane that Iran had no intention of allowing to escape. "Canadians"? How many American assets have used that cover..?
Or... There were persons, or suspected Intel on that plane that Iran had no intention of allowing to escape. "Canadians"? How many American assets have used that cover..?

I think they know they have a traitor within their mist, otherwise the U.S. wouldn't know exactly where the general was going to be and who he was meeting with. That traitor isn't a Canadian, he's Iranian.
Or... There were persons, or suspected Intel on that plane that Iran had no intention of allowing to escape. "Canadians"? How many American assets have used that cover..?

I think they know they have a traitor within their mist, otherwise the U.S. wouldn't know exactly where the general was going to be and who he was meeting with. That traitor isn't a Canadian, he's Iranian.
Quite possibly. Like the many "Canadians" on that flight... I bet the majority of them have at the very least; roots in Iran.
Not sure why everyone thinks this thread is funny. We've known for years the federal government has done these types of things before. What especially makes this more likely is that after the U.S. killed the general there was little to no support from other ally countries to the U.S. In fact, the opposite has happened as Israel who were give shit tons of money to for their defense came out and said they had NOTHING to do with it, and several countries in the Middle East with American troops have also come out and said they had nothing to do with it, with some saying they want the U.S. troops to leave.
That the U.S. used a forward embedded group of special forces to shoot down the Ukrainian plane carrying Ukrainians and Canadians in order to get more support from around the world to defend their actions? The plane was shot down while at only 7,000 feet, which is in range for some shoulder mounted rockets that reach as high as 300 meters or 9,000+ feet. Also, this type of rocket ht would explain why the plane didn't break into pieces upon impact, but instead tried to either turn around to land, or was forced into a turn through damage.

I'm not sure if Iran is keeping this as a secret because they did it on accident, or that they have no idea how it happened and don't want other countries doing an investigation to eventually see that indeed it was their fault.

(Edit I somehow got my math wrong...) But of course we don't know if the U.S. may have a new weapon that could still do it.

That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've read today.

The US didn't shoot down that plane.

Iran did. Whether it was by accident or not will be determined in the investigation.

Do you question the moon landing, are you a 9-11 truther too?

Can't the ridiculous conspiracy theories stop?
That the U.S. used a forward embedded group of special forces to shoot down the Ukrainian plane carrying Ukrainians and Canadians in order to get more support from around the world to defend their actions? The plane was shot down while at only 7,000 feet, which is in range for some shoulder mounted rockets that reach as high as 300 meters or 9,000+ feet. Also, this type of rocket ht would explain why the plane didn't break into pieces upon impact, but instead tried to either turn around to land, or was forced into a turn through damage.

I'm not sure if Iran is keeping this as a secret because they did it on accident, or that they have no idea how it happened and don't want other countries doing an investigation to eventually see that indeed it was their fault.

(Edit I somehow got my math wrong...) But of course we don't know if the U.S. may have a new weapon that could still do it.

That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've read today.

The US didn't shoot down that plane.

Iran did. Whether it was by accident or not will be determined in the investigation.

Do you question the moon landing, are you a 9-11 truther too?

Can't the ridiculous conspiracy theories stop?

No I do not, but we have Trump in the White House and I don't trust what he may ask the military to do. He pardoned a man that did war crimes and who was so bad fellow Navy Seals turned him in. If you know anything about the brotherhood of special forces groups, the guy had to be bat shit crazy off the hook for them to do that risking their military careers. Then Trump was willing to hit cultural sites committing a war crime...

So no I don't put anything past Trump, especially when he got basically ZERO support from countries in the region and around the world.

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