Is Hillary Rodham Clinton Having a Nervous Breakdown?

Re- read the article. There were not FORTY SEVEN coin tosses.

"That means, for Clinton to have picked up the four delegates, she would have had to have won not six in a row, but more like 47."

Lol, I misread it; I took it from this sentence:

"That means, for Clinton to have picked up the four delegates, she would have had to have won not six in a row, but more like 47."
Caucuses are designed specifically to allow the party machine to keep control and block out/discourage organized opposition, which is why these bastards still run both parties.
For a good portion of time in this country, we didn't even have primaries and caucuses.

The party bosses picked them in smoke filled rooms.

Those smoke filled rooms were the caucuses, except for the highly corrupt Democrat urban machines who just used ward bosses to decide everything.

Caucus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A February 1763 entry in the diary of John Adams of Braintree, Massachusetts, is one of the earliest appearances of Caucas, already with its modern connotations of a "smoke-filled room" where candidates for public election are pre-selected in private:
This day learned that the Caucas Clubb meets at certain Times in the Garret of Tom Daws, the Adjutant of the Boston Regiment. He has a large House, and he has a moveable Partition in his Garrett, which he takes down and the whole Clubb meets in one Room. There they smoke tobacco till you cannot see from one End of the Garrett to the other. There they drink Phlip I suppose, and there they choose a Moderator, who puts Questions to the Vote regularly, and select Men, Assessors, Collectors, Wardens, Fire Wards, and Representatives are Regularly chosen before they are chosen in the Town...

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