Is Donald Trump a real "American"?

He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?
No he is not the real America but he speaks his mind and what he feels. This is what we all do. Are we wrong, sometimes, but at least he speaks what he things. This I respect. He is not a programed Bot like most of the DC bunch are.
He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?
We have an illegal alien crisis-all bets are off.
He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?
We have an illegal alien crisis-all bets are off.

Just another example of Trump spouting crazy crap to please his base, when he doesn't even understand what it means. So he wants to deny himself the right to vote or hold office? Of course not, but he is too stupid to know that removing citizenship birthright would do just that. The man is an idiot.
The Donald was born in the USA. The last President we had was born in Kenya.
He wanted to end ius soli (citizenship based on birth in the country of USA) and that you need 4 Grandparents born in the USA to vote. But he himself is not a descendant of pioneers, puritans and patriots etc. He is a second generation immigrant on his fathers side and a first generation immigrant on his mothers side. Any opinions?
We have an illegal alien crisis-all bets are off.

Just another example of Trump spouting crazy crap to please his base, when he doesn't even understand what it means. So he wants to deny himself the right to vote or hold office? Of course not, but he is too stupid to know that removing citizenship birthright would do just that. The man is an idiot.
Before Trump, many of us felt illegal aliens were a plague-I am an American, as were my parents, one set of grandparents were LEGAL immigrants. The others were born here. I don't consider my father's parents any less American than my mother's parents who weren't immigrants. If you are legal, it does not matter.

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