Is complaining to the U.N. our last resort regarding our abusive corrupt gov't?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Our human rights are being violated, our voice, our voting rights, our privacy, equal justice, protective rights, we are being discriminated against, harrassed, extorted, falsely charged, falsely imprisoned, abuses of power run amuck, corrupt processes, our money is being siphoned, our jobs and businesses and livlihoods stolen, we are being targeted and threatened, our gov't is made of people who have and are again protecting human traffickers and child abusers, involved in racketeering and money laundering, etc etc..
Shouldn't the world hear about the real corruption that exists in this illegitimate Gov't and be the embarrassment that it is in the global scene?
File your complaints to the UN, and make the stack of complaints reach the high ceiling.
Our human rights are being violated, our voice, our voting rights, our privacy, equal justice, protective rights, we are being discriminated against, harrassed, extorted, falsely charged, falsely imprisoned, abuses of power run amuck, corrupt processes, our money is being siphoned, our jobs and businesses and livlihoods stolen, we are being targeted and threatened, our gov't is made of people who have and are again protecting human traffickers and child abusers, involved in racketeering and money laundering, etc etc..
Shouldn't the world hear about the real corruption that exists in this illegitimate Gov't and be the embarrassment that it is in the global scene?
File your complaints to the UN, and make the stack of complaints reach the high ceiling.

Good luck. The UN's only agenda items are killing Jews and raping poor women.
As much as I am disgusted with the route many politicians have taken I believe I will be patient and wait for justice to fully unfold; as it will most definitely be coming.
Is complaining to the U.N. our last resort regarding our abusive corrupt gov't?



Fuck the worthless U.S. What are they gonna do? Pass a resolution and charge us billions for it? That's about all the U.N. has EVER done. Pass resolution. Charge American Tax Payers billions.

The last resort is already being considered in Texas.

Yea secede if you want to die

This isn't Canada there is no leaving the Union
Yea secede if you want to die

This isn't Canada there is no leaving the Union
WTF are you blabbering about?

Canada is still under the crown and Quebec failed to secede.
They have a legal right to at any time under their law

what teh fuck are you talking about?

the canadians pay them to stay hahaha

Texas has a legal right to secede because FUCK YOU! STOP US, BITCH!!

How's that for sound legal analysis?
You trump Nazis could try The World Court.‭ ‬But you will need help from a member nation to the U.N.‭ ‬Since Vladimir Putin has shown serious and continued interest in keeping your wannabe führer trump in the White House,‭ ‬perhaps he can make the necessary arrangements for a hearing.‭

The World Court,‭ ‬or The International Court of Justice,‭ ‬has its seat in The Hague,‭ ‬Netherlands,‭ ‬and is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.‭ ‬The Court may entertain two types of cases:‭ ‬legal disputes between States submitted to it by them‭ (‬contentious cases‭) ‬and requests for advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by United Nations organs and specialized agencies‭ (‬advisory proceedings‭)

Forty-five individuals have been indicted in the International Court of Justice,‭ ‬including Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony,‭ ‬former Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir,‭ ‬Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta,‭ ‬Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi,‭ ‬Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo,‭ ‬and DR Congo vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba.‭ ‬With Putin’s help and influence,‭ ‬you trump Nazis might succeed getting Joseph Biden’s name added to that list.

But,‭ ‬be warned,‭ ‬representatives of the International Court of Justice will likely give you an earful of facts concerning the many criminal actions by your wannabe führer trump,‭ ‬facts which you trump Nazis prefer to ignore and deny‭ (‬or defend and justify‭)‬.

Additionally,‭ ‬like U.S.‭ ‬courts of law,‭ ‬the International Court of Justice requires actual evidence supporting the allegations you will level against President Biden.‭ ‬The silly conspiracy theories concocted by you trump Nazis will be thrown out by the judges in the International Court of Justice,‭ ‬just as fast as your wannabe führer trump’s baseless allegations of election and voter fraud were thrown out of U.S.‭ ‬courts over the past couple of months.

But,‭ ‬it could be worth a try.

Yea secede if you want to die

This isn't Canada there is no leaving the Union
20 million Texas guns beg to differ.

good luck shooting down the drones as zooomers drop hellfire on you from Utah with an xbox controller
Boots on the ground.

Learn before you speak.

boots on the ground? do you not understand the demogrpahics at play here?

There is no need for boots ont eh ground

we have the industry to level texas conventionally a million times over. You wouldn't even need the national guard.

Why do secessionists not see the importance of demography or economics....? It would be the equivalent of the Candians declaring war on us. With a slightly more ornery populace.
Yea secede if you want to die

This isn't Canada there is no leaving the Union
20 million Texas guns beg to differ.

good luck shooting down the drones as zooomers drop hellfire on you from Utah with an xbox controller

Why do you retards always fall back on the "muh drones" argument? Do you honestly think people are just going to be standing in a goddamn field somewhere waiting for a drone to fly overhead? If "muh drones" were all that was necessary to put down an insurgency we wouldn't still be in Afghanistan 20 years on you fucking smoothbrain.
Yea secede if you want to die

This isn't Canada there is no leaving the Union
WTF are you blabbering about?

Canada is still under the crown and Quebec failed to secede.
They have a legal right to at any time under their law

what teh fuck are you talking about?

the canadians pay them to stay hahaha

Oh...So Quebec has the right to leave, but they "choose" to stay because the Canadian parliament (under control of The Crown) pays them to stay.

So much sovereignty!...So much freedom! :lmao:
Yea secede if you want to die

This isn't Canada there is no leaving the Union
20 million Texas guns beg to differ.

good luck shooting down the drones as zooomers drop hellfire on you from Utah with an xbox controller
Boots on the ground.

Learn before you speak.

boots on the ground? do you not understand the demogrpahics at play here?

There is no need for boots ont eh ground

we have the industry to level texas conventionally a million times over. You wouldn't even need the national guard.

Oh that's just brilliant. Yeah, just start bombing indiscriminately. No way you'd generate an endless cycle of new enemies right in your own backyard. And most certainly none of them would slip across the 1,000+ miles of contiguous border and go full Al Qaeda on some unsuspecting American cities... right?

Stop talking out of your ass.
Yea secede if you want to die

This isn't Canada there is no leaving the Union
WTF are you blabbering about?

Canada is still under the crown and Quebec failed to secede.
They have a legal right to at any time under their law

what teh fuck are you talking about?

the canadians pay them to stay hahaha

Oh...So Quebec has the right to leave, but they "choose" to stay because the Canadian parliament (under control of The Crown) pays them to stay.

So much sovereignty!...So much freedom! :lmao:

Yea that's what the frogs wanted, and they got it

You say that like you think quebec wuold have been better had they left. They would be a state or they'd be a shit hole

And the Canadians wanted to pay them.

Why the fuck are you commenting on this if you know literally nothing about it? God damn

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