Is climate change the new race card ???

I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
You mean your settled science?
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.
which GHG?
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.
The rules and regulations are only stroking the egos of the control freaks like yourself… Fact
by the way - I wrote in a candidate… Elmer Fudd, he gets no respect.
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.
. If your bull shite was true in every way that you talk about it, then China alone should have raised the sea levels to a dangerous number by now, and the temp should be slaying or laying waste to all of us by now. You people look for idiots to prey upon I believe, but your idiots have run out, and now your dealing with people who have called your bluff. There are adverse effects of industry doing business of course, but most of that is on a local scale (streams or creeks polluted or the air quality around the immediate area could be hampered due to operational reasons, but not on a global scale will we see the earth destroyed or altered by man and man alone. The environment renews itself daily as you know, and if changes are made to something (plant operations) that might be hindering the environment around it, otherwise as such as with air quality or pollution caused by the plant, then the area of concern will heal itself in an amazing rate when changes are made to those operations (i.e. changes made but not to outlaw as the extremist want). Mount St. Helens was a great example of the environment healing itself at a rate that was flat outright amazing. We are not idiots, and we know how to protect the environment while doing business here, and we can do it while becoming a strong and great nation again or all at the same time. The fear of doing business due to unsettled science is crazy, because while we blink the other nations become stronger and stronger. We can't be found weak in the world all due to people controlling us with something that they themselves can't prove is in every way true, but yet they expect us to lose in the world while the world laughs at us or finds us weak ? We can't be that dumb any longer, and that's if we haven't been dumb long enough already. Man won't destroy this planet, so those who think that he is or can, well they can just get off of their high horse thinking that they can. He can pollute it to the inth degree, but even then he won't destroy it. He can poison himself, but he won't destroy the world. It's impossible, and the suggestion that he will or will make it uninhabitable for man to live in or survive in is simply ridiculous. It is a scam to transfer wealth in my opinion. It is the new race card if anyone don't agree with these extremist.
The only redistribution going on is from the poor and middle to the rich.

Climate change is fact...Have fun sleeping as the world goes to shit.

Yeah youre right it is fact, the Earth never has the same climate, you passed basic science, congrats.
People gain & lose weight all the time so my diet of 5 pizzas & 6 beers a day is not the reason.

yeah climate change with weight, those are apples to apples, jesus you're terrible at this.

The climate changes all the time, we had spells 400-500 years ago that were both colder and hotter than today.....
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?

Funny how it's the US that has to look at their gasses, but not China or India, who pollute more than us...hmmmmmmmm

Pollution Index by Country 2016 Mid Year

We are near the bottom bro, those other countries aren't even touched.

And if it was so bad as Al Gore says, you would think he would have a modest house and tried not to use gas and electricity......but he uses more than everyone on this forum's a hoax for him and others to get rich at average folk's expense.
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?

Tell me child, what's the most egregious green house gas?
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
You mean your settled science?
The Other 98% - Sounds about right. Image via Daily Kos | Facebook
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?
That's fine if you want to do that sort of thing, just don't expect anyone else to do it. Control freaks just don't understand this is supposed to be somewhat of a free country....
Question for the deniers... You surly understand how ecosystems work, right? Take a fish tank. If not properly maintained it goes to shit very quickly and everything dies. Now scale the fishtank out to the much much larger and more complex world we live in. There is definitely an effect of polluting, drilling, dumping, burning etc etc... The question is what is that effect and how does it effect our habitat. I don't see why anybody would want to turn a blind eye to this or out right deny its existence... You do realize if it does have a significant effect or even a subtle one once it reaches a critical mass, the tipping point, there is no going back... Is that something you really want to gamble with or pass on to our future generations?

The earth has been changing since day one, it's arrogance to think you can change that fact. Solar cycles have more effect on earth temps than man will ever have. Responsible stewardship doesn't need to include playing Robinhood.
So when temps go up during a low energy solar cycle?
Man has been adding to the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. To dent that is well beypound stupid.

According to you, we should not look at the major spewers of these gases because that is being Robin Hood? Are you really this stupid?

Funny how it's the US that has to look at their gasses, but not China or India, who pollute more than us...hmmmmmmmm

Pollution Index by Country 2016 Mid Year

We are near the bottom bro, those other countries aren't even touched.

And if it was so bad as Al Gore says, you would think he would have a modest house and tried not to use gas and electricity......but he uses more than everyone on this forum's a hoax for him and others to get rich at average folk's expense.
We are talking about greenhouse gas emissions. We rank second.
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?
That's fine if you want to do that sort of thing, just don't expect anyone else to do it. Control freaks just don't understand this is supposed to be somewhat of a free country....
I wouldn't expect a selfish, uninformed jackass to give a shit about future generations. Do you have kids? Do you hate them?

You mist be so proud to think of the freedom to pollute & condemn future generations. You make me sick.
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
Much like gun control, climate change is used to control people... it's all about control
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
So according to you, to save the world, we should ban nature?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
How is reasonable gun regulations or climate change contrillimngh your lazy ass?
Not at all. There are many fsa ctors that go into our climate. We can't control nature.

We can control the amount of greenhouse gases we spew into the atmosphere.

But noooooooooooo. You assbholes are too GD stupid to grasp the science & instead believe the politicians bought & paid for by the fosil fuel industry. And you, obviously, are easily duped as you were by the Giant Cheeto,.
'Stupid, uninformed, uneducated people like you are easily duped.
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL
Except for the regulations and laws are not reasonable, they are just another way to try and control those they disagree with. Fucking assholes that want to eliminate constitutional rights.
That's another reason why this election came out the way it did, a big fuck you to progressive shit bags… LOL

Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?
No...we are dead fucking did you?

Do you have any fucking clue what your hoax is even about? :rofl:
Which ones are not reasonable? We need to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. How do you suppose doing it? But that is beside the point because you deny man is a factor. That is stupid. And there is no regulation that can change stupid.

There is NO constitutional right to pollute.

The idea that there are so many of you ignorant fucks voting for Trump helped him win.

You voted for a person who is too busy to for daily security briefings but has enough time to run a reality TV show. You pt so duped yet too stupid to know it.

Of course you've stopped breathing and walk everywhere you go, RIGHT?
Yet another ignorant POS Trump voter.

No one said we had to eliminate all emissions. We need to REDUCE greenhouse gad emissions. I have cut mine in half.

What have you done?

Really, how did you cut your dihydrogen-monoxcied emissions in half?
Wow, you were duped on that?
No...we are dead fucking did you?

Do you have any fucking clue what your hoax is even about? :rofl:

Do you?

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