Is Black Lives Matter Working For Hillary/Her Backers?


Jul 7, 2015
I mean, they are a joke either way - Micheal Brown is responsible for what happened to him, the officer had a right to protect himself and I'm glad he didn't turn out to be the victim of an attacking drugged up thug - yet BLM and the race-hustlers on the left, cling to, and act upon, often violently, a completely fabricated reality in which Brown was the victim, using this as a means to spread hatred and violence.

And Hillary needs a fired-up Black vote to have a chance in the general election.

Now they're going after Bernie Sanders, Hillary's only real obstacle to her nomination coronation.

Wonder if the plot is called "Operation Confederate Flag?"

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Wow, and it isn't isolated. I live in the South, pretty big metro area, large Black population, and every night on the evening news there are multiple Black on Black murders to report. Sometimes Black on White. Rarely, by comparison, White on anybody. Yet I'm treated to day after day reports in the mainstream media that Blacks are being targeted, are victims of evil White racists, frequently equated with Conservatives. I see the products of that kind of lie-based propaganda at work and on the internet, spewing falsehoods and conditioned outrage at these falsehoods like useful idiots, demanding to redraw the lines of free speech and by the way give me your gun, I've decided you don't have that right anymore either.

These are the people we must absolutely prevent from gaining any sort of power. It isn't about race. Race is a distraction. Screaming "racism," and "sexim," and "homophobe," and the like is a means to try to silence all who refuse to be bound by these Anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-freedom zealots of the PC left.
the DNC made and supported band of thugs. some real NICE people in it and their followers. Who didn't see something like this happening.

BREAKING: #BlackLivesMatter Supporter David Conley III Massacres 8, Including Kids
August 9, 2015 by Charles C. Johnson 6 Comments

David Ray Conley III

Black Lives Matter supporter David Ray Conley was charged with capital murder after 8 people were founded in his Harris County home.

We exclusively found his social media profiles and boy are they disturbing.

Conley calls himself a “HeadHunter” on his Facebook profile.

He’s also a supporter of #BlackLivesMatter, the social media hashtag campaign and riot instigating outfit.

ALL of it here:

BREAKING BlackLivesMatter Supporter David Conley III Massacres 8 Including Kids - GotNews
October 9, 2015
Black Lives Matter 'guest lecturer' at Yale defends looting
By Rick Moran

Yale Divinity School invited Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson to be a "guest lecturer" for two days on "transformational leadership." McKesson made it clear just how transformational his leadership was when he defended looting as a legitimate political tactic.

On Friday, McKesson will be one of the BLM activists meeting with Hillary Clinton. Perhaps Mrs. Clinton could broach the subject with Mr. McKesson and get his views on whether killing white cops is justified.

Fox News:


To believe that the looters in Ferguson who walked off with TV's, food, drugs, and liquor are the same as the patriots who dumped British tea into Boston Harbor might be the most idiotic analogy I've ever heard. Those looters in Ferguson, Baltimore and elsewhere were uninterested in politics and totally concerned with their own personal gratification.

It's a lame justification for breaking the law and not even in the ballpark when it comes to a political act. But Yale apparently approved the syllabus, which makes them complicit in this travesty. Not all "viewpoints and ideas" are acceptable. Yale has given its official imprimatur to a man who believes it is perfectly alright to use violence and property destruction as political weapons.

A dark day in American higher education.

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