Is Bernie looking at the VP slot?

after all the bitching he has done about hillary being a sellout to wall would make the man a pretty big sell out himself,as well as a fucking hypocrite....

face it, no one is looking for political insights from simpletons...
Compromise is sometimes (always) necessary if you want to get someone to do something they are not predisposed to do already.
1st post
Bernie has burned his bridges with respect to being Hillary's VP imo. Its not really appropriate in any case since he's whooped her ass in so many states. Being her VP would be pretty awkward.

The only reason Sanders has stayed in a race he's already lost, is to put pressure on Hillary Clinton to give him something, (a VP spot) which she won't do.

She would lose the election if she did. Republicans would use his policies and his rant & rave, including his praising of one of the most brutal, murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century to defeat her. IOW it wouldn't be about her policies, it would be about his.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

The only thing Bernie Sanders is going to get is a swift boot in the ass, on June 7th when she secures the nomination. Hillary only needs 73 more delegates, Sanders needs 841 which is mathematically impossible.

If you're dreaming about those 714 Democrat Super Delegates moving over to Bernie at the convention, forget it. He has alienated the entire Democrat party. A ticket that they allowed him to run on, by changing his party status to Democrat, he is now abusing. Hillary Clinton is 3 million+ votes ahead of Sanders, she was 1 million votes ahead of Trump, prior to Ted Cruz dropping out of this race, and Bernie comes in last place well behind both of them.

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5th post
Bernie has burned his bridges with respect to being Hillary's VP imo. Its not really appropriate in any case since he's whooped her ass in so many states. Being her VP would be pretty awkward.
Well, it's not like Hillary wouldn't murder her own grandchild to get elected. I think the question boils down to whether she thinks she has to take him to win.

And, what Bernie said about Castro and the Sandinistas was ..... true. I'm not a socialist, but the thing about Bernie is that he really is genuine .... in the same sense that your crazy uncle who cashed in his retirement to move to Colorado to work as a barista and get legal pot is genuine.
Bernie has burned his bridges with respect to being Hillary's VP imo. Its not really appropriate in any case since he's whooped her ass in so many states. Being her VP would be pretty awkward.
Well, it's not like Hillary wouldn't murder her own grandchild to get elected. I think the question boils down to whether she thinks she has to take him to win.

And, what Bernie said about Castro and the Sandinistas was ..... true. I'm not a socialist, but the thing about Bernie is that he really is genuine .... in the same sense that your crazy uncle who cashed in his retirement to move to Colorado to work as a barista and get legal pot is genuine.

Hillary could not control Bernie, think Biden on steroids. You would have a president and VP engaged in public arguments.

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