Is being "for the Middle Class" the same as being "for America"?

Well, if Democrats were really for the middle class or America, they would introduce initiatives to get people off of welfare and into a job. But I don't see that. Keep people poor to keep them voting for you!

The GOP talks constantly about jobs, but has done nothing in the house to promote jobs.
They just wasted weeks on an unconstitutional abortion bill, which will go nowhere.

You've had how many years to pass a jobs bill? 5 years? If you guys really did care, you would have voted on the THIRTY SOMETHING ODD JOBS BILLS THAT THE HOUSE PASSED SINCE 2011!! I mean geez, you guys were too encompassed in passing a disastrous healthcare overhaul when you had the supermajorities in both houses.

You had the key to the vault, but decided to pick the lock instead. What a fail.

I don't wanna hear it.

LMAO. John Boner, "jobs will be the number one priority of theh House". So the House passes a bunch of bull shit "jobs bills" knowing that they were DOA when sent to the Senate.

You call that "helping" the citizens of the country have jiobs. I call it political theater.

Hey, you have any idea what was in those job bills? Besides Drill baby drill.
in 2012 I was in the 33% bracket my total tax was about 22% of my income

So tell me how is that "fair" when millions of people pay a lesser percentage or nothing at all?

I see you avoided the question. What was your total income and your total Federal tax for 2012? How hard is that?

Why the fuck should I tell you my income?

You won't believe me anyway and I'm not posting my tax returns for you.

So if it makes it easier for you let's not use me as an example.

I assume you can understand that some people pay a much higher percentage of their income to the feds than others so why should anyone have to pay upwards of 20% or more when others pay much less or nothing at all?

You've already told everyone how much you make.

33% =

Single $183,251 – $398,350
Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er) $223,051 – $398,350
Married Filing Separately $111,526 – $199,175
Head of Household $203,151 – $398,350


Your claim of 'my total tax was about 22% of my income' is where I call bull shit....
The GOP talks constantly about jobs, but has done nothing in the house to promote jobs.
They just wasted weeks on an unconstitutional abortion bill, which will go nowhere.

You've had how many years to pass a jobs bill? 5 years? If you guys really did care, you would have voted on the THIRTY SOMETHING ODD JOBS BILLS THAT THE HOUSE PASSED SINCE 2011!! I mean geez, you guys were too encompassed in passing a disastrous healthcare overhaul when you had the supermajorities in both houses.

You had the key to the vault, but decided to pick the lock instead. What a fail.

I don't wanna hear it.

LMAO. John Boner, "jobs will be the number one priority of theh House". So the House passes a bunch of bull shit "jobs bills" knowing that they were DOA when sent to the Senate.

You call that "helping" the citizens of the country have jiobs. I call it political theater.

Hey, you have any idea what was in those job bills? Besides Drill baby drill.

A Republican 'jobs bill' is taxpayer subsidy for big business.

I love it when crapvuto on faux brings on the former CEO of Home Depot who continues to parrot the statement, "We couldn't open Home Depot stores under Obama" but never states the actual reason, which is.....Every Home Depot store was built using taxpayer subsidy.
in 2012 I was in the 33% bracket my total tax was about 22% of my income

So tell me how is that "fair" when millions of people pay a lesser percentage or nothing at all?

I see you avoided the question. What was your total income and your total Federal tax for 2012? How hard is that?

Why the fuck should I tell you my income?

You won't believe me anyway and I'm not posting my tax returns for you.

So if it makes it easier for you let's not use me as an example.

I assume you can understand that some people pay a much higher percentage of their income to the feds than others so why should anyone have to pay upwards of 20% or more when others pay much less or nothing at all?

As well you shouldn't.
I was always taught that was the ultimate NOYB type discussion.

Hell, until my dad died, I never knew how much hemade
I see you avoided the question. What was your total income and your total Federal tax for 2012? How hard is that?

Why the fuck should I tell you my income?

You won't believe me anyway and I'm not posting my tax returns for you.

So if it makes it easier for you let's not use me as an example.

I assume you can understand that some people pay a much higher percentage of their income to the feds than others so why should anyone have to pay upwards of 20% or more when others pay much less or nothing at all?

As well you shouldn't.
I was always taught that was the ultimate NOYB type discussion.

Hell, until my dad died, I never knew how much hemade

So when a poster brings up a point and you ask them to prove it you can yell NOYB?
People that pay nothing usually have nothing to begin with.

Wish my dad had been president, admiral, governor or car company executive like Bush, Romney and McCain. My life would be so much easier if I didn't know the number of houses my wife owns.
I see you avoided the question. What was your total income and your total Federal tax for 2012? How hard is that?

Why the fuck should I tell you my income?

You won't believe me anyway and I'm not posting my tax returns for you.

So if it makes it easier for you let's not use me as an example.

I assume you can understand that some people pay a much higher percentage of their income to the feds than others so why should anyone have to pay upwards of 20% or more when others pay much less or nothing at all?

You've already told everyone how much you make.

33% =

Single $183,251 – $398,350
Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er) $223,051 – $398,350
Married Filing Separately $111,526 – $199,175
Head of Household $203,151 – $398,350


Your claim of 'my total tax was about 22% of my income' is where I call bull shit....
And nothing but me posting my tax returns will do for you and that ain't happening.

Suffice it to say in 2012 I paid about 65K in federal income taxes and I didn't come anywhere near receiving services from the fucking government worth that amount.
People that pay nothing usually have nothing to begin with.

Wish my dad had been president, admiral, governor or car company executive like Bush, Romney and McCain. My life would be so much easier if I didn't know the number of houses my wife owns.

Anyone with an income should pay income tax.
Of the 34 nations identified as the "First World"( all of whom naturally must have have significant middle classes) the United States of America's middle class ranks 27th in terms of aggregate wealth.

In other worlds, folks, our middle class is already one of the poorest middle classes in the world.

Not entirely surprising given that of the industrial world, our nation offers its population the least upward mobility.

Knowing statistics like the above, one can understand why some tools DENY the existence of CLASS in America.

If one can dismiss a concept like CLASS from discussions about one's society, one cannot really even discuss society rationally since all societies are subject to and created by their very CLASS structure

Now the irony is that the very same kinds of social thinkers who DENY the existence of CLASS, are the very same people who argue for the BENEFITS of TRICKLE DOWN eECONOMICS, an economic theory predicated on the belief that helping the INVESTOR CLASS to prime the economic pump benefits the OTHER classes in that society.

So what we see is that those who DENY CLASS as a rational concept in social science, only do so when it serves their purposes TO DENY it.
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Of the 34 nations identified as the "First World"( all of whom naturally must have have significant middle classes) the United States of America's middle class ranks 27th in terms of aggregate wealth.

In other worlds, folks, our middle class is already one of the poorest middle classes in the world.

Not entirely surprising given that of the industrial world, our nation offers its population the least upward mobility.

Maybe because they spend more than they make.

Poor savings habits are the problem here not income.
Of the 34 nations identified as the "First World"( all of whom naturally must have have significant middle classes) the United States of America's middle class ranks 27th in terms of aggregate wealth.

In other worlds, folks, our middle class is already one of the poorest middle classes in the world.

Not entirely surprising given that of the industrial world, our nation offers its population the least upward mobility.

Maybe because they spend more than they make.

Poor savings habits are the problem here not income.

Yeah, maybe.

Or maybe not.
Why the fuck should I tell you my income?

You won't believe me anyway and I'm not posting my tax returns for you.

So if it makes it easier for you let's not use me as an example.

I assume you can understand that some people pay a much higher percentage of their income to the feds than others so why should anyone have to pay upwards of 20% or more when others pay much less or nothing at all?

You've already told everyone how much you make.

33% =

Single $183,251 – $398,350
Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er) $223,051 – $398,350
Married Filing Separately $111,526 – $199,175
Head of Household $203,151 – $398,350


Your claim of 'my total tax was about 22% of my income' is where I call bull shit....
And nothing but me posting my tax returns will do for you and that ain't happening.

Suffice it to say in 2012 I paid about 65K in federal income taxes and I didn't come anywhere near receiving services from the fucking government worth that amount.

I never asked you to post your tax return. I simply asked for your total income and your total Federal taxes paid.

So you made $295k? And paid $65K or 22%? You do understand that with existing tax codes you paid too much. You need to head back to your CPA and have him/her sharpen his/her pencil. You seem to have failed tax planning 101. God I hope you have a CPA....

I made $16.5M in 2012 and paid $495K in Federal taxes, which leaves me with $16M....Cha Ching! I don't use that much in services, or do I. I drive my electric car on Federal highways, every State receives Federal monies for roads and infrastructure, I fly private (about 200 hours per year) so the FAA tower, and my biggest.....The two companies I angel invest receive 30% +/- per year of their income from the Feds.
People that pay nothing usually have nothing to begin with.

Wish my dad had been president, admiral, governor or car company executive like Bush, Romney and McCain. My life would be so much easier if I didn't know the number of houses my wife owns.

Anyone with an income should pay income tax.

The only people who don't pay are the really poor and sometimes the very rich. The poor don't need things to be any more difficult than they already are. The very rich clearly should be paying.
Why would rich people want to hang out on a middle class message board where most of the participants evidentally don't have a job anymore. And all that is accomplished every day is one upmanship on the same ole topics. Guns, abortions and how much Obama is hated. Weird. I thought you one percenters had better things to do with your time. I know I do. Off to work.
People that pay nothing usually have nothing to begin with.

Wish my dad had been president, admiral, governor or car company executive like Bush, Romney and McCain. My life would be so much easier if I didn't know the number of houses my wife owns.

Anyone with an income should pay income tax.

With that logic, if your income is so little, why not live off the government?

Doncha wonder why Romney refused to show us his tax returns. How is he different than any other multi, multi millionaire?
Why would rich people want to hang out on a middle class message board where most of the participants evidentally don't have a job anymore. And all that is accomplished every day is one upmanship on the same ole topics. Guns, abortions and how much Obama is hated. Weird. I thought you one percenters had better things to do with your time. I know I do. Off to work.

USMB Republicans consider themselves "millionaires without funds". They are just trying to protect the wealth of their "friends" because one day, their "ship will come in". See how that works? They are protecting the money they will have in the future when "rich" happens.
You've already told everyone how much you make.

33% =

Single $183,251 – $398,350
Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er) $223,051 – $398,350
Married Filing Separately $111,526 – $199,175
Head of Household $203,151 – $398,350


Your claim of 'my total tax was about 22% of my income' is where I call bull shit....
And nothing but me posting my tax returns will do for you and that ain't happening.

Suffice it to say in 2012 I paid about 65K in federal income taxes and I didn't come anywhere near receiving services from the fucking government worth that amount.

I never asked you to post your tax return. I simply asked for your total income and your total Federal taxes paid.

So you made $295k? And paid $65K or 22%? You do understand that with existing tax codes you paid too much. You need to head back to your CPA and have him/her sharpen his/her pencil. You seem to have failed tax planning 101. God I hope you have a CPA....

I made $16.5M in 2012 and paid $495K in Federal taxes, which leaves me with $16M....Cha Ching! I don't use that much in services, or do I. I drive my electric car on Federal highways, every State receives Federal monies for roads and infrastructure, I fly private (about 200 hours per year) so the FAA tower, and my biggest.....The two companies I angel invest receive 30% +/- per year of their income from the Feds.

You cannot say I paid too much without knowing the details of my income and my deductible expenses so don't try and play Kreskin here.
People that pay nothing usually have nothing to begin with.

Wish my dad had been president, admiral, governor or car company executive like Bush, Romney and McCain. My life would be so much easier if I didn't know the number of houses my wife owns.

Anyone with an income should pay income tax.

With that logic, if your income is so little, why not live off the government?

Doncha wonder why Romney refused to show us his tax returns. How is he different than any other multi, multi millionaire?

If you buy a gallon of gas you pay federal gas taxes

if you earn an income you should pay federal income taxes

Income is no different than any other taxable entity.

The problem is that the rates are too high. Lower the rate and charge everyone exactly the same.
Why the fuck should I tell you my income?

You won't believe me anyway and I'm not posting my tax returns for you.

So if it makes it easier for you let's not use me as an example.

I assume you can understand that some people pay a much higher percentage of their income to the feds than others so why should anyone have to pay upwards of 20% or more when others pay much less or nothing at all?

As well you shouldn't.
I was always taught that was the ultimate NOYB type discussion.

Hell, until my dad died, I never knew how much hemade

So when a poster brings up a point and you ask them to prove it you can yell NOYB?

Income? Yes
Phone number?
Bra size?....well, that's different

But there IS some information that's too personal and has no bearing on the matter

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