Is Anybody On Here Going To Vote For Biden?

Exactly....we’re getting buyers regret from people who want an excuse to vote for the criminal Trump..
It’s the “gee, I have gophers in the back yard, think I’ll vote against Biden” excuse.
It doesn't matter who really did what.

The people of America are experiencing buyers remorse and are looking to rectify their purchase of Joe Biden for all the reasons I listed above and more. They are still blaming Joe for those things. Meanwhile when Joe comes on television to prove he isn't senile he has a massive gaff when talking about the foreign Presidents of Egypt and Mexico.

Meaning that his age really is catching up with him and the negatives surrounding Kamala are huge...nobody wants her either. Which is why nobody seems to be in a hurry to invoke the 25th....there isn't a soul alive who would forgive the Democrats for installing her as Chief. Her teeth are too sharp...

And the many accusations at Trump are currently backfiring. Nobody pays them any attention anymore. They are viewed as dirty politics. Sure Trump is brash...but Democrats are being Evil in not trying to get along well enough to get to the business of running the nation.
Smoking that primo weed again? You mean everything BiDumbfuck and the rest of the dogshit Democrats have done TO my country.

And I think you dropped something:

It doesn't matter who really did what.

The people of America are experiencing buyers remorse and are looking to rectify their purchase of Joe Biden for all the reasons I listed above and more. They are still blaming Joe for those things. Meanwhile when Joe comes on television to prove he isn't senile he has a massive gaff when talking about the foreign Presidents of Egypt and Mexico.

Meaning that his age really is catching up with him and the negatives surrounding Kamala are huge...nobody wants her either. Which is why nobody seems to be in a hurry to invoke the 25th....there isn't a soul alive who would forgive the Democrats for installing her as Chief. Her teeth are too sharp...

And the many accusations at Trump are currently backfiring. Nobody pays them any attention anymore. They are viewed as dirty politics. Sure Trump is brash...but Democrats are being Evil in not trying to get along well enough to get to the business of running the nation.
The real remorse is among that significant group who voted for Trump four years and will never do so again.
It doesn't matter who really did what.

The people of America are experiencing buyers remorse and are looking to rectify their purchase of Joe Biden for all the reasons I listed above and more. They are still blaming Joe for those things. Meanwhile when Joe comes on television to prove he isn't senile he has a massive gaff when talking about the foreign Presidents of Egypt and Mexico.

Meaning that his age really is catching up with him and the negatives surrounding Kamala are huge...nobody wants her either. Which is why nobody seems to be in a hurry to invoke the 25th....there isn't a soul alive who would forgive the Democrats for installing her as Chief. Her teeth are too sharp...

And the many accusations at Trump are currently backfiring. Nobody pays them any attention anymore. They are viewed as dirty politics. Sure Trump is brash...but Democrats are being Evil in not trying to get along well enough to get to the business of running the nation.
Gee, we only need to look at all the legislation he’s passed that actually helped Americans ? If that’s a sample, we need more not fewer people with dementia. Compare that to the clues clowns on the right who diss, science, medicine, the constitution and women.
More people voted against him. Nearly half of the people who voted for Biden in 2020 listed their primary motivation as a desire to vote against Trump.
Yup. And nothing has changed this time around.
A little secret though, the first side to nominate a 40 year old without a criminal record, wins.
The real remorse is among that significant group who voted for Trump four years and will never do so again.
That's wishful thinking at this point.

It's not looking good for Biden. Just saying what's coming. IDC who is president...not really going to affect my life one way or the other. YMMV.

I'm much more concerned about my house, my garden, my lawn and my relationships with family and friends than politics. I'm not ignorant of politics...just don't really care about people who tell me what they think I want to hear and think on any given topic.
just don't really care about people who tell me what they think I want to hear and think on any given topic.
Now imagine how a woman feels going into a pregnancy that regardless of what happens, how complicated it gets or possibley life threatening to her or a deformed child, the govt will force he to go against her doctors life saving advice. Your example pales in comparison to a woman’s . Your life isn’t at risk.
Gee, we only need to look at all the legislation he’s passed that actually helped Americans ? If that’s a sample, we need more not fewer people with dementia. Compare that to the clues clowns on the right who diss, science, medicine, the constitution and women.
Now you know as well as I do that the vast majority of citizens don't know who does what or why. Even though local politics has a huge role in people's lives vx the tiny role Federal Government plays....but Federal Government is the squeaky wheel that gets all the grease or blame for everything.

I'm not saying it's right...but that's just what is. Whether you like Biden or Democrats is not relevant to what is currently the state of the nation.

Every day people look at the stock market and hold their breath expecting it to crash.

That's not exactly a portend of glad tidings for the current administration.
Now imagine how a woman feels going into a pregnancy that regardless of what happens, how complicated it gets or possibley life threatening to her or a deformed child, the govt will force he to go against her doctors life saving advice. Your example pales in comparison to a woman’s . Your life isn’t at risk.
Again....not relevant or connected to Trump by the citizens.
No...because he did do a few good things. Like student loan forgiveness.

Okay so how many bad things has he done because I seriously have lost track. I still say let's go Brandon. (I was going to say the other thing but I've been trying to use cleaner language. I've had a few slips but I've actually been making progress with substitution words thanks to advice from The Irish Ram. :) )
Okay so how many bad things has he done because I seriously have lost track. I still say let's go Brandon. (I was going to say the other thing but I've been trying to use cleaner language. I've had a few slips but I've actually been making progress with substitution words thanks to advice from The Irish Ram. :) )

Interesting. Let’s be reasonable for a moment. Biden was supposedly responsible for high gas prices. But the same people who claim that do not give Biden credit when the prices come down. They shout it doesn’t have anything to do with Biden.

I was taught that things must be equal. If you give someone responsibility you have to give them the authority to make the responsibility happen. You can’t just blame them. In politics that is true also. If you are going to blame someone, you have to give them credit too.

Afghanistan. The claim is that Biden bungled the withdrawal. The plan recognized that the country was going to collapse. So we ran for the exit.

If you claim he shouldn’t have pulled out, the pull out was a deal arranged by Trump.

Let’s say I hire you to run a business for me. You get there and find out the previous manager signed some really bad deals. Is it fair to blame you for the mistakes the previous boss made? Or should I give you credit for doing the best you could with the hand you were dealt?

Unemployment. With low unemployment the fiscal focused people should be thrilled. More people working and fewer on unemployment. Yay team. But those same people scream it is a lie because many of those jobs are part time. Those same people argue that people should hustle and make their own money instead of welfare or food stamps to support them. So the people are hustling and that is a bad thing. Make up your minds.

If you take every issue that has been claimed about Biden you find almost all of them are either hypocritical bullshit or lies.

I’m told that the Right thinks for themselves. But do they really?
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It doesn't matter who really did what.

The people of America are experiencing buyers remorse and are looking to rectify their purchase of Joe Biden for all the reasons I listed above and more. They are still blaming Joe for those things. Meanwhile when Joe comes on television to prove he isn't senile he has a massive gaff when talking about the foreign Presidents of Egypt and Mexico.

Meaning that his age really is catching up with him and the negatives surrounding Kamala are huge...nobody wants her either. Which is why nobody seems to be in a hurry to invoke the 25th....there isn't a soul alive who would forgive the Democrats for installing her as Chief. Her teeth are too sharp...

And the many accusations at Trump are currently backfiring. Nobody pays them any attention anymore. They are viewed as dirty politics. Sure Trump is brash...but Democrats are being Evil in not trying to get along well enough to get to the business of running the nation.
Nothing you said here is true. Trump is 78 and thought Nikki Haley was Nancy Pelosi and he has made numerous mistakes in referencing foreign leaders and you ignore it.
Okay so how many bad things has he done because I seriously have lost track. I still say let's go Brandon. (I was going to say the other thing but I've been trying to use cleaner language. I've had a few slips but I've actually been making progress with substitution words thanks to advice from The Irish Ram. :) )
That's just it...
Very few people will remember the good things because of the Huge volume of negative campaigning.

Meaning that currently the only negatives about Trump are being dismissed or of which was his lack of control over banks and banking regulations.

The Current FDA problems also grew under Trump's watch as well as Ukraine/Russia.

Each President has positives and negatives. That doesn't mean that one is truly worse than another because it's an entire huge administration that gets elected. So far Trump's first term was a 50/50 and had a few big names running about his cabinet that were just names with no substance. Let's see if he goes with substance this time.

Biden's cabinet was names and DEI people. They have proven to be no more competent than Trump's...but there is hope isn't there? Maybe he learned something the first time and can do better the second....we shall see won't we?

What we really need is something to "Jumpstart" the economy. Biden was supposed to rebuild our infrastructure but all he did was institute EVs with nothing much else. It was supposed to be bridges, roads, and etc. We did get an upgraded Dock/Ports system....let's see if they work! Because currently we are still having supply chain issues.

We need chip manufacturing HERE. We have some...and Intel was NOT the company to use for such things. They have had upper management morality issues for a while. Giving them incentives is just handing them cash with no results....just like giving Verizon money to improve data networks only gave them money with nothing to show for it.

So....let's see what Trump can do with another that he has had a breather to reflect on the first term.
Nothing you said here is true. Trump is 78 and thought Nikki Haley was Nancy Pelosi and he has made numerous mistakes in referencing foreign leaders and you ignore it.
I'm not exactly a Trump fan...
Known all about him since I lived in NY in the late 80's and early 90's.
I'm just relating perceptions of the general public who will vote. You may not like it...but it's just what the perceptions are. Truth is always sidestepped for perceptions.

Democrats are going to lose this election and then do whatever. They wasted so much time going after Trump they FAILED to build infrastructure and do the things that people elected Biden to do. And instead of saying so much stuff about Trump...why not tell what is wanted to be accomplished during a comatose Joe Biden 2nd Presidency....because his cognitive skills are not going to make it for a second term. He probably is not a complete bungling old man but that doesn't mean he is capable of doing the job...especially with his current memory issues.
Okay so how many bad things has he done because I seriously have lost track. I still say let's go Brandon. (I was going to say the other thing but I've been trying to use cleaner language. I've had a few slips but I've actually been making progress with substitution words thanks to advice from The Irish Ram. :) )
Let’s just look for what Biden has been indicted and plead ir convicted guilt for compared to Trump.
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