Is America un-salvageable?


Active Member
Sep 17, 2022
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I am grieving all the time.. if only subconsciously


It seems America was such a great idea but it is gone now.

Maybe the voting systems across Amereica will be in perfect shape in 22 and 24 and all is not lost but i just don't know.. The thugs rigged the election and God knows what they will do again. You know, they live in this world completely, never looking forward to the next Realm because they are too wise to believe in Heaven and Hell, dontcha know?

so they act like this world is just SO important and so.. gotta have it all, whether we violate the 10 Commandments or whatever the hell we have to do.

that's not to say that Christians should ignore this life. . not hardly. But the dims act like their lives depend on being in control. That's sick. I mean, if you have to violate your conscience to get what you (think you) want---Well, whatever.
The thugs rigged the election and God knows what they will do again. You know, they live in this world completely, never looking forward to the next Realm because they are too wise to believe in Heaven and Hell, dontcha know?

Yup, you caught us

The fun part was that 2020 was just a practice run, 2022 and 2024 will be Republican massacres

You have no idea how we did it in 2020, what makes you think you can stop us now?

I am grieving all the time.. if only subconsciously


It seems America was such a great idea but it is gone now.

Maybe the voting systems across Amereica will be in perfect shape in 22 and 24 and all is not lost but i just don't know.. The thugs rigged the election and God knows what they will do again. You know, they live in this world completely, never looking forward to the next Realm because they are too wise to believe in Heaven and Hell, dontcha know?

so they act like this world is just SO important and so.. gotta have it all, whether we violate the 10 Commandments or whatever the hell we have to do.

that's not to say that Christians should ignore this life. . not hardly. But the dims act like their lives depend on being in control. That's sick. I mean, if you have to violate your conscience to get what you (think you) want---Well, whatever.
I am non-religious but I pray for you. Nah.
Well, since the OP asked the question.

NO, this country cannot be saved.

The reason is very hurtful, so I shan't be specific.

There are some people in this country that simply cannot and never will -- despite all the money already spent on the problem -- be a harmonious part of American society.

Eventually (in the next century), the country will implode when most Americans can simply no longer tolerate the misery caused by such disharmony.
I am grieving all the time.. if only subconsciously


It seems America was such a great idea but it is gone now.

Maybe the voting systems across Amereica will be in perfect shape in 22 and 24 and all is not lost but i just don't know.. The thugs rigged the election and God knows what they will do again. You know, they live in this world completely, never looking forward to the next Realm because they are too wise to believe in Heaven and Hell, dontcha know?

so they act like this world is just SO important and so.. gotta have it all, whether we violate the 10 Commandments or whatever the hell we have to do.

that's not to say that Christians should ignore this life. . not hardly. But the dims act like their lives depend on being in control. That's sick. I mean, if you have to violate your conscience to get what you (think you) want---Well, whatever.
You are granting them way too much credit to believe most of these sheeple have an actual conscience.
For most, that has been blocked by cognitive dissonance & replaced with an "ends justify the means" dogma where Christians, conservatives & white people represent evil.

Lying, cheating & stealing is OK as long as it advances their greater good Utopian pipe dream where we all disappear & they thrive as robots do their work while benevolent masters provide all they need.
You can't reason with people that have abandoned logic.
History tells that the fledgling United States withstood a second British invasion after the Revolution and about fifty years later the Country split apart. We withstood two world wars and conflicts that were not popular and the assassination of four presidents and attempted assassination of about three. The Brandon administration is barely a glitch in the history books.
I am non-religious but I pray for you. Nah.
I am religious and I pray for you. Jesus is the only Way to Heaven and from what I've heard about Hell

I wouldn't want my worst enemy to go there (unless he insisted, of course-but he won't like it once he's there and can never get out)
History tells that the fledgling United States withstood a second British invasion after the Revolution and about fifty years later the Country split apart. We withstood two world wars and conflicts that were not popular and the assassination of four presidents and attempted assassination of about three. The Brandon administration is barely a glitch in the history books.
I don't think so

he is the worst, the abslute worst president. And we thought obummer was bad.

maybe I'd agree with u if there were no more years to this admin..
You are granting them way too much credit to believe most of these sheeple have an actual conscience.
For most, that has been blocked by cognitive dissonance & replaced with an "ends justify the means" dogma where Christians, conservatives & white people represent evil.

Lying, cheating & stealing is OK as long as it advances their greater good Utopian pipe dream where we all disappear & they thrive as robots do their work while benevolent masters provide all they need.
You can't reason with people that have abandoned logic.
I don't really get what you are saying. Who is it who doesn't have a conscience?

your response does not seem to coincide w/ what I was saying... :dunno:
I am grieving all the time.. if only subconsciously


It seems America was such a great idea but it is gone now.

Maybe the voting systems across Amereica will be in perfect shape in 22 and 24 and all is not lost but i just don't know.. The thugs rigged the election and God knows what they will do again. You know, they live in this world completely, never looking forward to the next Realm because they are too wise to believe in Heaven and Hell, dontcha know?

so they act like this world is just SO important and so.. gotta have it all, whether we violate the 10 Commandments or whatever the hell we have to do.

that's not to say that Christians should ignore this life. . not hardly. But the dims act like their lives depend on being in control. That's sick. I mean, if you have to violate your conscience to get what you (think you) want---Well, whatever.
The American dream is over and never coming back j

Lately I rather follow Israel news
If it continues like it is now, yes, it will be totally unsalvageable soon.

In fact, America is well on its way to total annihilation as we speak.....crumbling before our very eyes!
I don't really get what you are saying. Who is it who doesn't have a conscience?

your response does not seem to coincide w/ what I was saying... :dunno:
Sorry about that.
Obviously I was referencing your last line in the OP said "I mean, if you have to violate your conscience to get what you (think you) want"
I'm saying the left doesn't have an actual conscience, they have cognitive dissonance to block it & an ends justify the means dogma to replace it
Yup, you caught us

The fun part was that 2020 was just a practice run, 2022 and 2024 will be Republican massacres

You have no idea how we did it in 2020, what makes you think you can stop us now?

It's gonna be fun watching those trucks bringing ballots after midnight being burned to the ground.
Yup, you caught us

The fun part was that 2020 was just a practice run, 2022 and 2024 will be Republican massacres

You have no idea how we did it in 2020, what makes you think you can stop us now?

Do you really wanna find out? The 2020 election was fabricated from whole cloth.

Real people outweigh Democrats voters by 30% or more. I know we can stop you.
I don't really get what you are saying. Who is it who doesn't have a conscience?

your response does not seem to coincide w/ what I was saying... :dunno:
He's being a shitass.
It's gonna be fun watching those trucks bringing ballots after midnight being burned to the ground.

Good luck with that one

Last election, me and my liberal buddies had a ballot stuffing party.
We sat around drinking beer and filling out fake ballots for Biden
Then we snuck them in when nobody was looking

Biden 306
Trump 232

Good luck with that one

Last election, me and my liberal buddies had a ballot stuffing party.
We sat around drinking beer and filling out fake ballots for Biden
Then we snuck them in when nobody was looking

Biden 306
Trump 232

Better yet, I hired 2000 mules.
Good luck with that one

Last election, me and my liberal buddies had a ballot stuffing party.
We sat around drinking beer and filling out fake ballots for Biden
Then we snuck them in when nobody was looking

Biden 306
Trump 232

It's gonna be fun watching those trucks bringing ballots after midnight being burned to the ground.

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