Is a socialist POTUS an inevitable outcome as we become a ‘browner’ nation?

As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.

This OP trash isn't the GOP. This OP trash is a flat out racist POS. Nothing more, nothing less. He posts the same thread topic over and over. All we are doing is indulging its unhealthy obsession.
What they don't realize is that minorities see is the fact that very few from his side challenge him on it.

That speaks volumes, by itself, in their eyes.

You didn't see LeftOfLeft's response to my question?

Neither did I. :dunno:
This is how they enable each other's worst behaviors, and then wonder why so many minorities have a problem with it.
As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.
Please provide a single example of the GOP "excusing and enabling racial bigotry."

One thing we know: the left will never tire of accusing Republicans of being racist.
Guys. Let's not overlook the fact that BrokeLoser stated that white people can make socialism work. BrokeLoser is a closet Bernie bro.
A one-off? There are at least 50 other posters just as openly racist on this message board, and this is just a message board with maybe a few dozen active users. There are 300 million people in this country.

that is a good point, one of BLs fellow GOPers just the other day said that James Byrd deserved to be beaten and drug behind a truck just because he was black and not a single person on the "right" called him out for it.
I didn't even see it.
As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.
Please provide a single example of the GOP "excusing and enabling racial bigotry."

One thing we know: the left will never tire of accusing Republicans of being racist.

Do you oppose BrokeLoser's views on race?
As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.

Mac, are you sure that isn’t just a figment of your imagination? Who withinn the GOP “excuses and enables racial bigotry” and how do they do it?
Well, it certainly could be a figment of my imagination, and that of millions others.

It could also be specific and clear things that we see many on the Right do and say, and DON'T do and say:
  • Trump's lie that he didn't know what David Duke was, after previously calling him "a racist and a problem"
  • Trumpsters refusing to hold him accountable for the above
  • Trump's Charlottesville comments, clearly tossed out to placate his base
  • Trumpsters refusing to take concerns about those comments even REMOTELY seriously
  • Widespread Right wing refusal to admit that racism still exists, while minorities know quite the opposite first hand
  • Countless comments by you and other Trumpster bigots on this very site, none of which are challenged by other Trumpsters
  • The fact that you're going to dismiss, deny, downplay and mock these examples
You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

You asked, I answered. I know you won't agree.

Racism is born from stereotypes, stereotypes are born from behavior.
Racism is here to stay until brown and black folks change their behavior and shake the stereotypes.
Why do you struggle to understand that?
Why not exhaust more effort exposing those who manifest the stereotype?

You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

Why do you always think we take the amount of melanin into account...could it be the behavioral differences that are observed?
Why does it bother you that Caucasians tend to have a high expectation for their fellow countrymen? What kind of nation would we have built with no expected standard to be met? I know it pains you...but the ability to breath oxygen isn't good enough bud.
I fancy myself as a bit of a extremist for sure...I often tell nutless GOP’ers to distance themselves from me and let me the guy willing to say what they don’t have the balls to say or even think most of the time.
There might be four others on this whole site courageous enough to talk facts as they relate to ethnicity.
You are overdramatizing the matter and you know’s what you PC programmers do.

I agree that not all GOPers are a overtly racist as you, but they do all turn a blind eye to your racism, which is what Mac is talking about.

You mean like how you and Mac turn a blind eye to illegal aliens and the behavior of our ghetto folk?

neither one of us turn a blind eye to illegal aliens
Sure you do.
As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.

Mac, are you sure that isn’t just a figment of your imagination? Who withinn the GOP “excuses and enables racial bigotry” and how do they do it?
Well, it certainly could be a figment of my imagination, and that of millions others.

It could also be specific and clear things that we see many on the Right do and say, and DON'T do and say:
  • Trump's lie that he didn't know what David Duke was, after previously calling him "a racist and a problem"
  • Trumpsters refusing to hold him accountable for the above
  • Trump's Charlottesville comments, clearly tossed out to placate his base
  • Trumpsters refusing to take concerns about those comments even REMOTELY seriously
  • Widespread Right wing refusal to admit that racism still exists, while minorities know quite the opposite first hand
  • Countless comments by you and other Trumpster bigots on this very site, none of which are challenged by other Trumpsters
  • The fact that you're going to dismiss, deny, downplay and mock these examples
You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

You asked, I answered. I know you won't agree.

Racism is born from stereotypes, stereotypes are born from behavior.
Racism is here to stay until brown and black folks change their behavior and shake the stereotypes.
Why do you struggle to understand that?
Why not exhaust more effort exposing those who manifest the stereotype?

You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

Why do you always think we take the amount of melanin into account...could it be the behavioral differences that are observed?
Why does it bother you that Caucasians tend to have a high expectation for their fellow countrymen? What kind of nation would we have built with no expected standard to be met? I know it pains you...but the ability to breath oxygen isn't good enough bud.
Absolutely beautiful examples.

You've answered your own question.

Well done.
As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.
Please provide a single example of the GOP "excusing and enabling racial bigotry."

One thing we know: the left will never tire of accusing Republicans of being racist.

Do you oppose BrokeLoser's views on race?

Tell him what my views on race are first.
I fancy myself as a bit of a extremist for sure...I often tell nutless GOP’ers to distance themselves from me and let me the guy willing to say what they don’t have the balls to say or even think most of the time.
There might be four others on this whole site courageous enough to talk facts as they relate to ethnicity.
You are overdramatizing the matter and you know’s what you PC programmers do.

I agree that not all GOPers are a overtly racist as you, but they do all turn a blind eye to your racism, which is what Mac is talking about.
We know that leftwing turds like you will do more denunciation than is necessary.
I fancy myself as a bit of a extremist for sure...I often tell nutless GOP’ers to distance themselves from me and let me the guy willing to say what they don’t have the balls to say or even think most of the time.
There might be four others on this whole site courageous enough to talk facts as they relate to ethnicity.
You are overdramatizing the matter and you know’s what you PC programmers do.

I agree that not all GOPers are a overtly racist as you, but they do all turn a blind eye to your racism, which is what Mac is talking about.
We know that leftwing turds like you will do more denunciation than is necessary.

Do you oppose BrokenLoser's views on race?
I fancy myself as a bit of a extremist for sure...I often tell nutless GOP’ers to distance themselves from me and let me the guy willing to say what they don’t have the balls to say or even think most of the time.
There might be four others on this whole site courageous enough to talk facts as they relate to ethnicity.
You are overdramatizing the matter and you know’s what you PC programmers do.

I agree that not all GOPers are a overtly racist as you, but they do all turn a blind eye to your racism, which is what Mac is talking about.
We know that leftwing turds like you will do more denunciation than is necessary.

Do you oppose BrokenLoser's views on race?
Yes, of course I do.
Hey, it's time to whip out The List again!

Here's what minorities are seeing and hearing from Trumpsters and the Right:
This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.

Mac, are you sure that isn’t just a figment of your imagination? Who withinn the GOP “excuses and enables racial bigotry” and how do they do it?
Well, it certainly could be a figment of my imagination, and that of millions others.

It could also be specific and clear things that we see many on the Right do and say, and DON'T do and say:
  • Trump's lie that he didn't know what David Duke was, after previously calling him "a racist and a problem"
  • Trumpsters refusing to hold him accountable for the above
  • Trump's Charlottesville comments, clearly tossed out to placate his base
  • Trumpsters refusing to take concerns about those comments even REMOTELY seriously
  • Widespread Right wing refusal to admit that racism still exists, while minorities know quite the opposite first hand
  • Countless comments by you and other Trumpster bigots on this very site, none of which are challenged by other Trumpsters
  • The fact that you're going to dismiss, deny, downplay and mock these examples
You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

You asked, I answered. I know you won't agree.

Racism is born from stereotypes, stereotypes are born from behavior.
Racism is here to stay until brown and black folks change their behavior and shake the stereotypes.
Why do you struggle to understand that?
Why not exhaust more effort exposing those who manifest the stereotype?

You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

Why do you always think we take the amount of melanin into account...could it be the behavioral differences that are observed?
Why does it bother you that Caucasians tend to have a high expectation for their fellow countrymen? What kind of nation would we have built with no expected standard to be met? I know it pains you...but the ability to breath oxygen isn't good enough bud.
Absolutely beautiful examples.

You've answered your own question.

Well done.
. getting back to the scary shit that you've busted your ass trying to avoid....
"Is a socialist POTUS an inevitable outcome as we become a ‘browner’ nation?"
I fancy myself as a bit of a extremist for sure...I often tell nutless GOP’ers to distance themselves from me and let me the guy willing to say what they don’t have the balls to say or even think most of the time.
There might be four others on this whole site courageous enough to talk facts as they relate to ethnicity.
You are overdramatizing the matter and you know’s what you PC programmers do.

I agree that not all GOPers are a overtly racist as you, but they do all turn a blind eye to your racism, which is what Mac is talking about.
We know that leftwing turds like you will do more denunciation than is necessary.

Do you oppose BrokenLoser's views on race?
Yes, of course I do.

yet you never once call him out on it, you just attack everyone in the thread but him...seems you are lying
As long as the GOP continues to excuse and enable the racial bigotry that still infects it, it will continue to enable the hardcore Left in its tactic of shamelessly pandering to minorities.

The GOP still doesn't understand that some things are even more important to minorities than the current state of the economy. For example, not being hated in your own country.

No doubt the hardcore Left and the socialists appreciate this ignorance.

Mac, are you sure that isn’t just a figment of your imagination? Who withinn the GOP “excuses and enables racial bigotry” and how do they do it?
Well, it certainly could be a figment of my imagination, and that of millions others.

It could also be specific and clear things that we see many on the Right do and say, and DON'T do and say:
  • Trump's lie that he didn't know what David Duke was, after previously calling him "a racist and a problem"
  • Trumpsters refusing to hold him accountable for the above
  • Trump's Charlottesville comments, clearly tossed out to placate his base
  • Trumpsters refusing to take concerns about those comments even REMOTELY seriously
  • Widespread Right wing refusal to admit that racism still exists, while minorities know quite the opposite first hand
  • Countless comments by you and other Trumpster bigots on this very site, none of which are challenged by other Trumpsters
  • The fact that you're going to dismiss, deny, downplay and mock these examples
You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

You asked, I answered. I know you won't agree.

Racism is born from stereotypes, stereotypes are born from behavior.
Racism is here to stay until brown and black folks change their behavior and shake the stereotypes.
Why do you struggle to understand that?
Why not exhaust more effort exposing those who manifest the stereotype?

You think minorities don't see this stuff. Maybe that's a function of your oft-illustrated disdain for people whose skin color is darker than yours.

Why do you always think we take the amount of melanin into account...could it be the behavioral differences that are observed?
Why does it bother you that Caucasians tend to have a high expectation for their fellow countrymen? What kind of nation would we have built with no expected standard to be met? I know it pains you...but the ability to breath oxygen isn't good enough bud.
Absolutely beautiful examples.

You've answered your own question.

Well done.
. getting back to the scary shit that you've busted your ass trying to avoid....
"Is a socialist POTUS an inevitable outcome as we become a ‘browner’ nation?"

And I explained why.

Is that simple enough for you?
I fancy myself as a bit of a extremist for sure...I often tell nutless GOP’ers to distance themselves from me and let me the guy willing to say what they don’t have the balls to say or even think most of the time.
There might be four others on this whole site courageous enough to talk facts as they relate to ethnicity.
You are overdramatizing the matter and you know’s what you PC programmers do.

I agree that not all GOPers are a overtly racist as you, but they do all turn a blind eye to your racism, which is what Mac is talking about.
We know that leftwing turds like you will do more denunciation than is necessary.

Do you oppose BrokenLoser's views on race?
Yes, of course I do.

Good. It only took 6 pages, and prodding to have a SINGLE person on the right condemn his views. This is exactly what Mac has been talking about.

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