*IRS: New Brown Shirts, With Itchy Trigger Fingers*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
During The Worthless Negro's administration the filthy Democrats found out they could use the IRS to defund their political opposition.

It looks like they know they are getting kicked out of office in the midterms so they are up to their usual dirty tricks.

The Republicans let the Democrat assholes get away with stealing the 2020 election and now they are going to have to suffer the consequences. Any person or organization that gives money to Republicans will be audited up their ass and their life will be miserable.

That is what happens when you are weak. The Republicans that said nothing about the election being stolen from Trump are going to get fucked now and it is their own damn fault. They should have insisted on an audit of the election but they didn't.
The Republicans let the Democrat assholes get away with stealing the 2020 election and now they are going to have to suffer the consequences. Any person or organization that gives money to Republicans will be audited up their ass and their life will be miserable.

That is what happens when you are weak. The Republicans that said nothing about the election being stolen from Trump are going to get fucked now and it is their own damn fault. They should have insisted on an audit of the election but they didn't.

And the longer the Right remains cowering afraid to stand up, the more brazen the Left will become.
Every time the Left goes further and makes the Right collectively gasp (like the Trump raid) and the Right does nothing, they get bolder.
Sorry bout that,

1. Not paying enough taxes, they plan to shoot you.
2. Brown Shirts.
3. Many will get shot!
4. READ:

Maybe... but if that is seen as an overt attack, those getting shot won't be only the taxpayer. The secret that government loves to ignore or hide is that if the day comes when millions are fed up with their shit and decide to fight back, government loses that fight EVERY TIME.
Sorry bout that,

1. They will audit the GOP, they already have the names.
2. Soon they come for us, and put us in financial ruin, one at a time.
3. (a) When we go into poverty, the nation goes all the way down the drain.
3. (b) Whole cities will burn down, I mean *EVERYTHING*.
4. Soup Kitchens, they will roll out.
5. "See we are so full of apathy."
6. That will be the narrative.


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