Irish premier Leo Varadkar attacks VP Pence for his religion

Living in Boston Irish people are very dumb and are against traditional Americans.. they always argue and support the Latin invasion.. I just smh

You do NOT say that out loud in Boston. Enjoy your internet.
Always do

Get it out of your system here, because you sure as shit don’t spout that crap out loud in the real world.
I told my co workers what I would do
To illegals if I could and he’s Mexican lol
What would be "an absurd level"?

Women who are anti-choice are already exercising their right to choice. If they get pregnant, nobody in government is forcing them to have an abortion. That they want to deny other women the same choice is disgusting.
And half of them get abortions.

Think about that. Half of the women picketing abortion clinics have had abortions. It’s why they feel so guilty. Sorry they shouldn’t have gone through with it.

Most women carry the guilt the rest of their lives. Still they’d do it again if they were in the exact same situation. You can’t be anti abortion just because now you’re in a better place. Don’t forget the place you were in when you decided to get one

I’d say if women were honest 75% would be pro choice. Don’t ask a 50 year old who has money. Of course she would keep it.

You have hard numbers for that, or more baseless talking points?
Yes. Google the only moral abortion is my abortion and read all the stories.

It's stories, not hard numbers.

And doesn't the regret they feel tell you something? Or do you choose to ignore it?
No one thinks abortions are a good thing. They are a necessary evil.

Don’t want poor women to have abortions? Make it so a single parent can support 5 kids without government help.

Affordable day care and insurance. A wage that single woman can afford 5 kids.

If you want to make laws against poor women having kids they can’t afford I’m all ears,
This was spoken about over 50 years ago. Taxes were raised in a massive way over the decades. How the hell do you pay men and women and pay them more and the poverty stays the same?
Living in Boston Irish people are very dumb and are against traditional Americans.. they always argue and support the Latin invasion.. I just smh

You do NOT say that out loud in Boston. Enjoy your internet.
Always do

Get it out of your system here, because you sure as shit don’t spout that crap out loud in the real world.
I told my co workers what I would do
To illegals if I could and he’s Mexican lol

Just another internet bigmouth. No one believes your little stories, junior.
Living in Boston Irish people are very dumb and are against traditional Americans.. they always argue and support the Latin invasion.. I just smh

You do NOT say that out loud in Boston. Enjoy your internet.
Always do

Get it out of your system here, because you sure as shit don’t spout that crap out loud in the real world.
I told my co workers what I would do
To illegals if I could and he’s Mexican lol

Just another internet bigmouth. No one believes your little stories, junior.
I been fired from 13 jobs for being honest, and have 3 felonies for fighting in Boston.. and I wouldn’t chage it for the world
So cool. Unhinged loons see me as an unhinged loon.This tells me that I am being effective.
I'm happy for you. You seem to have achieved your goal of being seen as mentally unbalanced.

Why has this lunatic tried to hurt millions of people? Why has he tried to shove his "beliefs" down everybody's throats? Why does he think that he is smarter, wiser than everyone else when he clearly is not. There is nothing "decent" about him. He has no respect for others, and, therefore is not entitled to any.
Do you really believe he "screws his mother"? Really?
Pigpence, as you call him in your rude hysterical way, is representing his values just as you do the same. What exactly has he done that has changed your life or devalued your personal rights?
Nothing, if you are honest.
No I don’t want to force my beliefs on him. I don’t want HIM forcing his bigotry, lies and disrespect onto the rest of it by passing laws to allow others to abuse gays and women with impunity.
Oh, you want respect and don't want others oppressing you, or whoever you think you represent?
Maybe the LGBQT whatever community could begin to coexist peacefully by stopping the proselytizing of children and
brainwashing them while their little brains are still forming their abilities to critically think and filter out the gender dysphoric messages they are receiving at school.

If you don't want to be bothered it would be wise to stop the brainwashing that goes on daily.
You do NOT say that out loud in Boston. Enjoy your internet.
Always do

Get it out of your system here, because you sure as shit don’t spout that crap out loud in the real world.
I told my co workers what I would do
To illegals if I could and he’s Mexican lol

Just another internet bigmouth. No one believes your little stories, junior.
I been fired from 13 jobs for being honest, and have 3 felonies for fighting in Boston.. and I wouldn’t chage it for the world

Story time is fun....
No I don’t want to force my beliefs on him. I don’t want HIM forcing his bigotry, lies and disrespect onto the rest of it by passing laws to allow others to abuse gays and women with impunity.
Oh, you want respect and don't want others oppressing you, or whoever you think you represent?
Maybe the LGBQT whatever community could begin to coexist peacefully by stopping the proselytizing of children and
brainwashing them while their little brains are still forming their abilities to critically think and filter out the gender dysphoric messages they are receiving at school.

If you don't want to be bothered it would be wise to stop the brainwashing that goes on daily.

Right back atcha asshat!!

The religious right does not want children to know that you can’t “pray the gay away”. They want children to be ashamed if they have homosexual feelings.

Repressed homosexuality is behind the vast majority of teen suicides in the United States. As long as the religious right continues to promulgate the fiction that homosexuality is a “choice” and not biology, children are going to receive miss-information from them.

What they don’t want is for children to have honest information that tells them that what they are feeling is not wrong or even odd, it’s just the way they’re wired.

The religious right can continue to lie to their own children about homosexuality but they shouldn’t be allowed to lie to other peoples children about it.
Right back atcha asshat!!
Well same here, dipshit!

The religious right does not want children to know that you can’t “pray the gay away”. They want children to be ashamed if they have homosexual feelings.

Repressed homosexuality is behind the vast majority of teen suicides in the United States. As long as the religious right continues to promulgate the fiction that homosexuality is a “choice” and not biology, children are going to receive miss-information from them.

What they don’t want is for children to have honest information that tells them that what they are feeling is not wrong or even odd, it’s just the way they’re wired.

The religious right can continue to lie to their own children about homosexuality but they shouldn’t be allowed to lie to other peoples children about it.
Believe it or not the religious right, of which I am not a part, has every right to their opinions and view points which you seem to think is some sort of crime.

I will care about some gay youngster who is conflicted by his/her sexuality as soon as the last person who was convinced he was a she by LGBQT activists as an impressionable child has her life, and genitalia, restored to her and is able to live a normal life without the lies she was brainwashed with.

How's that? You seem to care so much for gay youngsters but I hear nothing at all from you about the ruined lives
of people who made irrevocable changes in their bodies and lives thanks to propaganda from fringe emotionally ill advocacy groups.
Religious right evil...transgender proselytizers, meh?
Right back atcha asshat!!
Well same here, dipshit!

The religious right does not want children to know that you can’t “pray the gay away”. They want children to be ashamed if they have homosexual feelings.

Repressed homosexuality is behind the vast majority of teen suicides in the United States. As long as the religious right continues to promulgate the fiction that homosexuality is a “choice” and not biology, children are going to receive miss-information from them.

What they don’t want is for children to have honest information that tells them that what they are feeling is not wrong or even odd, it’s just the way they’re wired.

The religious right can continue to lie to their own children about homosexuality but they shouldn’t be allowed to lie to other peoples children about it.
Believe it or not the religious right, of which I am not a part, has every right to their opinions and view points which you seem to think is some sort of crime.

I will care about some gay youngster who is conflicted by his/her sexuality as soon as the last person who was convinced he was a she by LGBQT activists as an impressionable child has her life, and genitalia, restored to her and is able to live a normal life without the lies she was brainwashed with.

How's that? You seem to care so much for gay youngsters but I hear nothing at all from you about the ruined lives
of people who made irrevocable changes in their bodies and lives thanks to propaganda from fringe emotionally ill advocacy groups.
Religious right evil...transgender proselytizers, meh?

The only person I know who had their genetalia "mutilated" because of the lies she was brainwashed with, was a young woman from a deeply religious family who was so afraid of being a Lesbian, that she transitioned to a man because she couldn't be a Lesbian. It was not allowed. If she became a man, her feelings for women wouldn't be "wrong".
The only person I know who had their genetalia "mutilated" because of the lies she was brainwashed with, was a young woman from a deeply religious family who was so afraid of being a Lesbian, that she transitioned to a man because she couldn't be a Lesbian. It was not allowed. If she became a man, her feelings for women wouldn't be "wrong".
Oh, okay. This woman, who I'm supposed to believe existed, did NOT have her genitalia mutilated even though you claimed otherwise. Great story.
And you want me to care about the plight of gays in this nation but not the children who have been cynically manipulated into thinking they have been born into the wrong gender. Great!
So much for accommodation and coming together. Just fck off!
Leo Varadkar says sexuality should not be an issue in front of Mike Pence | Daily Mail Online

Rude Irish premier Leo Varadkar tells VP Pence 'Don't judge people for their sexual orientation'. Thanks Leo, but everyone already gets it, Liberal bigots loath Christians. Pence was very gracious and polite.
But you and pence do judge people for their sexual orientation

And people like you judge him for his religious views, even though he doesn't let them impact his job or his interactions with people while he does his job.

Why is your "judging" better than his?
Because my judging doesn’t say gay couples should get benefits that straight couples get. He was against gay marriage. I’ve never been against straights marrying and adopting kids.

Do you see the difference?

I think you're the one that can't see differences.

A union between a man and a woman is not the same as a union between two men or two women. Otherwise we wouldn't have
Three separate adjectives. Hetero, Gay, Lesbian.

The only person I know who had their genetalia "mutilated" because of the lies she was brainwashed with, was a young woman from a deeply religious family who was so afraid of being a Lesbian, that she transitioned to a man because she couldn't be a Lesbian. It was not allowed. If she became a man, her feelings for women wouldn't be "wrong".
Oh, okay. This woman, who I'm supposed to believe existed, did NOT have her genitalia mutilated even though you claimed otherwise. Great story.
And you want me to care about the plight of gays in this nation but not the children who have been cynically manipulated into thinking they have been born into the wrong gender. Great!
So much for accommodation and coming together. Just fck off!

Gays in this nation have no plight. We don't throw them off of skyscrapers. When they become pedophiles or rapists then we should throw them off of skyscrapers.

Leo Varadkar says sexuality should not be an issue in front of Mike Pence | Daily Mail Online

Rude Irish premier Leo Varadkar tells VP Pence 'Don't judge people for their sexual orientation'. Thanks Leo, but everyone already gets it, Liberal bigots loath Christians. Pence was very gracious and polite.
Trump said Pence wants to hang all the gays. See, I don’t believe Trump lies all the time. I believe what he says this time.
Republicans call hanging gracious and polite.
The only person I know who had their genetalia "mutilated" because of the lies she was brainwashed with, was a young woman from a deeply religious family who was so afraid of being a Lesbian, that she transitioned to a man because she couldn't be a Lesbian. It was not allowed. If she became a man, her feelings for women wouldn't be "wrong".
Oh, okay. This woman, who I'm supposed to believe existed, did NOT have her genitalia mutilated even though you claimed otherwise. Great story.
And you want me to care about the plight of gays in this nation but not the children who have been cynically manipulated into thinking they have been born into the wrong gender. Great!
So much for accommodation and coming together. Just fck off!

Gays in this nation have no plight. We don't throw them off of skyscrapers. When they become pedophiles or rapists then we should throw them off of skyscrapers.

When right wingers like Moore and Trump do it, it’s just boys being boys.
The only person I know who had their genetalia "mutilated" because of the lies she was brainwashed with, was a young woman from a deeply religious family who was so afraid of being a Lesbian, that she transitioned to a man because she couldn't be a Lesbian. It was not allowed. If she became a man, her feelings for women wouldn't be "wrong".
Oh, okay. This woman, who I'm supposed to believe existed, did NOT have her genitalia mutilated even though you claimed otherwise. Great story.
And you want me to care about the plight of gays in this nation but not the children who have been cynically manipulated into thinking they have been born into the wrong gender. Great!
So much for accommodation and coming together. Just fck off!

Gays in this nation have no plight. We don't throw them off of skyscrapers. When they become pedophiles or rapists then we should throw them off of skyscrapers.

Skyscrapers? Well I guess we know what you wanna do.
Living in Boston Irish people are very dumb and are against traditional Americans.. they always argue and support the Latin invasion.. I just smh

You do NOT say that out loud in Boston. Enjoy your internet.
Why are Bostonians violent? And you comment that abhorrent behavior? Of course you do.

The Irish sound like the pollacks in Michigan.

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