Iraqi citizenship: Anyone but Israelis
Draft bill of rights singles out Jewish state
Posted: July 23, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
The draft of Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis from obtaining citizenship.
The document [pdf file], updated July 20, says:
"Any individual with another nationality (except for Israel) may obtain Iraqi nationality after a period of residency inside the borders of Iraq of not less than ten years for an Arab or twenty years for any other nationality, as long as he has good character and behavior, and has no criminal judgment against him from the Iraqi authorities during the time of his residency on the territory of the Iraqi republic.
The draft bill of rights also says an Iraqi can have more than one citizenship "as the nationality is not Israeli."
The Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni framers of Iraq's constitution are sharply divided on major issues, including the country's identity as an Arab nation and the role of Islam and federalism, some members have said privately according to the Associated Press.
Some Shiite Muslims, who want a greater role for Islam in civil law, are advocating a proposal opponents say could erode women's rights.
This week they offered assurance they would complete the project after a move by Sunni Muslims to suspend work after the killings of two colleagues.
Iraqi citizenship: Anyone but Israelis
Draft bill of rights singles out Jewish state
Posted: July 23, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
The draft of Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis from obtaining citizenship.
The document [pdf file], updated July 20, says:
"Any individual with another nationality (except for Israel) may obtain Iraqi nationality after a period of residency inside the borders of Iraq of not less than ten years for an Arab or twenty years for any other nationality, as long as he has good character and behavior, and has no criminal judgment against him from the Iraqi authorities during the time of his residency on the territory of the Iraqi republic.
The draft bill of rights also says an Iraqi can have more than one citizenship "as the nationality is not Israeli."
The Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni framers of Iraq's constitution are sharply divided on major issues, including the country's identity as an Arab nation and the role of Islam and federalism, some members have said privately according to the Associated Press.
Some Shiite Muslims, who want a greater role for Islam in civil law, are advocating a proposal opponents say could erode women's rights.
This week they offered assurance they would complete the project after a move by Sunni Muslims to suspend work after the killings of two colleagues.