Iran to close Strait of Hormuz

unfortunately, the war is imminent.

Obama wants to be reelected. He needs to impress AIPAC and the zionist lobby.

The reason Obama removed the troops from Iraq so quickly is to prevent Iran from retaliating against the 150,000 troops which were stationed there.


Did you really think about what you were saying before you posted that?
If Iran closes down the strait it will be with the wreckage of their LOL "navy".

Rember the VietCong, who fought the US wearing black pajamas?

US Servicemen dead 47, 378

Non hostile deaths 10,800

MIA's 2338

POW 766 (114 died in captivity)

Wounded in Action 303, 704

Severely disabled 75,000

But who gives a fuck?

Plus you bastards love having your anuses stimulated by TSA.

As always, Heil Hitler.


Yeah, I remember...I also remember we kicked the VC and NVA's asses from one end of Vietnam to the other and back again, then had victory stolen from us by a self-serving media and gutless politicians back home. We could have crushed the North Vietnamese anytime we wanted; all we needed were the orders; orders we never got. Damn shame!
North Korea has nukes, I mean they could blow us up at any minute

No they couldn't.

I was being sarcastic, of course they couldn't and neither could Iran.

Doesn't stop the bloodthirsty neocon warmongers from demanding the U.S. gov't sacrifice tens of thousands of american soldiers in a war of aggression, having nothing to do with the defense of this country.
North Korea has nukes, I mean they could blow us up at any minute

No they couldn't.

I was being sarcastic, of course they couldn't and neither could Iran.

Doesn't stop the bloodthirsty neocon warmongers from demanding the U.S. gov't sacrifice tens of thousands of american soldiers in a war of aggression, having nothing to do with the defense of this country.

Ah, so you think it's better to wait until they really can blow us up at any minute and THEN try and do something about it? Great plan, General.
No they couldn't.

I was being sarcastic, of course they couldn't and neither could Iran.

Doesn't stop the bloodthirsty neocon warmongers from demanding the U.S. gov't sacrifice tens of thousands of american soldiers in a war of aggression, having nothing to do with the defense of this country.

Ah, so you think it's better to wait until they really can blow us up at any minute and THEN try and do something about it? Great plan, General.

Lol adorable.

I'm sorry you have such little faith in the U.S. military, gives a good understanding as to why you're so terrified of Iran. But you know as Iran technology advances, ours advances 100 times faster.

No matter what they do, or how much they advance, they'll still be a million steps behind us militarily and technologically. You're scared they could end up with a nuke 100 years after we have one? That technology scares you? Not me. But hey if you want us to be taxed into oblivion and have our gov't spend us into oblivion by going to war with countries who dont' attack us, continue to vote for warmongering chickenhawks and you'll get what you want.
I was being sarcastic, of course they couldn't and neither could Iran.

Doesn't stop the bloodthirsty neocon warmongers from demanding the U.S. gov't sacrifice tens of thousands of american soldiers in a war of aggression, having nothing to do with the defense of this country.

Ah, so you think it's better to wait until they really can blow us up at any minute and THEN try and do something about it?

Lol adorable.

Was that a yes or a no? Don't be afraid to say so directly.
You're scared they could end up with a nuke 100 years after we have one? .

Do you really think it will take 30 more years for Iran to complete a nuke? You are naive in many self-destructive ways.

I've been hearing the Iran-nuke fearmongering from the pro-war crowd for many years, no reason to think it'll take 30 more years for them to have a nuke.

But ok for the sake of discussion, you want us to blow up a country because they're within 80 years of our technology and military? Why am I not hearing people beating the war drum against North Korea who already has a nuke?
You're scared they could end up with a nuke 100 years after we have one? .

Do you really think it will take 30 more years for Iran to complete a nuke? You are naive in many self-destructive ways.

I've been hearing the Iran-nuke fearmongering from the pro-war crowd for many years, no reason to think it'll take 30 more years for them to have a nuke.

Then why did YOU cite 100 years?
But ok for the sake of discussion, you want us to blow up a country because they're within 80 years of our technology and military? ?

Do you think nuclear bombs work any less effectively for countries that developed them 50 years ago as opposed to 10 years ago? Do you think a nuclear explosion will have a different effect on human lives 500 years from now? Cavemen smashed each other in the head with big, heavy rocks a very long time ago. It worked. If someone were to smash you in the head with a big, heavy rock today it would work just as well. If you saw someone trying to get a big, heavy rock and saying "I am going to smash you in the head with a big, heavy rock" all the while, would it be wise or unwise to dissuade, prevent, or contain that person before he got a big, heavy rock? Are you in fact suicidally stupid?
I meant there's no reason to think it WON'T take 30+ more years for them to get a nuke, I worded that wrong.

Nukes are just as or more effective, our defense against a nuke is roughly 2175676897168136 times better than Iran's nuke technology is and ever will be.

That was cute and all, but not NK isn't Iran. My point is why aren't you begging and pleading for bloodshed in a war with North Korea like you are Iran when there's so many parallels? Both hostile enemies, but the one with nukes is no big whoop, the one without them is. Very weird.
I meant there's no reason to think it WON'T take 30+ more years for them to get a nuke, I worded that wrong..

Your ignorance and naivete are absolutely irresponsible. You should thank whatever someone like you believes in that your betters guarantee your security everyday, fool.
I meant there's no reason to think it WON'T take 30+ more years for them to get a nuke, I worded that wrong.

Nukes are just as or more effective, our defense against a nuke is roughly 2175676897168136 times better than Iran's nuke technology is and ever will be.

That was cute and all, but not NK isn't Iran. My point is why aren't you begging and pleading for bloodshed in a war with North Korea like you are Iran when there's so many parallels? Both hostile enemies, but the one with nukes is no big whoop, the one without them is. Very weird.

You know, I underestimated you. I never realized just how monumentally fucking stupid you are.
I meant there's no reason to think it WON'T take 30+ more years for them to get a nuke, I worded that wrong.

Nukes are just as or more effective, our defense against a nuke is roughly 2175676897168136 times better than Iran's nuke technology is and ever will be.

That was cute and all, but not NK isn't Iran. My point is why aren't you begging and pleading for bloodshed in a war with North Korea like you are Iran when there's so many parallels? Both hostile enemies, but the one with nukes is no big whoop, the one without them is. Very weird.

You know, I underestimated you. I never realized just how monumentally fucking stupid you are.

Unkotare this is so unlike you. Every discussion you get in is all about intellect and you never resort to childish 3rd grade insults.

This is sooooooooooo different from the norm, I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

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