Iran Nuclear Deal Reached At Geneva Talks

Fact is our security is intertwined with Israel.
I hear pro Israel people say that all the time.

But when I ask for an example they are strangely silent. . :cool:

I'll give you a reason brother.

They are the only stable government in the Middle-East with a real Democracy.

They are a stop-gap against religious radicals that want to take over the oil fields to damage the United States.
you Obama cult followers are a danger to us and our country

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 24, 2013 9:38 am

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake - YouTube

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was less than pleased with the P5+1 and Iran nuclear deal. Prime Minister Netanyahu called the deal, “ a historic mistake, it’s not made the world a safer place.”

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake | Washington Free Beacon

Well, the six world powers who agreed to this deal, disagree with netanyahu. If he doesn't like it, that's his problem and he can deal with it. If we are making headway in a positive direction with Iran, I think that's a good thing.
Settle down, people...

This doesn't mean diddly-squat, in the final analysis...

This is only an interim 6-month band-aid on a much larger problem...

Best to hold-off on making any hasty judgments one way or another until next April or May...

When they start dealing with the Tough Stuff on a more permanent basis...

The Obama administration has set a precedent of giving in. Get Kerry and Jarrett out of there and get someone stronger in there without a daily influence of Obama.
What Iran does is not our business. Our interference in the Middle East for the past 60 plus years is why we've become a terrorist target.

Will it be our business if Iran gets nukes and that prompts the Saudis to get nukes?

Will it be our business if Israel goes up in a Mushroom cloud?

Will it be our business if the Russians or the Chinese rush into the Middle East to exert their influence in the region to arrange the situation over there to suit THEIR national interests while we sit on the sidelines?

To your way of thinking, when does it become our business?

When there is a World crisis and the only remedy left to us is a Nuclear one?

What about JFK's pledge?

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

How can you celebrate his greatness and his courage on the 50th Anniversary of his death yet just walk away from the national mission statement he laid down and what we've lived by all these years??

If we just left them alone , they wouldn't feel the need for a nuclear weapon. The GOP's aggressive rhetoric is the root cause of the nuclear program. The saber rattling is to blame. Knock it off.

Here, read this and you'll be smarter than you were when you woke up this morning.

The Little Green Book is a collection of fatawah handed down by the most prominent and arguably one of the most influential Muslim clerics in modern history; the Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Mosavi Khomeini, commonly known as the Ayatollah Khomeini. Fatawah (the plural of fatwah) are Islamic religious decrees sent down by Muslim religious leaders.
Since Islam demands that Muslims abide by Sharia - Islamic law as individuals and as a society, these fatawah are not simply religious insights or advice. They are legal pronouncements, and define the law of the land in an Islamic country.
In his unrivaled role as Iran's Supreme Leader and the highest-ranking cleric for Shi'a Muslims, the Ayatollah Khomeini's fatawah guided the lives of more Shi'a Muslims than did any other Islamic leader throughout history.

It would have been damning to Islam if these inane, absurd, and depraved rantings had come from any Muslim, since they would serve as an example of how Islam corrupts a person's mind. Beyond that however, anyone who takes the time to analyze Islam's scriptures and what is recorded in Islam about Muhammad, the man whose life sets the standard to which Muslims are to strive, will see that the Ayatollah Khomeini was not off-base in his Islamic jurisprudence.

Damning souls and working with Satan never seems to bring out smiles. Sneers and leers, but not smiles.

This version of The Little Green Book, is a translation done by Harold Salemson, whose source was a French translation of the Ayatollah's fatawah compiled by a Persian named Jean-Marie Xaviere. The book is broken up into two volumes. The first volume deals with governing issues, and is so chock full of amazing quotes, we had to give up on trying to highlight the best ones. The second volume focuses on lifestyle guidelines, and tends to be a bit mundane.

However, some of the more astoundingly reprehensible whoppers are in this section. Additionally, the emphasis placed on defining even the most miniscule details for a Muslim to follow serve as a tremendous example of how Islam thrives on replacing every last iota of independent thought with mindless servitude. Of course, this should not come as a surprise to anyone, since the religion's name literally means “Submission” (Islam), and its followers refer to themselves as "those who submit" (Muslims).

The Little Green Book is a quick read. In fact, it's probably shorter than some of Craig Winn's email responses. Additionally, much of it is so absurd, it's quite entertaining. That is, until you realize that this isn't a joke and you remember that billions of people are affected by these fatawah and thousands more like them from multitudes of other Islamic leaders.

Prophet of Doom - The Little Green Book - Introduction

Your attitude disregards the mission of Islam.

To completely conquer and dominate every non-Islamic religion and every non-Islamic Government on Earth.

To help make it clear to you, using a Thanksgiving analogy:

Even if the turkey rancher is over on the far end of the ranch killing turkeys tell us which turkey ANYWHERE on the ranch can truly feel safe?

Just because the Muslim aggression is taking advantage of the lack of sufficient defenses in the Mid East doesn't mean we are safe.

It's just a matter of time.

And you want to give the Muslim aggressors all the time they need to pile up their victories and amass their resources from defeating less powerful foes before they are ready to address US here.

They will just eat us LAST if we adopt your way of looking at this problem.

We need to be engaged in stopping their aggression BEFORE they are ready to face us at their full strength.

Before we have no other allies to rely on for assistance.
you Obama cult followers are a danger to us and our country

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 24, 2013 9:38 am

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake - YouTube

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was less than pleased with the P5+1 and Iran nuclear deal. Prime Minister Netanyahu called the deal, “ a historic mistake, it’s not made the world a safer place.”

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake | Washington Free Beacon

Well, the six world powers who agreed to this deal, disagree with netanyahu. If he doesn't like it, that's his problem and he can deal with it. If we are making headway in a positive direction with Iran, I think that's a good thing.

world powers?
So Obama sells out Israel huh? This deal will cave like ACA

Israel should go ahead and attack them now Obama just threw them under the bus

Conservatives tried that argument for the Iraq War too. It worked then, I admit, to convince Americans to support the Iraq War.

But it's not working now. Sorry, but there will be no war on Iran. Go be Butthurt over something else.
Fact is our security is intertwined with Israel.
I hear pro Israel people say that all the time.

But when I ask for an example they are strangely silent. . :cool:

I'll give you a reason brother.

They are the only stable government in the Middle-East with a real Democracy.

They are a stop-gap against religious radicals that want to take over the oil fields to damage the United States.
#1) Israel has zip to do with the oil fields in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, etc.

#2) Turkey is a very stable democracy in the Middle East.

#3) Israel failed in it's supposed role of providing intel to the U.S. .....9/11, USS Cole, Beirut barracks bombing, Benghazi, WMD's in Iraq, etc. . :cool:
Conservatives tried that argument for the Iraq War too. It worked then, I admit, to convince Americans to support the Iraq War.

But it's not working now. Sorry, but there will be no war on Iran. Go be Butthurt over something else.

You don't learn things easily, do you? Stop with the Iraq War. We are pages beyond that. We are talking about Iran now, the agreement just made. Did you read the post about the Little Green Book? Read things and learn.
Is Obama violating the law: Iran Sanctions Act passed by Congress and signed by him in 2010?
US Dept of Treasury: Iran Sanctions ^ | Multiple | Multiple

Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2013 2:59:25 PM by Innovative

H.R. 2194 (111th): Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010

SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress makes the following findings: (1) The illicit nuclear activities of the Government of Iran, combined with its development of unconventional weapons and ballistic missiles and its support for international terrorism, represent a threat to the security of the United States, its strong ally Israel, and other allies of the United States around the world. (2) The United States and other responsible countries have a vital interest in working together to prevent the Government of Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability. (3) The International Atomic Energy Agency has repeatedly called attention to Iran’s illicit nuclear activities and, as a result, the United Nations Security Council has adopted a range of sanctions designed to encourage the Government of Iran to suspend those activities and comply with its obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, done at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968, and entered into force March 5, 1970 (commonly known as the ‘‘Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’’). (4) The serious and urgent nature of the threat from Iran demands that the United States work together with its allies to do everything possible—diplomatically, politically, and economically—to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability.

Senate Vote on Passage

Jun 24, 2010 2:54 p.m.

Conference Report Agreed to 99/0

House Vote on Passage

Jun 24, 2010 7:16 p.m.

Passed 408/8

This bill was enacted after being signed by the President on July 1, 2010.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

you Obama cult followers are a danger to us and our country

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 24, 2013 9:38 am

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake - YouTube

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was less than pleased with the P5+1 and Iran nuclear deal. Prime Minister Netanyahu called the deal, “ a historic mistake, it’s not made the world a safer place.”

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake | Washington Free Beacon

Well, the six world powers who agreed to this deal, disagree with netanyahu. If he doesn't like it, that's his problem and he can deal with it. If we are making headway in a positive direction with Iran, I think that's a good thing.

Are you the frigging reincarnation of that fuckin Brit appeaser, Nevillie Chamberlain???

Tell me how your attitude is any different from the Brits and the French selling Czechoslovakia down the river to Hitler?

What Iran does is not our business. Our interference in the Middle East for the past 60 plus years is why we've become a terrorist target.

To the contrary, our existence as a super power that supports the existence of Israel, is why we have become a terrorist target. Simplistic, but true.

And if we just submit we will all be okay.


Israel fights for itself as well as for US.

NOT the other way around.
you Obama cult followers are a danger to us and our country

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 24, 2013 9:38 am

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake - YouTube

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was less than pleased with the P5+1 and Iran nuclear deal. Prime Minister Netanyahu called the deal, “ a historic mistake, it’s not made the world a safer place.”

Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is A Historic Mistake | Washington Free Beacon

Well, the six world powers who agreed to this deal, disagree with netanyahu. If he doesn't like it, that's his problem and he can deal with it. If we are making headway in a positive direction with Iran, I think that's a good thing.

Are you the frigging reincarnation of that fuckin Brit appeaser, Nevillie Chamberlain???

Tell me how your attitude is any different from the Brits and the French selling Czechoslovakia down the river to Hitler?


Okay, conservatives tried the "Chamberlain" name-calling tactic before the Iraq War, and it worked.

It's not working now.

The lesson from history that we need to learn is not Chamberlain's agreement, but George Dumbya Bush's failed and flopped Iraq War debacle.
Conservatives tried that argument for the Iraq War too. It worked then, I admit, to convince Americans to support the Iraq War.

But it's not working now. Sorry, but there will be no war on Iran. Go be Butthurt over something else.

You don't learn things easily, do you? Stop with the Iraq War. We are pages beyond that. We are talking about Iran now, the agreement just made. Did you read the post about the Little Green Book? Read things and learn.

No, I will not stop with the Iraq War. It's was a failure, and its example will be used against proponents of a more aggressive policy against Iran. Get over it.

The same doofs who wanted a war in Iraq want a war on Iran. And the failure of the Iraq War will be used against conservatives. Tough cookies.

Liberals were 100% vindicated by the debacle of the Iraq War, and liberal warnings should have been heeded.

Liberal policies will now be imposed instead of warmongering conservative policies. Deal with it.

Liberals get to run the foreign policy of the US now. Get over it. There will be more peace and less war. It's on you to get past that.
There is no deal. Even the left leaning A.P. characterizes it as "slowing Iran's nuclear development". What kind of a deal is it when Iran keeps the nuclear pot boiling while the gullible Hussein administration believes the propaganda?

It's already falling apart. Iran says the agreement gives then the right to continue enriching uranium. Kerry says it doesn't.

Is it too early to compare Kerry to Chamberlain?

No comparison. Chamberlain didn't testify that he heard about British soldiers committing atrocities during any war. Kerry did, while we were still taking casualties in Vietnam.

I often wonder when Kerry will turn on all of the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Another war in the middle east over imaginary weapons of mass destruction would be misinformed, just plain wrong, and totally sickening.

Liberals were 100% vindicated by the flop and failure of the Iraq War, and its lack of any real WMD program.

America has learned its lesson from the GOP's mistake, and voted in 2008 and 2012 not to repeat it by putting in Presidents dedicated to reimposing the failed GOP foreign policy of Dumbya.

Conservatives really need to accept that and go be butthurt over something else.

The re education camps won't have to worry about you. You are already singing their tune, aren't ya?

Seriously though, the problem you are going to have to deal with is that your liberal bedfellows are starting to get wise to what's going on with Obama and this lawless, anti-America administration and you are still stuck on stupid.

My liberal bedfellows learned one lesson: The Bush administration's foreign policy was a clusterf___ , and avoiding repeating it would be the right thing to do.

That's what Obama has done very well.

No more wars, neocon warmonger loserboys. Go be Butthurt over something else.

No, you find something else to champion and another cause to dig in your heels to defend.

I'll give you credit for trying to be patriotic but you've chosen the wrong team to play for.
What's absurd, is we have a commie sympathizer/ traitor to our military (Jon Kerry) making deals with Iran

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