Iran creates law banning torture


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
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Just like Sudan saying we have no room to talk to them about being on the human rights council, Iran quickly passes a self-righteous law that AL JAzeera can stoke the propaganda fire. All those peace loving Arabs over there are being persecuted by us evil Americans.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
FRAT PRANKS??? You call getting your leg chewed up by an MP dog FRAT PRANKS?????

Thats a new one. Hadnt heard that one. But getting people naked and essentially embarssing them is a frat prank. Doesnt make it right but to be saying its somehow equivalent to Saddams rape and torture is ridiculous.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Thats a new one. Hadnt heard that one. But getting people naked and essentially embarssing them is a frat prank. Doesnt make it right but to be saying its somehow equivalent to Saddams rape and torture is ridiculous.

while I wouldn't equate the rape and torture of husseins soldiers to the shameful abuse of some of the detainees there, I certainly would consider them more than frat pranks.


drudge link

It goes further than this also. I am starting to think that maybe we've only found the top of the heap.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
while I wouldn't equate the rape and torture of husseins soldiers to the shameful abuse of some of the detainees there, I certainly would consider them more than frat pranks.


drudge link

It goes further than this also. I am starting to think that maybe we've only found the top of the heap.

I hope not for our troops sake. A vast majority are good soldiers and are doing good work. To have these few taint everything they are doing is apalling.
Originally posted by insein
I hope not for our troops sake. A vast majority are good soldiers and are doing good work. To have these few taint everything they are doing is apalling.

well, don't think I'm talking about hundreds of troops, more like 20 to 40.
well thats a new pic, but i dont see a leg being chewed. just dogs scaring a nude guy in the corner and has this been verified?
Originally posted by Avatar4321
well thats a new pic, but i dont see a leg being chewed. just dogs scaring a nude guy in the corner and has this been verified?

The guy shouldnt be nude. He should be fully clothed and behind bars. And who the fuck is the retard that was taking these pictures anyway?

I hope that all the good that has been accomplished isnt glossed over because of the ridiculous acts of 20-40 troops.
Anyway back to Iran. Anyone seriously think this is a step toward progress or is it an act?
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Anyway back to Iran. Anyone seriously think this is a step toward progress or is it an act?

calculated act. publicity stunt. this 'law' limits any claim to brutality as an excuse for regime change.
Originally posted by Avatar4321

Good news for the country atleast if the people in charge actually enforce the law.

Although a thought just occured that maybe they are doing this after seeing the Americans get throttled for the frat pranks on the prisoners in Iraq. hmmm timing is interesting.

Sounds like a cruel joke to me. It's almost like the alcoholic swearing off booze, it sounds good, but its without substance. The government of countries such as Syria, Iran and North Korea, which are ruled by tyrants, have no respect for law - BY DEFINITION.

If the leaders of Iran really respected the rule of law, then they would allow themselves to be held accountable by the law. As is done in this country.

That's why the resolutions passed by the UN didn't work with Saddam Hussein. He did not respect the rule of law and therefore, did not feel obligated to be bound by it.

The only thing that dictators understand or respect is force. A good example is Quaddafi of Libya. Do you think he willingly gave up WMDs? He gave them up because he was afraid that he was the next to go!
Yes, and because Iran is less safe now, the US can more easily instate a totally beneficial regime change and enlighten the Irani people to true democracy!

Ahh, good old Sarcasm at 2 o clock :D
It is a joke that an actual debate about this nonsense is going on... these sick iranians are making a mockery of all freedom loving democracies in the world...

those islamofascists have it in their religion to kill torture and maim Jews, and to a lesser extent, Christians!

the lunatics in iran are working day and night to nuke Israel, and you are debating human rights in tehran!!! this apologetic attitude towards islamofacists must end before its too late!
It is a joke that an actual debate about this nonsense is going on... these sick iranians are making a mockery of all freedom loving democracies in the world...

those islamofascists have it in their religion to kill torture and maim Jews, and to a lesser extent, Christians!

the lunatics in iran are working day and night to nuke Israel, and you are debating human rights in tehran!!! this apologetic attitude towards islamofacists must end before its too late!

If Iranians have it in their relgion to kill Jews, why have they allowed a Jewish community in Teheran for centuries?
It is a joke that an actual debate about this nonsense is going on... these sick iranians are making a mockery of all freedom loving democracies in the world...

those islamofascists have it in their religion to kill torture and maim Jews, and to a lesser extent, Christians!

the lunatics in iran are working day and night to nuke Israel, and you are debating human rights in tehran!!! this apologetic attitude towards islamofacists must end before its too late!

If Iranians have it in their relgion to kill Jews, why have they allowed a Jewish community in Teheran for centuries?

Those who remained there are either hostages, or not real Jews! Iranians are merchants at the end of the day, the only thing they hold dearer to their allah is money!
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