Iowa Republican Steve King Joins Trump In Publicly Embracing Aryan Fascists


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Thankfully this type trash is finished in America

King echoed two fascist leaders with a phrase that would warm Adolf Hitler’s Aryan heart - "Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end.”

There seems to be a belief among many Americans that the popularity and mainstreaming of blatant racism and xenophobia among Republicans is the result of Donald Trump. But as this column scolds ad nauseam, racism and xenophobia has roiled in conservative ranks for decades. The only contribution a big-time wrestling celebrity could have made is bringing racism, specifically white supremacy, into the mainstream as a valid campaign issue. One of the Republicans that set the standard for Trump’s nativism as policy is Iowa congressional representative Steve King and although he never had the national forum Trump now enjoys, the racist King is just as bigoted, just as racist, and now is just as mainstream as his party’s standard bearer.

Maybe it was a ploy to best Donald Trump’s blatant racism, or more likely he just feels the time is right to reveal his adoration for Eruopean-style Aryan fascism, but Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) went public as a bonafide white supremacist last week. And, this is really important: King isn’t just openly joining the Trump nationalism parade, he issued a tweet with him posing with a pair of renowned European fascist leaders with a phrase that would warm Adolf Hitler’s Aryan heart – “Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end.” Demographic transformation is code for a diverse cultural society like America’s; something King says “must end.

Iowa Republican Steve King Joins Trump In Publicly Embracing Aryan Fascists
Thankfully this type trash is finished in America
King echoed two fascist leaders with a phrase that would warm Adolf Hitler’s Aryan heart - "Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end.”

Hey einstein. We can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on america. THINK, america-hater.
OK Loony Lefty Propoganda Machinistas: Must intelligent Women for TRUMP have to dissect your scummy lies and mind games at every turn?! Reality Check; What "demographic transformation" is may also be called "Open Borders" schema from the Soros Clinton camp who pretends that open borders is now for (Um, I mean) "the electrical grid". YOU ARE ALL FULL OF IT. Liar liars Pantsuit on Fire! clinton-for-president-pinocchio-for-vice-president-in-light-of-3021960.png
......................................... RE: "Demographic transformation is code for a diverse cultural society like America’s; something King says 'must end.' ":oops-28:

Leaked Documents Hint At Divergent Clinton Views On Trade, by RadioFreeEurope. This Wikileak was last week, about the same time as the Trump lewd video — so it was overlooked because the media was carpet-bombing us with anti-Trump.

Leaked documents published by Wikileaks show that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has advocated in private for free trade and open borders in a way that could be at variance with public pledges she has made to voters.

In the latest dump of documents that appears designed to influence the November 8 election, excerpts from paid speeches Clinton made to business groups show she told bankers behind closed doors that she favored “open trade and open borders” and believes Wall Street executives themselves should help write financial reform laws. …

Wikileaks said the private speeches, which Clinton herself has refused to release to the public, netted her at least $26.1 million in speaking fees. …

In a talk to a Brazilian bank in 2013, she said her “dream” is “a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders” and asked her audience to think of what doubling American trade with Latin America “would mean for everybody in this room.” …

Clinton in her speeches to Wall Street audiences said both Democrats and Republicans depend on the world’s largest concentration of billionaires for campaign contributions, and the government should not attempt to reform the financial sector without input from Wall Street. “You are the smartest people,” she said.

Revealed as a total global elitist, deceiving the public as required.

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