Invaders and the Economy

Most of the reason for the economic success we have is because we live in a country rich in natural resources and arable land.

dear, Japan has no resources and is very successful. Saudi Arabia has great resources and is very poor. Are you beginning to think you're a Nazi because you're slow?
You're only proving my point. Both Germany and Japan are smaller countries than the U.S. Yet they kick our asses economically. We are capitalist, and so are they. But look at where we are and where they are. If it wasn't for our bountiful land, we would be in shitsville. Though we have to deal with some things that they don't. Traitors to their own kind, negroes and Mexicans. Also, if you're going to insult me by calling me slow, we don't need to talk to each other at all. The choice is yours.
We have the wealth of having the most people in jail..

This was not true in the 1950's before liberalism took over.
I'm not talking about the past. I'm talking about now. But I can believe that to some extant, liberals are screwed up. Also, when it comes to the past, there is something you should read. Look up the writings of ex-general Smedley Butler concerning his views about the U.S. and Al Capone.
You're only proving my point. Both Germany and Japan are smaller countries than the U.S. Yet they kick our asses economically..

too stupid as usual. Germany has the per capita of Arkansas about our poorest state!!
What planet are you on?
Though terms like liberal, conservative, socialist, communist and facist are just labels that are largely meaningless. .

no dear, Plato and Aristotle defined history as the battle between govt and freedom!! Libertarians and Conservatives are for freedom while all others are opposed. Now you've got your ABC's
Both Plato and Aristotle were homos. Neither have I heard of anything that Aristotle ever said that was correct. Also, both libertarians and conservatives are screwed up in their own way. But libertarians take the cake! They apparently stand for "liberty." Which is another way of saying "freedom." But freedom to do what. Take advantage of those less fortunate than them? Freedom to plow the tops off mountains to get at coal instead of hiring miners? The freedom to institute union busting on steroids by shipping American jobs to wage slaves in places like China? Where their lax environmental regulations help destroy the planet faster? Or how about having the freedom to have as many children as you want in an already unsustainably overpopulated world. People basically behave like self centered chimps who breed like bacteria. (Though the breeding part doesn't apply to White people) How much "Liberty" do you think such creatures are deserving of.
P.S. Don't call me "dear."
But freedom to do what. Take advantage of those less fortunate than them?

dear, Aristotle was for freedom from big liberal govt and Plato was against. Now you have your ABC's. Do you understand?
I already told you that Plato and Aristotle were homos. Which was another way of saying that I don't care what they had to say. It doesn't have anything to do with anything.
You're only proving my point. Both Germany and Japan are smaller countries than the U.S. Yet they kick our asses economically..

too stupid as usual. Germany has the per capita of Arkansas about our poorest state!!
What planet are you on?
Apparently not the same planet as you're on. From everything I've heard, Germany's economy is doing better than ours. I will go with that rather than with what you think you know.
But freedom to do what. Take advantage of those less fortunate than them?

dear, Aristotle was for freedom from big liberal govt and Plato was against. Now you have your ABC's. Do you understand?
I already told you that Plato and Aristotle were homos. Which was another way of saying that I don't care what they had to say. It doesn't have anything to do with anything.
You're only proving my point. Both Germany and Japan are smaller countries than the U.S. Yet they kick our asses economically..

too stupid as usual. Germany has the per capita of Arkansas about our poorest state!!
What planet are you on?
Apparently not the same planet as you're on. From everything I've heard, Germany's economy is doing better than ours. I will go with that rather than with what you think you know.

too stupid!! What you've heard??? You lack the IQ to know what you've heard. Germany has the per capita income of Arkansas about out poorest state despite having done well lately thanks to good policies and to rip of prices on manufactured goods like BMW Porsche Audi Medcedes

United States

But freedom to do what. Take advantage of those less fortunate than them?

dear, Aristotle was for freedom from big liberal govt and Plato was against. Now you have your ABC's. Do you understand?
I already told you that Plato and Aristotle were homos. Which was another way of saying that I don't care what they had to say. It doesn't have anything to do with anything.
You're only proving my point. Both Germany and Japan are smaller countries than the U.S. Yet they kick our asses economically..

too stupid as usual. Germany has the per capita of Arkansas about our poorest state!!
What planet are you on?
Apparently not the same planet as you're on. From everything I've heard, Germany's economy is doing better than ours. I will go with that rather than with what you think you know.

too stupid!! What you've heard??? You lack the IQ to know what you've heard. Germany has the per capita income of Arkansas about out poorest state despite having done well lately thanks to good policies and to rip of prices on manufactured goods like BMW Porsche Audi Medcedes

United States
If anybody around here is too stupid, it's you. First, as far as a quality of life goes, even if your comparison of Arkansas vs Germany is true, would you rather live in Arkansas or Germany. You can guess my answer. Also, speaking of a per capita income depends on what stastics you're looking at. Because there are some people in the U.S. that are very rich compared to the majority of the population. Though I would rather not get into that. But according to wikipedia, the percentage of the population living in poverty is about equal in the U.S, Germany and Japan.
Maybe Japan and Germany weren't the economic powerhouses I thought they were. But here is something to consider.
Population of the U.S. 313.9 million. Exports - 1,612 trillion
Population of Germany, 81.89 million. Exports - 1,492 trillion
Population of Japan, 127.6 million. Exports - 792 billion
As far as population of Germany and Japan goes, they do pretty well for themselves. Despite what they lack compared to the U.S. in natural resources and airable land. There is another thing to consider. That being the trade deficit the U.S. has with China alone. I have seen estimates that ranged from nearly three hundred billion per year to over seven hundred billion per year. Also, for the jobs we sent to China and other places, it would be nice if those jobs were hear where the U.S. could tax their income and make things a little better for American citizens.
Also, if you're going to continue to insult my intelligence, we can stop our discussions. The ball is in your court.
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. Despite what they lack compared to the U.S. in natural resources and airable land. .

dear, USSR and Saudi Arabia have huge resources while Japan has none so please drop that stupid argument. Resources don't matter, capitalism does and general Republican values!
Maybe Japan and Germany weren't the economic powerhouses I thought they were.

good boy so start over with a new argument. Do you even remember what your subject was now that youve been defeated so badly?
I wasn't defeated at all. Given the size of their countries and their populations, Germany and Japan do better than the U.S. Also, superimpose a picture of Europe and lay it over a picture if the U.S. Despite the large size difference, the E.U. smokes the U.S.
Maybe Japan and Germany weren't the economic powerhouses I thought they were.

good boy so start over with a new argument. Do you even remember what your subject was now that youve been defeated so badly?
Maybe you would like to think so, but you didn't defeat me at all. Given the size and populations of Germany and Japan, they do better than we do. Also, take a picture of europe and overlay it over a picture of the U.S. Despite the size difference, they smoke the U.S. ehrn it comes to exports. Also, how convient for you to forget the U.S. trade deficit. And yes. I remember our disagreement about the value of capitalism. But then that whole thing about the trade deficit comes up again. Then there is the clock that shows the national debt. Along with all the other things I've mentioned. Your promotion of capitalism isn't doing so well.
I wasn't defeated at all. Given the size of their countries and their populations, Germany and Japan do better than the U.S.


dear I've already told you that Germany has the per capita income of Arkansas, about our poorest state.[/QUOTE]
But then that whole thing about the trade deficit comes up again. Then there is the clock that shows the national debt. Along with all the other things I've mentioned. Your promotion of capitalism isn't doing so well.

dear, if our trade deficit and national debt were that bad we would have a lower per capita income than Germany, not one that is much higher.
Do you think before you post?
. Despite what they lack compared to the U.S. in natural resources and airable land. .

dear, USSR and Saudi Arabia have huge resources while Japan has none so please drop that stupid argument. Resources don't matter, capitalism does and general Republican values!
It isn't a stupid argument. The point is, even though you choose to deny it, is that capitalism has failed us. Also, Russia ia usually forzen tundra and Saudi Ariba is mostly desert with a lot of oil underneath it. So you're not making much of a point there. Also, there you calling me dear again. Even though I asked you not to. This brings our conversations to an end. So whatever else you have to write, I'll just ignore it. And with my coming out on top, that must really grate on you.
Also, Russia ia usually forzen tundra and Saudi Ariba is mostly desert with a lot of oil underneath it. So you're not making much of a point there. .

both have huge huge resources campared to Japan; yet Japan is far richer. Thus, resources don't matter as you mistakenly claimed with great and now embarrasing passion. Capitalism and Republican values matter. Simple enough for you?
First off, capitalism is evil. Believe it or not. Also, I have heard Reagan's ideas on economics called voodoo economics. Which is a better description. Though all that is just pie in the sky. Because anybody with half a brain knows that he was nothing more than a corporate shill. A paid actor for capitalist scum. As for what I prefer, I can't tell you without heavily plagiarizing a book I read a couple of times. You see, above everything else, I am an Atheist. The book I refer to is all about atheism. You see, in the bible, everything involving economics revolved around slavery. The author pointed out what would be a better system of government. If you're really interested, go to your browser and type in, "our holy hell: the causes, the solutions." It can be read for free on a few websites.

You also seem to suggest that I try to take over the government or something. You are stupid for suggesting it and I would be even stupider for trying it. Not that I would be able to buy much air time with food stamps anyway. Also, one girl I got a reply from on one of my other threads basically admitted that she considered the truth to be an obscenity. From my observations, most people share this view. Yeah. I'm going to get some political traction in such an environment. What a joke!

You admit you receive food stamps?

Yes. I receive food stamps. I am about as poor as it is possible for any American to be. I am also highly uneducated. That is why in my original thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," I challenged the best and brightest this forum had to offer to challenge the things I said in that thread. I had done the same on many other political or Atheist forums. If they didn't immidately ban me, they soon did so. Because nobody that I found anywhere could successfully argue against my logic and wisdom. Even if it did come from somebody who had been poor most of their life. Somebody bring on the wisdom of the one percenters! Such as Bill Gates. I wish he would throw some millions of dollars my way like he did for "The Race." Which most people know as "La Raza."

First, I work three jobs and have been progressively "poorer" for several years. I would not describe myself as "well-to-do" and am not classified so by government definition. Doesn't stop me from struggling to pay my bills and feed those who depend on me. Despite my education and skills, my pay does not increase according to the costs. I cannot imagine collecting food stamps to pay my way. Must be a generational thing. I will grow my own food, hunt or butcher meat, if needs be.
The question I pose to you is, given government giveaways, why are you not striving to improve your lot?
I do agree that I am disgusted that government wastes so much money on useless and undeserving entities like La Raza, who have clearly declared their hate and disdain for the US and its citizens.
I guess it is a generational thing. Years ago, I couldn't even get hired at McDonadls. Apparently, jobs like that are easier to come by these days. Though I am from Michigan, I went to Indaina on a couple of occasions to work. A couple of times, I went to Texas to do the same. In these instances all I found was low pay work that I could hardly support myself with. Let alone a family. On another occasion I went to Florida for work. Only to get smeared on a motorcycle by somebody whose insurance company found a reason not to cover the holder of the policy. On another occasion I went to Virginia for work and, unfortunately, ended up join the navy. And all of this was before the U.S. decided to take a big shit on the American people and start sending jobs overseas.
So as you can see, I tried my whole life to improve my lot. For all the good it has done me. But maybe things will yet work out. Though even if they do, my views will never change. So now that I've answered your question, let me give you some advice. If you qualify, get on food stamps. Give those who depend on you a little break. It isn't a pride thing. It is a thing about finding balance against all the shit this country sees fit to put its citizens through.

Dude, I am not seeking, nor do I work at McDonald's-type jobs. Last time I applied at Walmart, I was declined because I was "overqualified". I am an airplane mechanic, an adjunct professor at the University, and I run my own small dairy farm. I do not qualify for food stamps...yet. Fortunately, only my livestock depends on me. A friend of mine, a licensed aircraft mechanic, went to FL and was unable to find suitable work...he's moving back here. I find it extremely distressing that the American Dream is becoming impossible for Americans willing to put the sweat equity into improving themselves. I see the overreach and overregulation imposed by government as particularly responsible for driving opportunity overseas. Companies to not establish business as a social welfare program. When business flourishes, so does the country. I abhor that so many are forced to accept public largesse in order to subsist. That is...obscene.
You admit you receive food stamps?

Yes. I receive food stamps. I am about as poor as it is possible for any American to be. I am also highly uneducated. That is why in my original thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," I challenged the best and brightest this forum had to offer to challenge the things I said in that thread. I had done the same on many other political or Atheist forums. If they didn't immidately ban me, they soon did so. Because nobody that I found anywhere could successfully argue against my logic and wisdom. Even if it did come from somebody who had been poor most of their life. Somebody bring on the wisdom of the one percenters! Such as Bill Gates. I wish he would throw some millions of dollars my way like he did for "The Race." Which most people know as "La Raza."

First, I work three jobs and have been progressively "poorer" for several years. I would not describe myself as "well-to-do" and am not classified so by government definition. Doesn't stop me from struggling to pay my bills and feed those who depend on me. Despite my education and skills, my pay does not increase according to the costs. I cannot imagine collecting food stamps to pay my way. Must be a generational thing. I will grow my own food, hunt or butcher meat, if needs be.
The question I pose to you is, given government giveaways, why are you not striving to improve your lot?
I do agree that I am disgusted that government wastes so much money on useless and undeserving entities like La Raza, who have clearly declared their hate and disdain for the US and its citizens.
I guess it is a generational thing. Years ago, I couldn't even get hired at McDonadls. Apparently, jobs like that are easier to come by these days. Though I am from Michigan, I went to Indaina on a couple of occasions to work. A couple of times, I went to Texas to do the same. In these instances all I found was low pay work that I could hardly support myself with. Let alone a family. On another occasion I went to Florida for work. Only to get smeared on a motorcycle by somebody whose insurance company found a reason not to cover the holder of the policy. On another occasion I went to Virginia for work and, unfortunately, ended up join the navy. And all of this was before the U.S. decided to take a big shit on the American people and start sending jobs overseas.
So as you can see, I tried my whole life to improve my lot. For all the good it has done me. But maybe things will yet work out. Though even if they do, my views will never change. So now that I've answered your question, let me give you some advice. If you qualify, get on food stamps. Give those who depend on you a little break. It isn't a pride thing. It is a thing about finding balance against all the shit this country sees fit to put its citizens through.

Dude, I am not seeking, nor do I work at McDonald's-type jobs. Last time I applied at Walmart, I was declined because I was "overqualified". I am an airplane mechanic, an adjunct professor at the University, and I run my own small dairy farm. I do not qualify for food stamps...yet. Fortunately, only my livestock depends on me. A friend of mine, a licensed aircraft mechanic, went to FL and was unable to find suitable work...he's moving back here. I find it extremely distressing that the American Dream is becoming impossible for Americans willing to put the sweat equity into improving themselves. I see the overreach and overregulation imposed by government as particularly responsible for driving opportunity overseas. Companies to not establish business as a social welfare program. When business flourishes, so does the country. I abhor that so many are forced to accept public largesse in order to subsist. That is...obscene.
I have to disagree with one of the things you said. Which is your stance about government regulation. First of all, it wasn't responsible for sending jobs overseas. Greed was. The same sort of greed that caused Southern plantation owners to import Negro slaves. Also, there should have been a goverment regulation against plowing the tops of mountains off to get at coal seams. What a horror it would have been if coal companies were forced to continue to employ large numbers of miners. (I say sarcastically)

Some better regulations would have come in handy with that whole credit default swap thing. It was nice that the Canadian government quite a while ago passed a regulation that kept cod fishermen from fishing for cod. Unfortunately, the cod haven't recovered even after many years. There are so many instances where we need more regulation, somebody could probably write a book about it.

The whole thing about deregulation is just a smoke screen. It is the same sort of crap as "Don't tax the rich, or you will loose jobs." What it has really come to mean is "Dont tax the rich, or they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips." This whole "Invisible hand of the free market" disgusts me to no end.
. Which is your stance about government regulation. First of all, it wasn't responsible for sending jobs overseas. Greed was.

dear, human nature is constant and greedy so you know full well when you subject American corporations to the highest tax in the world they have every incentive, plus a legal obligation, to move out to to maximize profits for their shareholders or owners.

Do you understand now? Please do not be afraid to learn.

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