Into the Wild

Those things irritate me as the sad examples of seemingly normal people, screwing up their life with tragic stupid decisions and plans.

Well it was really the flood that led to what happened. My uncle was stationed in Alaska in the AF and got himself in a situation in which he got cut off from getting back from a solo hunting trip by a flood like that.
The movie is good.
What happens is incredibly tragic. But the movie is good.
A silver spoon kid who thinks the world is his oyster... finds out... it very much doesn't work that way.

It reminds me of a scene in Platoon... where the rich boy tells the other soldiers he is with - "I figured if other people had to go, I should have to go to, it isn't fair so I volunteered"... to which the poor kid who was drafted said - "damn, you gotta be rich to think like that!"

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