John Kerry possessed reason, George Bush possessed faith. That's the consoling critique of the campaign by defeated liberals. But the truth is Kerry displayed neither. without credibel reason or faith, Kerry had nothing to offer Americans except experiments in radicalism.
To slavage their self-esteem, liberals are pushing the idea that they have lost the country but retained their reason. I hasn't yet dawned on them that they lost their country BECAUSE they lost their reason. Their irrational anger and tired theories weren't persuasive. The American people rejected Kerry because of an absence not only of authentic faith but also of reliable reasoning. His arguments were quite lame and couldn't hold up under questioning.
The reason why liberalism lacks any enduring appeal to ordinary Americans is not that it is too lofty but that it is too low. It is beneath the reasom of man. It appeals not to the mind of humans but to their irrational desires. Liberalism is far more about emotion than reason. Want to feel good about being bad? Liberalism will give you plenty of excuses to.But Americans can see that this is childish, self indulgent political philosophy that no civilization can run on for very long
"The Day the Enlightenment Went Out" was the post-election sob of Gary Willis in the New York Times, and captures the ratiojnalists-versus-religious -boobs analysis liberals are using to pep up their spirits. He wholly identifies liberalism with "reason" and "enlightenment" even as liberalism defies logic and sanctions barbaric practices. His enlightened conceit is a joke in light of the growing list of human rights abuses liberalism routinely justifies--from killing unborn children to the killing of the aged and weak to the cloning of human embryos for harvesting.
How many of the founders of this enlightened nation could pass the Wills' test? How many of them would agree with Gary Wills' views on abortion, euthanasia, cloning, sexual liberation?...............................
John Kerry possessed reason, George Bush possessed faith. That's the consoling critique of the campaign by defeated liberals. But the truth is Kerry displayed neither. without credibel reason or faith, Kerry had nothing to offer Americans except experiments in radicalism.
To slavage their self-esteem, liberals are pushing the idea that they have lost the country but retained their reason. I hasn't yet dawned on them that they lost their country BECAUSE they lost their reason. Their irrational anger and tired theories weren't persuasive. The American people rejected Kerry because of an absence not only of authentic faith but also of reliable reasoning. His arguments were quite lame and couldn't hold up under questioning.
The reason why liberalism lacks any enduring appeal to ordinary Americans is not that it is too lofty but that it is too low. It is beneath the reasom of man. It appeals not to the mind of humans but to their irrational desires. Liberalism is far more about emotion than reason. Want to feel good about being bad? Liberalism will give you plenty of excuses to.But Americans can see that this is childish, self indulgent political philosophy that no civilization can run on for very long
"The Day the Enlightenment Went Out" was the post-election sob of Gary Willis in the New York Times, and captures the ratiojnalists-versus-religious -boobs analysis liberals are using to pep up their spirits. He wholly identifies liberalism with "reason" and "enlightenment" even as liberalism defies logic and sanctions barbaric practices. His enlightened conceit is a joke in light of the growing list of human rights abuses liberalism routinely justifies--from killing unborn children to the killing of the aged and weak to the cloning of human embryos for harvesting.
How many of the founders of this enlightened nation could pass the Wills' test? How many of them would agree with Gary Wills' views on abortion, euthanasia, cloning, sexual liberation?...............................