Insulting Islam is now a hate crime in the Netherlands

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The latest twist in the clash between Western values and the Muslim world took place yesterday in the Netherlands, where a court ordered the prosecution of lawmaker and provocateur Geert Wilders for inciting violence. The Dutch MP and leader of the Freedom Party, which opposes Muslim immigration into Holland, will stand trial soon for his harsh criticism of Islam.

Mr. Wilders, who made world news last year with the release of a short anti-Islam film called "Fitna," certainly intends to provoke. In his 15-minute video, he juxtaposes verses from the Koran that call for jihad with clips of Islamic hate preachers and terror attacks. He has compared the Koran to Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and urged Muslims to tear out "hate-filled" verses from their scripture.

This is a frontal assault on Islam -- but, as Mr. Wilders points out, he's targeting the religion, not its followers. "Fitna," in fact, sparked a refreshing debate between moderate Muslims and non-Muslims in the Netherlands, and beyond.

The court yesterday arguing that the lawmaker should be prosecuted for "inciting hatred and discrimination" and also "for insulting Muslim worshippers because of comparisons between Islam and Nazism."

The concept of punishing people for "insulting" religious feelings sounds dangerously close to what Islamic countries have long been pushing for: that Western nations adopt blasphemy laws and stop the "defamation" of Islam.

The Amsterdam court yesterday obliged. This is no small victory for Islamic regimes that seek to export their censorship laws to wherever Muslims happen to reside. But the successful integration of Muslims in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe will require that immigrants adapt to Western norms, not vice versa. Limiting the Dutch debate of Islam to standards acceptable in, say, Saudi Arabia, will only shore up support for Mr. Wilders's argument that Muslim immigration is eroding traditional Dutch liberties.

Islamists have long tried to silence Mr. Wilders, who has been living for years under 24-hour police protection. Dutch judges may finally succeed where jihadist death threats so far have failed.
"blasphemy laws"

I'm with Ravi on this one, Islam sucks. Glad I do not go to the Netherlands enough to stress about it.....
This is Great news!!! :eusa_angel:

The Islamization of Europe increases everyday.

Someday all of Europe will be under Sharia Law.

And the added bonus will be that European support for IsraHell will be a thing of the past :clap2:
, as Mr. Wilders points out, he's targeting the religion, not its followers.

This is a common defense of many Islamophobes. It's hard to tell when people have a legitimate complaint or concern about the sacred texts of a religion and when they are just disguising their bigotry. Usually you can tell by the inordinate amount of time they spend ranting anf railing or just throwing nasty digs against the group they are scapegoating. Also by their anger at anyone who offers an opposing viewpoint.

It's not specific to Islamophobes either. You see it with anti-Semites, Catholic bashers, Mormon haters, atheist haters, etc ...
Limiting the Dutch debate of Islam to standards acceptable in, say, Saudi Arabia, will only shore up support for Mr. Wilders's argument that Muslim immigration is eroding traditional Dutch liberties.

Hilarious. Exposure to Dutch values has had more effect on Muslim immigrants, especially on their children, than have traditional values from those countries those immigrants came from on Dutch values.

Not many Saudi immigrants in Nederland either.
How sweet. Muslims are now officially pussies that can't stand to be criticized.

Before it happens here, let me state my views.

Islam sucks!

You mean like certain cigarette smokers?
This is Great news!!! :eusa_angel:

The Islamization of Europe increases everyday.

Someday all of Europe will be under Sharia Law.

And the added bonus will be that European support for IsraHell will be a thing of the past :clap2:

In your fantasy world. Have you ever even spent any time in Europe?
jesus fucking christ, dude.. are you silly bastards STILL pissed off about pissed christ? good grief. I think that this is the flaw of "hate" crime in general. I don't think that it's the state's business to assume that hatred should play an exponential factor in the breaking of law. If David Duke kills a ****** because of hatred and I kill a black man while trying to rob him then he is still dead and we both still committed the same act of murder regardless of "hate". It should not be a hate crime to talk shit on any religion in a nation that values the freedom of speech. i would fight for my right to call mohammed a dick sucking fag just as much as I would fight my the freedom to put a crucifix in a mason jar filled with piss.
Lame. Geert Wilder is a hero.

And, for the record, Islam is a barbaric, backward-assed, dark-ages mentality created by a raving lunatic with a predilection for young girls.

There is nothing beautiful about it, and if the faith were utterly wiped off the face of the earth, humanity would be better for it.
I feel that same way about all dogma junkie bullshit. You don't like islam? Guess how I feel about christianity. Everything you said about islam also applies to judaism. Ever read the OT? Fucking brutal.
I feel that same way about all dogma junkie bullshit. You don't like islam? Guess how I feel about christianity. Everything you said about islam also applies to judaism. Ever read the OT? Fucking brutal.

Indeed. I totally agree. Though, it's a relative scale for me. Islam is still stuck in the Old Testament, for the most part, Christianity and Judaism have somewhat evolved.

But, I'm not a fan of ANY organized religion, even the peaceful hippy ones. I think they are a crutch for the weak-minded.
I feel that same way about all dogma junkie bullshit. You don't like islam? Guess how I feel about christianity. Everything you said about islam also applies to judaism. Ever read the OT? Fucking brutal.

Indeed. I totally agree. Though, it's a relative scale for me. Islam is still stuck in the Old Testament, for the most part, Christianity and Judaism have somewhat evolved.

But, I'm not a fan of ANY organized religion, even the peaceful hippy ones. I think they are a crutch for the weak-minded.
And a tool for the strong minded.
This is Great news!!! :eusa_angel:

The Islamization of Europe increases everyday.

Someday all of Europe will be under Sharia Law.

And the added bonus will be that European support for IsraHell will be a thing of the past :clap2:

It's too bad the Europeans are too stupid to understand what is happening to them. You are probably correct about the takeover of Europe. You never know though, maybe they'll wake up before it's too late.

You see folks, Muslims don't hide their intentions. Sunni openly admits to the fact that he hopes Muslims take over Europe and force all Europeans to live under Sharia Law. Sunni is one of those moderate Muslims you all keep telling us about. If Muslims have they're way, they will force their backward beliefs on all of us.

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