Insane Obamans Brush Off Syrian Refugee Security Danger


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Obama spokesmen are claiming that the Syrian refugees pose no danger to national security. They are fully supportive of allowing hundreds of thousands of unvettable refugees from Syria (many who will be ISIS) to flow into the US. The words from these people are so preposterous, that you find yourself too stunned to immediately answer them. They claim to have top-notch vetting. They have NONE. These people have no records, and the few that do, are likely to be false documents.

So what do these Obama bootlickers use as a basis for this insanity, which is heavily opposed by the American people in general ? They claim that hundreds of thousands of refugees have come into the US from the Middle East, since 9-11 happened, with only a handful having been arrested for anything.

This excuse leaves a hole you could drive a truck through. First of all, ISIS has only been around for a year. So 14/15 of this time (93%), there was no ISIS. Secondly, who is to say that there hasn't been crimes committed by jihadists all these years, where the perpetrators are unknown ? There have been many plane crashes, train derailments, fires (all over western states), and various other disasters that could be man-made, and done by terrorists.

Note that not all terrorists are stupid. Many know how to inflict damage and quickly disappear, leaving no tracks. The Obamans cannot say with certainty, that only a very small number of terrorist attacks have occured from refugee immigrants by basing that on numbers of arrests. They have no way of knowing.

Third, numbers continue to be extremely overrated. If even the small number that the Obamans claim entered the US over the past 14 years were terrorists, that could cause massive loss of life. Only 19 jihadists committed 9-11. Only ONE pulled off the Fort Hood massacre. Just TWO were the Beltway Snipers, and just TWO were the Boston Marathon bombers.

Whatever it is these people are thinking to think allowing Syrians in is safe, it's going to have severe consequences, when the ISIS gooneys get settled, organized, and equipped.
A former State Dept employee David Tafuri is on the O'reilly Factor, claiming there is no danger. Same invalid old excuse. All the refugees since 2001. What a laughingstock. When asked what databases are there to vet the Syrian refugees, this fool replied intelligence databases, signal databases, people databases......Huh ?

Who ? Hah ? Whaa ?
I guess you could say his answer was NO ANSWER. O f course not. There is no way to vet them, and this phony knows it. Give us a break. These Obama loonies are going to get us all killed.

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