India announce major mission to Mars


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
India announce major mission to Mars
India announce major mission to Mars | The Capitol Column

Four years after successfully launching a moon probe, India has decided to make another ambitious space effort by sending an orbiter to Mars in November 2013.

The Capitol Column | Staff | Wednesday, August 01, 2012

India is headed to Mars.

The world’s largest democracy provided its approval of a mission to the Red Planet next year, voting in favor of a mission to Mars in October or November 2013.

Four years after successfully launching a moon probe, India announced its plan to embark on another ambitious space effort by sending an orbiter to Mars in November 2013. India will be the sixth space power to undertake such an effort after the US, Russia, Europe, Japan and China, whose maiden attempt last year was unsuccessful.

The mission envisages launching an orbiter spacecraft of 1,350 kg mass around Mars using advanced version of highly proven four-stage Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-XL) during October-November, 2013. Officials have indicated to the government that the orbiter will enter Mars’s orbit by September 2014, making it an approximately 300-day voyage.

The announcement comes on the same day that China presented plans to launch a probe mission to the moon. Chinese officials have also expressed interest in sending a manned mission to the lunar surface by 2020. The announcement also comes as U.S. space agency officials at NASA are expected to begin the final phase of one of the most ambitious missions to Mars.

Looks like the entire developed and developing world is getting in on it. This is russia's manned moon plans by 2018
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That is fucking awesome!!!

Somewhat confused though on the 300 day journey.
I believe the first Mars rover only took 8 months and I'm pretty sure the one currently in route (scheduled to land in four short days) will have taken a total of 7 months.

Check this out if you've not seen it...

[ame=]Challenges of Getting to Mars: Curiosity's Seven Minutes of Terror - YouTube[/ame]

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