Incredible: Top Dem strategists Bill Kristol and James Carville are BOTH talking about alternate candidates for 2024

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
If there was ever a clearer moment that the Dems are done with Joe Biden, I haven't seen it.

The pervs at The Lincoln Project must be crying into their cheese pizzas this morning.

Of course, the terrifying list of nutjobs and losers these two are offering up is ludicrous, but the fact that they seem to know it's not going to be Biden is VERY telling...

Carville said Trump had the clap like 2 weeks ago when Trump had OBVIOUS golf blisters on his hand.

Carville is dumber than Biden.
I would have liked to been there last evening with Car-vile when he watched FJB commit political Hairy-Canary on live TV.

The dude is a asshole (I can relate) but he's funny as hell when he's out and about.

He's a prick, but he's not dumb. He knows it's over for Biden and he, like Kristol, are rowing hard away from the Titanic as it goes down.
If the Dems pull at switch at the Convention, then all early voting should be prohibited. Dems would like nothing more to put up a new failed nominee, and not give Trump’s campaign a chance to develop a campaign showing voters why Trump is the better choice.
If there was ever a clearer moment that the Dems are done with Joe Biden, I haven't seen it.

The pervs at The Lincoln Project must be crying into their cheese pizzas this morning.

Of course, the terrifying list of nutjobs and losers these two are offering up is ludicrous, but the fact that they seem to know it's not going to be Biden is VERY telling...

WOW like that's quite the rogues gallery he named off!
If the Dems pull at switch at the Convention, then all early voting should be prohibited. Dems would like nothing more to put up a new failed nominee, and not give Trump’s campaign a chance to develop a campaign showing voters why Trump is the better choice.
The Dems are in a very bad spot. How can they push Biden out after he won all the primaries? And even if the Democratic establishment convinces Biden to leave, who is the alternative? Kamala Harris is a joke, but she is also a woman of color. Any attempt to kick her out of the line of succession would lead to a raging revolt within the party. Michele Obama has never been elected to anything, never run anything. She was just a minor bureaucrat at the U of Chicago.

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Well my rural PO will be happy....All the demanding and entitled leftist dem slags that move into a mountain community they serve when there'a a dem administration will be moving out. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
The Dems are in a very bad spot. How can they push Biden out after he won all the primaries? And even if the Democratic establishment convinces Biden to leave, who is the alternative? Kamala Harris is a joke, but she is also a woman of color. Any attempt to push her out of the line of succession would lead to a raging revolt within the party. Michele Obama has never been elected to anything, never run anything. She was just a minor bureaucrat at the U of Chicago.

I think it will be the guy who makes a used car salesman look trustworthy: Newsom.
If there was ever a clearer moment that the Dems are done with Joe Biden, I haven't seen it.

The pervs at The Lincoln Project must be crying into their cheese pizzas this morning.

Of course, the terrifying list of nutjobs and losers these two are offering up is ludicrous, but the fact that they seem to know it's not going to be Biden is VERY telling...

William Kristol is a political contributor for the FOX News Channel (FNC) and serves as a regular contributor to "Special Report with Bret Baier."

Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican"
I think it will be the guy who makes a used car salesman look trustworthy: Newsom.
Kamala is the VP. She is the heir apparent. If the Democratic establishment ditches her there will be a revolt.

A large segment of the Democratic Party is already angry, for example about the two wars the party establishment has us mired in. It wouldn’t take much to set off an explosion.

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God help us


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