Incredible Hypocrisy


VIP Member
Aug 31, 2006
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The beautiful Yadkin Valley
Check out this video of political bullying by a public school teacher in North Carolina. This footage was posted on the Independent Women's Forum on Friday. Ironically, this teacher claims at the end of the video that she was not a bit biased and let the children express their own opinions!


That teacher told the kid that McCain would keep our troops in Iraq for another 100 years, not once but, twice. Unbelievable.

Hell, she must be looking for a cabinet position in obamanation :eek:
I think pretty much we've (conservatives) come to the conclusion that nothing about this election was on the up and up.. that's why I don't have a problem saying this is not my President. Too much intimidation and thuggery for my tastes..
Back in '68 my teacher did pretty much the same thing to the one girl in the class who was supporting Nixon. I'll never forget that as the start of my understanding on just how low Democrats are.
You fucking crybabies make me laugh. So, the above teacher is bad but in 04 when you essentially insisted that anyone who wanted to go to fucking heaven MUST vote republican.. well, thats ok.


fucking fools. Your own behavior has come back to haunt you. Enjoy the next 4 years and, by all means, go get your fucking ruby ridge on.
the election is over........get over it....

isn't that what the libs are told everytime they find something unflattering about the Cons?

That said, this teacher is a dumbass. It was clear it wasn't "alright" to say you were pulling for John McCain...not when she says "oh Jesus, John McCain" in response to a child saying his name....

However, these kids had NO freakin clue why one man would be better than the other and IMO the teacher should've been talking about the election process and NOT the candidates... the process stays the same year after year...that is the lesson not who is running and what they stand for.
the election is over........get over it....

isn't that what the libs are told everytime they find something unflattering about the Cons?

That said, this teacher is a dumbass. It was clear it wasn't "alright" to say you were pulling for John McCain...not when she says "oh Jesus, John McCain" in response to a child saying his name....

However, these kids had NO freakin clue why one man would be better than the other and IMO the teacher should've been talking about the election process and NOT the candidates... the process stays the same year after year...that is the lesson not who is running and what they stand for.
Pretty funny one black kid "wanted a black president" and another wanted "change". Best was the end though where she considers herself open minded.
You fucking crybabies make me laugh. So, the above teacher is bad but in 04 when you essentially insisted that anyone who wanted to go to fucking heaven MUST vote republican.. well, thats ok.


fucking fools. Your own behavior has come back to haunt you. Enjoy the next 4 years and, by all means, go get your fucking ruby ridge on.

Assholes like you probably believe that too. You hit a new low today bubba. Silence just showed your ass up - that's pretty fuckin low.
Pretty funny one black kid "wanted a black president" and another wanted "change". Best was the end though where she considers herself open minded.

yeah well the girl for McCain only knew that her parents were voting for him.... like I said none of these kids had a clue about the issues.

I did find it amusing when she said she considered herself open minded... I was like :cuckoo: you don't say "oh Jesus John McCain" if you're open minded :lol:
You fucking crybabies make me laugh. So, the above teacher is bad but in 04 when you essentially insisted that anyone who wanted to go to fucking heaven MUST vote republican.. well, thats ok.


fucking fools. Your own behavior has come back to haunt you. Enjoy the next 4 years and, by all means, go get your fucking ruby ridge on.

I'm pretty sure that to get to heaven you must not only vote Republican, but conservative as well.
Thank God my kids don't go to Public Schools! Does that teacher even have a college degree?
Thank God my kids don't go to Public Schools! Does that teacher even have a college degree?

Teachers like her should be removed from class rooms. No quetions asked - the video says it all.
They can't get rid of them. They belong to unions.
When we remove her will we also remove the teachers who pushed McCain, or the ministers that preached against Obama.

It's wrong for a teacher to push either side.

As for the heaven issue, remember that Jesus was a liberal for those of you who believe in Jesus.

I think pretty much we've (conservatives) come to the conclusion that nothing about this election was on the up and up.. that's why I don't have a problem saying this is not my President.

So can I tell you to go live in some other country like the right kept telling US on the left when Bush was destroying our country and we complained?

If you have some evidence that nothing was on the up and up them please put up or .........

You guys are amazing. We were all conspiracy freaks when we said the elections were influenced by people like Jeb Bush with his fucked up felons list, but now that you have lost, you have been cheated but don't even have any evidence.,

Oh, I bet it was ACORN that got Obama the 62,000,000 votes.

Talk about whiners:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Here you go trying to bring religion into government again.
The government has absolutely no right to dictate to preachers what they may or may not say to their congregations. It's called freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.

But the government doesn't fund churches, and children are not required by law to attend. The government does fun schools, and children are required by law to attend...regardless of their religion or political background. So there is no room in our schools for teachers to proselytize or attempt to brainwash our children. They shouldn't be preaching a particular religion (including evolution) and they shouldn't be preaching a particular brand of politics.
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