in USA there is intelligence service that studies dreams


Jun 6, 2016
In the USA there is a big intelligence agency which consists approximately of 4000 people.

The woman heads intelligence agency. By means of the special equipment of Aliens They study dreams.

This intelligence agency earned billions of dollars. In dreams there is money - money of a dream. The entrance to the worlds of a dream occurs on special not material tickets. Live in dreams Sprayts - They are reasonable and benevolent and want to be on friendly terms with mankind
Sprayts like adventures.

Also in dreams there are mines with treasures - not material gold and jewels.
I am familiar with the woman who heads this intelligence agency. We together traveled around a dream. I am a dream hacker.
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Someone is off their meds or maybe rocker. But seriously are not dreams weird and often unreal. If you take certain medicines, vitamins, or other natural supplements you often have more intense dreams. The thing that amazes me about them is their creation in the mind, often some part of a day's experiences enters them, but distorted in many ways. Interesting topic even in this off the wall thread.

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr. Seuss
There is movement in Russia under the name dream hackers.
They study dreams by another way.

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