In Lugansk noticed armored personnel carrier of “DPR” grouping/Muscovite Zimbabwe follows Mugabe le


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Look like, Muscovite Zimbabwe - Lugandon follows Mugabe lead , Whats going on in Kremlin ? LOL))

"In Lugansk noticed armored personnel carrier of “DPR” grouping

In Lugansk noticed armored personnel carrier of “DPR” grouping
- Yesterday, November 20, the leader of the "LPR", Igor Plotnitsky, dismissed the "head of the Interior Ministry" Igor Cornet. A criminal case was ..."


Why independent East Ukraine is bad, and stealing of Syrian or Palestinian territorials as you guys do is nice and good?
We have an oxymoron, can you explain it?
Putin wants Ukraine. He took Crimea, and the breadbasket (Euro name) is his goal(.)
Putin wants Ukraine. He took Crimea, and the breadbasket (Euro name) is his goal(.)
I dont think so, even he understands that's impossible . he wants Ukraine weak and poor outside EU. cos when Ukrainian lives became better than in Muscovy , Muscovites will choose the European way too
Putin: Ukrainian officials have erected a monument to Petlyura. He was a man with Nazi views, an anti-Semite who killed Jews during the war. Except for the Zionist Jewish Congress, everyone else is silent. This is not being done by the Ukrainian people; this is being done at the prompting of the relevant ruling authorities. But why are you keeping silent? Until it is understood that this problem cannot be resolved without influencing the other side, nothing will happen.

I believe that it is becoming obvious and most importantly, it is becoming obvious to the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens.
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

Wake up, Western world, "democratic" Ukraine is full of Nazis.
"Who needs poor Ukraine" NOTO says better fight in Ukraine than in Poland and Baltics.)) that's why your Mongolian Ulus has 0 chances in Ukraine
Putin wants Ukraine. He took Crimea, and the breadbasket (Euro name) is his goal(.)
Plotva is in Moscow, his "LpR"s death crew is in prison (maybe killed) , "LpR" is under "DpR" occupation . Muscovite Zimbabwe - Lugandia follows Mugabe´s lead ))

don´t you see that Lugandia is an African "country"?



What has Putin to do with Mugabe or Russia with Zimbabwe?You are drinking or smoked too much marijuana?
Zimbabwe is a liberal Paradise created by American lefts, let DNC go there.
"What has Putin to do with Mugabe or Russia with Zimbabwe?" Mugabe is only one dictator in the world who recognized your occupation of Crimea. by the way is he in Rostov already?


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