In historic first, Ariz. Republic backs a Dem for president, citing Trump’s ‘deep character flaws


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
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NYC and NC
Will the nazi times be the only publication endorsing trump

In 1890, when the Arizona Republic first started printing from Phoenix, before it published photographs or crossword puzzles or won a Pulitzer Prize, the newspaper was called the Arizona Republican.

It later changed its name, but not the political slant of its editorial page.

For 126 years, the Republic has endorsed candidates for president of the United States. For 126 years, they have always been Republicans.

That changed Tuesday.

In a historic first, the newspaper’s editorial board announced online their unequivocal endorsement of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — and eviscerated her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump, along the way.

In historic first, Ariz. Republic backs a Democrat for president, citing Trump’s ‘deep character flaws’
That's hilarious. While we all know both major candidates are worthless, complaining about Trump's character flaws while ignoring the myriad character flaws of Hillary's is priceless.
Why are so many prominent Republicans repudiating Trump? There are two candidates that have a chance at winning the Presidency. Trump and Clinton. One, while flawed, has shown intelligence and a deep understanding of the issues facing this nation. The other has shown incredible negligence in stating opinions that are totally out in the left field. "Why can't we use nukes", concerning the war with Isis. "That just shows how smart I am" concerning not paying taxes on millions of dollars of income in some years. Really, why would anyone with any sanity at all endorse someone whose thinking is that diseased?
One shoots off his mouth and has stated opinions that are out in left field although this is after being a business success. The other has used intelligence and understanding to grow wealthy by ignoring laws that apparently only apply to others, has been so negligent as to nearly be a traitor to our country and has done almost nothing as a Senator and Secretary of State other than use the positions to perpetually run for higher office. It is a tough choice and is why many wish we had a strong third party candidate. The only ones defending either of the two main candidates are the usual party hacks that would vote for anyone with the right party letter in front of their name on the ballot.
One shoots off his mouth and has stated opinions that are out in left field although this is after being a business success. The other has used intelligence and understanding to grow wealthy by ignoring laws that apparently only apply to others, has been so negligent as to nearly be a traitor to our country and has done almost nothing as a Senator and Secretary of State other than use the positions to perpetually run for higher office. It is a tough choice and is why many wish we had a strong third party candidate. The only ones defending either of the two main candidates are the usual party hacks that would vote for anyone with the right party letter in front of their name on the ballot.

The so-called "Clinton scandals", including the idea that the Clinton Foundation is some kind of slush funds are all based on Republican lies. They make this stuff up, convince Congress to investigate, and FIND NOTHING.

Then they start a new rumour while continuing to repeats the rumours which have been investigated and proven false.

The anti-Clinton books outlining her "crimes" are bought and paid for with Republican Dark Money.

Stop listening to the lies and just google for information on these scandals. Republicans should be ashamed.
Democratic talking points written like a true party hack. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
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