In Hillary We Trust??


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012
“My jaw hit the floor as I watched this.” Top-ranking U.S. diplomat in Libya Gregory Hicks’ reaction while watching Susan Rice’s (Benghazi was a spontaneous demonstration caused by a video) song & dance on 5 Sunday talk shows. Hicks says he (and everyone else) knew it was a terrorist attack “from the get-go.” Reports are two more whistleblowers, including Dep. Coordinator Mark I. Thompson of the State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau, are alleging that Hillary and a “key aide” (Huma Abedin?) tried to keep the bureau out of the reporting and decision-making loop.

Hmmm... Must be (as Hillary once said) a vast right-wing conspiracy to damage the future and already media anointed first female U.S. president. Get your popcorn ready. It should be fun watching the press and Dems insist old Hil’ did nothing wrong. Well, except for before the attack. Oh, and except for during the attack. And darn it all, except for after the attack. Is this the week the Benghazi cover-up hits the proverbial fan? It looks like it might be. About time!

Can you believe that the Democratic Socialist Party really wants to replace failed project ZERO with that dispicable wench??
Hillary VS Rand Paul? If it was an honest election, Rand Paul would win. whos gonna be monitoring the election districts in the red states next time? will there be voter fraud again? for the third time?
Hillary has blood on her hands.

Sooner or later she will have to pay for that!
Hillary? then who will be the VP? Doomberg? Cuomo? That chick who demanded we all pay for her birth control? Bill as VP would be her only chance of beating Rubio or Rand.

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