In 2016 I won't vote for an extremist!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What I won't do!
I won't vote for anyone that wants to cut science, r&d or infrastructure!
I won't vote for anyone that uses the terms racist, sexist, or says people are protecting homophobia to get votes. etc.
I won't vote for anyone that sparks violence within our inner-cities for a thug.

What I will do!
I will vote for people that support funding infrastructure, science, r&d and want accountability doing it.

I will vote for people that want to raise the minimum wage and legalize drugs!

I will vote for people that want to govern responsibly!

Just say no to extremist in 2016! No more. No more, slash, cut and fuck! No more government shutdowns, no more whines of social injustice bull shit and no more anti-male crap!!!

Happy 29th birthday for myself...This is my promise!
I want someone running to promise they will address our national debt of over $18 trillion....and growing.
We need to address wasteful spending.We need to spend the record amount of revenue that the government
is taking in right now wisely....

If we need to cut spending we need to step up and do it.
But it's criminal the way governement wastes money.
And it's mind boggling that folks think we don't spend enough.
That should be priority one for the next Presidential candidate.
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