Immigration reform is a joke


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

A joke played on the American people by Obama an members of Congress.

How will they determine if an illegal alien have a criminal background if they use numerous aliases, names of identifications and no birth certificates? Or never been convicted of a crime. Which does not mean they are not criminals.
Those who do have criminal backgrounds will not come out of the shadows, so how do you intend to find them? Are you going to go out, profile them and round them up? And what do you intend to do with them after they are rounded up? What are you going to do if one member of the family does have a criminal back ground?
What do you intend to do with illegal aliens gangs?

How do you collect a $5,000 fine if they have to go to the end of a 20 year old line or do not want citizenship and just want legalization to work? Exactly what amnesty did in 1986.

Some for learning English. Some of those who were given amnesty in 1986 have not applied for U.S. citizenship and cannot speak or understand English.
Immigration Reform is a joke. Enforcement is the only rational solution to illegal immigration.

Obama; you owe the American people an answer. Immigration reform and our immigration system it broken, is not an answer.
Lily, it will remain so, as long as it is seen on one side of the issue as a means for poetential votes and the other side of the issue as a means for securing cheap labor. Immigration laws themselves do not need reforming, they just need to be enforced in order to work. When you have a Federal Govt. that has more interest in funding the National Endowment for the Arts than they do the Border Patrol then you start to realize the reasons why illegal immigration is such an issue. NEA's budget is almost half what the Border Patrols is, and I frankly find that amazing. In fact the entire budget of the Border Patrol would not even pay for one US Aircraft Carrier. What actually needs to happen here is the the laws need to be enforced and like it or not enteriing into this nation without the proper documentaion should be treated as the crime it is. The other issue the the process of citizenship itself, if something needs to be reformed then start there. I have long thought that if you simply grant a blanket amnesty to everyone who broke the law to enter into this nation, you have sent a message to everyone who id the hard work to become citizens that they no longer matter and thats not the sort of message we should be sending.
I really want to hear Obama explain how he is going to impliment Immigration Reform?
I do not think he can.

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