"Imagine" At 50; An Atheistic Anthem

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Fifty years ago, John Lennon released one of the most beautiful, inspirational and catchy pop anthems of the 20th century: "Imagine."

Gentle and yet increasingly stirring as the song progresses, "Imagine" is unabashedly utopian and deeply moral, calling on people to live, as one humanity, in peace. It is also purposely and powerfully irreligious. From its opening lyric, "Imagine there's no heaven," to the refrain, "And no religion too," Lennon sets out what is, to many, a clear atheistic message.

1. ''powerfully''??
2. the song and religion are fake--both are fairytales

Yeah well the atheists can go fuck themselves too


Here is how I see it. Religions i.e Christianity, Islam, Judaism, all have been warring for centuries. I don't think he's being atheistic, I think what he is trying to say that imagine that what we believed in was put aside for a moment, and let us see each other for who we are. Human beings. I am a christian, I believe in God. I listen to all kinds of music, heavy metal being my favorite. It has taught me to look deeper, past the euphemisms, metaphors and what is on the front page. Music is a beautiful piece of art because so much meaning can be hidden except for those who look deeper within.
Like the song.....

But you can't have morals, laws, etc. without God who created them.

How would we know good from bad without someone to define the difference?

No Heaven? Yea that's imaginary.
I don't see Imagine that way. Lennon was describing what a world without religion, war, greed or hunger might be like. That was consistent with the utopian Hippie Generation beliefs of the time.
Here is how I see it. Religions i.e Christianity, Islam, Judaism, all have been warring for centuries. I don't think he's being atheistic, I think what he is trying to say that imagine that what we believed in was put aside for a moment, and let us see each other for who we are. Human beings. I am a christian, I believe in God. I listen to all kinds of music, heavy metal being my favorite. It has taught me to look deeper, past the euphemisms, metaphors and what is on the front page. Music is a beautiful piece of art because so much meaning can be hidden except for those who look deeper within.

"I am he and you are he as you are me and we are all together"
Fifty years ago, John Lennon released one of the most beautiful, inspirational and catchy pop anthems of the 20th century: "Imagine."

Gentle and yet increasingly stirring as the song progresses, "Imagine" is unabashedly utopian and deeply moral, calling on people to live, as one humanity, in peace. It is also purposely and powerfully irreligious. From its opening lyric, "Imagine there's no heaven," to the refrain, "And no religion too," Lennon sets out what is, to many, a clear atheistic message.

Lennon himself stated that Imagine was “the Communist Manifesto set to music”. It described a world of Godlessness, poverty, anti-patriotism, and other deep social ills, in a way as to make them sound pleasant.
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