I'm pro-gun - ask me anything!

Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.

FYI: I carry a 10mm when I can wear a jacket, with 180@1350 JHP rounds.
This generates, literally, twice the energy of the standard 9mm/115gr round.

I was shooting combat matches when high capacity 9mm pistols first came out...lots of guys sold their .45's and bough them thinking that they would have to reload less and in turn, score a better round...the bowling pins were hilarious...they could knock them down, but weren't able to knock them off the table...they would get them spinning and go through 30 rounds or more trying to get them off the table...
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!
Do you understand the fact that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited; that it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose?

Maybe you should read the Federalist Papers on the topic...They represent the thoughts at the time of the people who wrote the 2nd amendment, and the rest of the bill of rights...they didn't see the constitution as a "living" document...
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!
Do you understand the fact that government (the people) has the authority to place limits and restrictions on the sale and possession of firearms provided such measures comport with current Second Amendment case law?

Learn the difference between positive freedom and negative freedom..the founders wrote the constitution to protect negative freedom...

Interesting that you have an image of the Bill of Rights as your avatar, but don't seem to know the first thing about why they were written or what the people who wrote them had in mind...
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!
Do you understand the fact that the Second Amendment codifies an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, unconnected with militia service – not to act in the capacity of ‘law enforcement,’ or to ‘fight crime,’ or to ‘deter tyranny’?

According to the founders...the very people are the militia...they are the reason a standing army will never invade the US...they would be shot at from every window and every tree in the nation......well...except for california, new york, and chicago...
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!
Do you understand the fact that insurrectionist dogma is wrongheaded and completely devoid of merit, that the Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First Amendment, and that it was never the intent of the Framers to amend the Constitution in such a manner as to authorize the destruction of the Constitution and Republic they just created?

This country bears no resemblance to the nation they founded and had they been around, the shooting would have started with the new deal....if not before..
I like 9MM with modern cartridge selection, and bullet construction. I always have liked .45 ACP and still use it as well. Both are excellent for defensive situations as well as target shooting and practice.
Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.
I just think it’ll be easier and cheaper for buying practice rounds and not as clunky as a .45. I assume they sell that ammo in hollow point which should do well enough for defense.
The best handgun for self defense is the one you are most comfortable with.

Putting rounds on target is more important than caliber.

A 9 mm hollow point will be effective if you hit your target.
Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.
I just think it’ll be easier and cheaper for buying practice rounds and not as clunky as a .45. I assume they sell that ammo in hollow point which should do well enough for defense.
The best handgun for self defense is the one you are most comfortable with.
Putting rounds on target is more important than caliber.
A 9 mm hollow point will be effective if you hit your target.
All true.
All else being equal, a 10mm JHP will be more effective. :)
Why shouldn't everyone have access to full-auto weapons?
Certain people- criminals, those adjudicated mentally infirm, illegal aliens, dishonorable dischargees, etc - are prohibited from ownership and possession of any and all firearms because they have lost their right to keep and bear arms thru due process, or never had the right to begin with.
This applies to full-auto weapons as well.
Why shouldn't everyone have access to full-auto weapons?
Certain people- criminals, those adjudicated mentally infirm, illegal aliens, dishonorable dischargees, etc - are prohibited from ownership and possession of any and all firearms because they have lost their right to keep and bear arms thru due process, or never had the right to begin with.
This applies to full-auto weapons as well.

Why can't everyone legally allowed to own a gun have access to full-auto weapons and suppressors?
Why shouldn't everyone have access to full-auto weapons?
Certain people- criminals, those adjudicated mentally infirm, illegal aliens, dishonorable dischargees, etc - are prohibited from ownership and possession of any and all firearms because they have lost their right to keep and bear arms thru due process, or never had the right to begin with.
This applies to full-auto weapons as well.
Why can't everyone legally allowed to own a gun have access to full-auto weapons and suppressors?
Under federal law, they can.