I'm not liking what I see from Rittenhouse

Nope Kyle appointed himself judge and jury. He had no business going to Kenosha, carrying a weapons, passing himself off as an EMT or defying the curfew. Idiots like Kyle prevent the police from doing their job.. They are in the way and add to the chaos and confusion.

Are you still on this silly shit although it has been explained to you over and over again that your narrative is simply distorted?

Pull your head out of your Libtard ass. You are wrong. If what you said had any credibility then he would not have been acquitted of the crimes he was unjustly charged with.

Because stupid hate filled Moon Bats like you have solidarity with the BLM filth that was destroying the city then you hate the fact that somebody resisted the rioting mob.

Kyle was targeted by the vigilante mob because he helped put out one of their street fires. A fire that was close to a gas station that would have caused tremendous damage had it blown up.

Kyle was a hero for resisting the damage being done by the mob but you Moon Bats liked what the mob was doing so you hate Kyle resisting them.

We need a drinking game here on this forum. Evey time you spout your hateful shit about Kyle should not have been there then we take a drink. We will all be drunk by noon.
The GQP is a prime example.
They support their 'stable genius'.

“I went from VERY successful businessman to top TV star to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius … and a very stable genius at that!”

President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress Wednesday that Trump directed him to threaten his high school, college and the College Board to prevent his grades and SAT scores from being released.
“I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant, but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores,” Cohen said.
That is a lie. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act forbids all of those schools and the college board from releasing those records to anyone without his written permission. When I changed jobs as a teacher, I had to provide my college transcripts (all 3 schools) and I had to send written permission for them to ever provide the information to my new employer. A lawyer should have known that. If they make an unauthorized release, you can sue them.
I don't have any special regard for his victims beyond the fact that they would still be alive had Kyle decided to stay home.
You do not know that for a fact you lying piece of scum!
He wasn't visiting his father and he WAS breaking curfew
so we’re they, but alas breaking curfew is fine as long as it is to burn down the white society you hate so much!
AGAIN moron...ONE media outlet (a British one at that) got the race of the victims wrong and you use that asa blanket condemnation of AMERICAN media

No, I used an article from MSN that condemns the U.S. media blatant lies that you still consider to be facts!

It is individuals like you that tried and convicted Kyle through the media and when the actual evidence pointed that he actually killed two white guys that were there to cause destruction and mayhem all those like you could do is hang onto that Kyle was a racist!

All you, Surda and Occupied have done is excused the criminal acts of those that got shot and claimed they were victims which they were not according to the court ruling!

In fact you are so moronic you keep on excusing known criminals while wanting to lynch someone that is not guilty, and that in itself is sickening!
Perhaps he's not comfortable with being posterboy for the white supremacist movement? LOL

It will be interesting to see what becomes of this young man. I called him a punk, and anyone who arms himself with a semiauto rifle and drives to another state to intimidate other people is a punk, but many 18-19 yr old kids have acted like punks on more than one occasion, and grown into compassionate, humble men. We'll see. He didn't get too lucky in the parent department, but none of us choose our families.
What would be the purpose in carrying a single-shot or bolt-action rifle? For about the 10th time, his father lives in Kenosha and he was there the day before the riot night in question.

You are a punk who cannot get the facts straight!
I find it hard not to have empathy. Not that I'd ever have put myself in a situation of shooting people who were not actually breaking into my place ... unless I'd been drafted for the Greater SE Asia wargames.

He's an anathema to anyone a compassionate person would choose to be around.
You are an anathema to every other board member mainly due to your insolence and ignorance.
Perhaps he's not comfortable with being posterboy for the white supremacist movement? LOL

It will be interesting to see what becomes of this young man. I called him a punk, and anyone who arms himself with a semiauto rifle and drives to another state to intimidate other people is a punk, but many 18-19 yr old kids have acted like punks on more than one occasion, and grown into compassionate, humble men. We'll see. He didn't get too lucky in the parent department, but none of us choose our families.
His father lives there and what do you call the assholes he shot?

My bet victims and not lawless punks!
I agree with your statement 100%.

However. "two-to-too". Please learn the difference or you come across as a moron.

The only way to fight fascists is to hit them back harder and knock them out. They'll scatter like roaches then. That's what he'll have to do.

"too" means a higher order or in a addition, or also.

You grammar queens are funny. I usually don't correct my auto correct on the dumb phone. BTW, however needs a comma after it....not a period. Lol. We do agree though on the subject.
Why don't you have to address the racism and murders behind the protests? Police are still killing 1000 people a year, and cheering on vigilantes isn't making the situation any better.

Why do you keep deflecting to the violence caused by the police and the vigilantes when BLM and the left were protesting? This has been a really effective tactic for avoiding the problem, and it's time to drag the topic back to your refusal to address racism and brutality in your criminal justice system.
Police killed no one that sparked those riots because they were based on lie. The BLM crew were protesting the killing of a unarmed black man without any cause.. The truth was the suspect was a black man armed with a knife, had basically kidnapped his own children, and survived being shot by the police.
You grammar queens are funny. I usually don't correct my auto correct on the dumb phone. BTW, however needs a comma after it....not a period. Lol. We do agree though on the subject.
Nice try. Auto-correct would put the proper word "to" in there. Next ridiculous excuse for why you are apparently undereducated!

Kyle could agree to be Ilhan Omar's intern.
So Kyle was carrying his weapon, a medic kit and a fire extinguisher. He had no authority to be there. He's not a police officer and he was breaking curfew.

He had authority to be there by the owner. He defended himself from being attacked and was acquitted by a jury of his peers.

If you don't like it, go play in traffic!
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He had authority to be there by the owner, so he was mot breaking curfew like the rioters were. He defended himself from being attacked and was acquitted by a jury of his peers.

If you don't like it, go play in traffic!

The owner NEVER gave him permission to guard the car dealership or to break curfew. That's another lie.
I feel no pity for Kyle whatsoever. He is a free man. If there is any fallout well then when you insert yourself in a big group you deal with the fallout. I'd never insert myself into anything like that to try and help out....ever.
I feel no pity for Kyle whatsoever. He is a free man. If there is any fallout well then when you insert yourself in a big group you deal with the fallout. I'd never insert myself into anything like that to try and help out....ever.

Kyle is a dumb, snot nosed kid who is having a heady moment as the center of attention.

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