ILLEGAL FBI presence in Harney County will continue...

I love how the traitors hold the signs so you can't see their faces.
Because they know who they are.

And Santilli's insistence on filming this stuff is why he's in jail right now. Last I heard, he hadn't been charged.
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I love how the traitors hold the signs so you can't see their faces.
Because they know who they are.

And Santilli's insistence on filming this stuff is why he's in jail right now. Last I heard, he hadn't been charged.
You only hear what the terrorist network tells you. That is why you are always wrong about everything you say.
I love how the traitors hold the signs so you can't see their faces.
Because they know who they are.

And Santilli's insistence on filming this stuff is why he's in jail right now. Last I heard, he hadn't been charged.
You only hear what the terrorist network tells you. That is why you are always wrong about everything you say.

I actually am rather sad that the circus is over.

I think the clowns should have been left there and denied their snacks until they got too bored to stay.
I love how the traitors hold the signs so you can't see their faces.
Because they know who they are.

And Santilli's insistence on filming this stuff is why he's in jail right now. Last I heard, he hadn't been charged.
You only hear what the terrorist network tells you. That is why you are always wrong about everything you say.

I actually am rather sad that the circus is over.

I think the clowns should have been left there and denied their snacks until they got too bored to stay.
The public has been denied access to the wildlife refuge to long already. Those people who held the refuge hostage prevented much-needed work from being done and there is much to be done to repair what has been damaged or destroyed on top of the normal work of preparing for the spring season after a long winter.

Many migrating birds will begin returning to the refuge in less than a month, early March.
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County responds to the Pacific Patriots Network’s letter of intent – Burns Times-Herald

Rally at the courthouse
Shana Withee thanked law enforcement officers for keeping county employees safe during the rally that was held at the Harney County Courthouse Monday, Feb. 1.
According to the organization’s website, the PPN organized the rally to “support Harney County citizens and demand accountability of LaVoy Finicum’s death.”
A sizable group of Harney County community members held a counter protest to show support for local and visiting law enforcement officers, as well as FBI and local elected officials. The group also urged the PPN and other outside groups to leave the area.
Runnels said the rally was “civil, but heated,” comparing it to a basketball game between two opposing schools.
He said he believes there were locals on both sides, but thinks most support the court.
“There’s a lot of support about how this is being handled,” Runnels said. “I really truly think this community is together.”
But Paul Hyland said he noticed a division.
“I went out there, and the people were divided,” Hyland said. “I didn’t know what to do to tell you the truth…my heart was telling me that both you guys are wrong. Sitting there and hollering at each other, that’s not going to do anything. I want to do something. I’d like to do things to have our community heal, but I don’t know what to do.”
“I appreciate what you said,” Grasty replied. “It’s hard knowing what to do. We’ve got to figure this out or we are going to be having the same debate with ourselves again in a month, a year, a decade.”
Vanessa Leathers said moments of prayer and silence were supposed to be held during the rally.
“I saw the saddest, most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen — a community screaming over a prayer, a prayer said by local pastors for the people who were screaming,” Leathers said.
And because I thought this image was really cute- also from the Burns Time- Herald

Everyone else as impressed as I was by the huge Militia turn out for this 'occupation'?
The Sheriff of neighboring Grant County (where I lived for 10 years, went to school, had my first two children, still have family in) has publicly declared his intent to hold Grant safe from federal occupation.
LOL. Now Sheriff Palmer wants total control over all the law enforcement in Grant County. In other words, no Federal Law, No State Patrol. Were he to get his way, the only law in Grant County would be Sheriff Palmer. And if you wanted to set up a little 'operation' anywhere in Grant County, you would have to reach an 'understanding' with Sheriff Palmer. A very nice lucrative setup for Sheriff Palmer. In the mean time, perhaps certain 'understandings' already in existance have been observed by some other agencies.

You see, that invite from Sheriff Palmer to the felons down at the Refuge was definately timed just right for the FBI and State Patrol. I think that the reality of the situation went something like this;

FBI agent to Sheriff Palmer. "Well Sheriff, here are some pictures you should look at."

Sheriff Palmer, "You wouldn't dare!"

FBI Agent, "This is what you will do"

Sheriff Palmer, "Yes Sir!"

It was a setup, and,dollars to donuts, Palmer was totally involved. And now is making the proper noises to maintain the support he needs to try to become the sole law in Grant County. Which, of course, is most definately not going to happen now. The fiasco at the Refuge has demonstrated what the mental state of the militia's.

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