i'll say it again, we're chipping away at liberty...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
Gowdy Statement in Response to Clinton Comments on the Benghazi Committee:

“Secretary Clinton had a statutory duty to preserve records from her time in office, she had a legal duty to cooperate and tell the truth with congressional investigators requesting her records, and she was personally subpoenaed the moment the Benghazi Committee became aware of her exclusive use of personal email and a server, and that the State department was not the custodian of her official record.

“For more than two years, Clinton never availed herself of the opportunity, even in response to a direct congressional inquiry, to inform the public of her unusual email arrangement designed to evade public transparency. The State Department, which should have informed congressional investigators years ago, failed to do so either.

“The fact of the matter is it took the Benghazi Committee to uncover Secretary Clinton’s use of personal email and a server to conduct official State Department business. And it was Benghazi Committee inquiries that led the State Department to confirm Clinton failed to turn over all emails that should be part of her public record; that Clinton’s personal emails and server in fact do contain classified information; that her emails from Sidney Blumenthal were solicited; and that she used more than one device for electronic communication, undercutting her ‘convenience’ claim. With regards to Secretary Clinton’s claims today, the committee does not know why or when she chose to wipe clean her personal server, but we do know her way of doing things provided an incomplete public record.”

people didn't used to go into government to get wealthy, while at the same, trying to reallocate wealth.

we should distinguish the definition of "the technological tools of the state". does it include intellectual property, computers, servers etc...

there was also a time when the liberals used to care about this stuff.

ends justify the means is the new question authority
But but but...

In her interview yesterday, she stated she was never subpoenaed.
Yep, if we had a real justice dept the FBI would have had the computers and server before she had a chance to obstruct justice.
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plus i just noticed this in my Email:

Hillary attacking Trey Gowdy
"[email protected]" <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Wed, Jul 08, 2015 8:36 am
To: Friend <[email protected]>

Friend, we need to hit back, hard.

Fox News personality, Greta Van Susteren is pushing back against Hillary's deceptive hit-job video attacking Congressman Trey Gowdy. But that's not enough. So, I'm asking you to join Stop Hillary PAC in holding Hillary accountable -- sign your own personalized Citizens' Subpoena of Hillary Clinton.

I contacted you last week about how Hillary is now refusing to testify under oath in front of Congressman Trey Gowdy and the Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi. Now, Hillary Clinton is launching a full-on assault directly against Congressman Trey Gowdy.

Please, let me explain: in a clever, desperate way, Hillary deceptively edited together footage to make Gowdy say the Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi is being delayed and used for political gain in 2016. When in fact, Hillary Clinton is politicizing the investigation of the Benghazi attack to avoid testifying under oath in front of Congressman Trey Gowdy and the Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi.

Friend, no subpoena has been issued for Hillary Clinton yet -- and until one is issued, Hillary is still off the hook.

That's why I'm asking you to click here immediately to sign on to our Citizens' Subpoena of Hillary.

She's using her own deleted email scandal to cover her tracks, and ultimately avoid testifying under oath in front of Congressman Trey Gowdy and the Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi.

You and I must bring the full force of the American people to bear against Hillary Clinton.

Will you sign your own personalized Citizens' Subpoena of Hillary Clinton -- demanding that she immediately testify under oath in front of the Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi OR be held in jail for contempt of Congress?

To Hillary Clinton, Benghazi is just a political buzzword...

But to me, and clearly, to Congressman Gowdy -- it's a lot more. The four Americans murdered there deserve justice, and the American people must know the truth BEFORE Hillary gets even one step closer to the White House.

She is unfit to be Commander-in-chief. That's why I urgently need you to sign the Citizens' Subpoena of Hillary Clinton to insist Congress uncover the truth -- and immediately hold Hillary Clinton accountable.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens, U.S. State Department specialist Sean Smith, former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, and former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods were killed in cold blood. They were not killed by a mob, angry over a YouTube video, as Hillary Clinton directed her State Department to announce. They were murdered in a deliberate, coordinated assassination.

In order to get to the truth, the Select Committee MUST subpoena Hillary Clinton and make her testify under oath.

Please, follow this link, and sign the Citizens' Subpoena of Hillary Clinton today...

Clinton herself was personally briefed on the threats and vulnerabilities facing Benghazi, but she chose to ignore and deny repeated requests for increased security, taking no action -- AND THEN SHE LIED ABOUT IT!

With deep concern,
Senator Harvey

P.S. I repeat...Hillary -- if we don't take immediate action -- isn't going to be forced to testify under oath in front of Congressman Trey Gowdy and the Congressional Select Committee on Benghazi.

Ted Harvey - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

to date.... i haven't gotten any Emails from miss hillary :wink:

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