Ill Gov Pritzker Calls For Gun Control After 4th of July Masacre

There is no constitutional right to have an old white crazy politician tell a woman what she can or cannot do.

That's why it's left up to the State Legislatures.

Really didn't think that one through did ya, Kamala suck off-er?

“Illinois has the eighth strictest gun laws in the nation, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.”

Yup...but more gun laws for law-abiding citizens will put an end to Chicago's gun crime and record-setting murder rate.

How's that working out for them?
Why doesn't Governor Pringles get mad when Blacks kill other Blacks every single day in Illinois? Is he a Racist?
FUCK YOU 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕

These are the ONLY words you right wing fucks understand.

So, Fuck You.
Again, nice triggered emotional meltdown.

This childish cursing is all Conservatives understand?

That's a sorry excuse for your extremely limted vocabulary and tiny brain. All you did was prove my point, that you are incapable of giving rational, thought out responses.
There is no constitutional right to have an old white crazy politician tell a woman what she can or cannot do.
There is no constitutional right to have an old white crazy politician tell a woman what she can or cannot do.

Like they did 50 years ago, when the Court decided in favor of RvW?
Define a Criminal.

1st you ignorant assholes can't define what a WOMAN is, & now you have no idea what a CRIMINAL is?!


“Illinois has the eighth strictest gun laws in the nation, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.”

Yup...but more gun laws for law-abiding citizens will put an end to Chicago's gun crime and record-setting murder rate.

How's that working out for them?
he needs to call for left wing terror groups to be controlled ..

There is no constitutional right to have an old white crazy politician tell a woman what she can or cannot do.
That's why the USSC turned legislative governance of abortions back to the states ... causing libetals to lose their minds.
Ya'all are missing the point. It's all about the culture of continuous wars and violence.

Then when that's combined with far, far too many guns, it results in the slaughter that is happening.
It could be about to escalate completely out of control, due to the nature of America's war with Russia.

Please consider giving up your pistols and AR's at least!
Did you seriously just warn us all it could be about to escalate much worse & then ask us to give up our means of defense from said escalation?
You just can't make up this level of disconnect.

Do you enjoy your victim status?

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