If the stimulus package savad millions of jobs ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
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since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.
you are right !! and using their own logic against them lets the bastards see how retarded they really are!!
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??

actually, this is a valid point.

If you recall, many on the right said "thanks to Bush, we were safe for 7 yerars after 9-11.

And the left said "prove it had anything to do with Bush"

So you are correct...typical hypocrisy now as the left takes claim for things "not being worse than they are"
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.

A more thorough question: If the stimulus was a "success" as many claim then why is our GDP growth under 1% and our unemployment rate still over the rate it was when Obama took office (over 9% for july but i'm hoping it drops under 9 for august)
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.

A more thorough question: If the stimulus was a "success" as many claim then why is our GDP growth under 1% and our unemployment rate still over the rate it was when Obama took office (over 9% for july but i'm hoping it drops under 9 for august)
because for the past few yrs the libs have had a majority in congress until recently and they have installed an idiot in the white house !!...you see it is very simple... the average libs are so fucking stupid they can't recognize their own destructive policies for what they are!!!the only ones in the hole sorry ass party that has a clue to the true agenda the left is pushing is it's treasonous king and queen wanna be leaders in washington!
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Now you are fightin' with other conservatives?


What is "savad" by the way?:lol:

My guess is it was a typo.

I think he meant "salad"

Oh thats #91 on the bruins....if you say his name with a boston accent ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auMHl7ro23Y&feature=related]History Will Be Made - "Savvy Returns!" - YouTube[/ame]
[My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.

Because you're not taking into account what was going on in the rest of the economy.
OHHH WE KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON !!! what liberal's like you don't understand is that the majority of business owners are republican!!!
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsZpWej8pF4]I Don't Understand with Obama - YouTube[/ame]
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??

Totally ridiculous. Terrorist attackes us here and we sent our troops to them to kill even more. We protect this country from terrorist attacks is by securing the borders, air space and ports. Going to war has not stopped terrorist attacks. They are still happening across the world and we have created more terrorist. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 and terrorist. Saddam would have been more valuable to us if he had remaind in power because he hated al qaeda and taliban as much as we did and were not in Iraq until after our invasion.
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.

Unemployment is DOWN to 9.1% and not up because of the stimulus and if more GOP governors had taken the stimulus it would be less.
Remember Bush had a stimulus also. And he allow millions of jobs to move overseas and cut taxes that did not create any jobs.
We would be in the double digits unemployment and in a depression instead of a recession.
We may never get over the mess Bush created in 8 years.
Unemployment rate was 8.5% and rising when Obama took office. It went up and then DOWN to 9.1%.
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since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost

"According to a new report from the nonpartisan CBO, the stimulus saved up to 2.9 million jobs : A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.0 million and 2.9 million jobs as of June. "

CBO estimates recovery act saved up to 2.9 million jobs; Perry vows opposition to any new stimulus – - Americas ReviewAmericas Review
since libbs like to make the unproven claim that if left had not shoved the the trillion dollar stimulus package down unwilling Americans throats millions of more jobs would have been lost .....can't repubs make the same argument that if we would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan millions of American lives would have been lost to terror attacks ??
My question is, if the stimulus was supposed to save millions of jobs why is the unemployment rate up to around 9% since it passed? Of course libs will lie and spin and falsely blame Bush.

The report that was issued in support of the Recovery Act estimated that unemployment would most likely go to 10%, but could go as high as 11%. The Recovery Act would then drop that number by 2%. Conservatives use this as their proof Obama promised unemployment would not go over 8%, but the report never claims that. As I mentioned, the report said unemployment could go as high as 11% without stimulus.

In other words, the Recovery Act did exactly what they thought it would do.

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