If Sarah Palin wants a real run at a 2012 nomination...

Jon, McCain is not a fiscal conservative, he never has been one, that was his problem, he ignored the conservative base of his party and lost. Palin is a conservative and she fires up the conservative base, that's why libs are scared to death of her and that's also why she is soooooooooooooooooo popular. She is to us conservatives the Rock star that Obama is to liberals.:clap2::clap2: 40% of Americans state they are fiscal conservatives, while only 20% identify themselves as liberals. That's why the fear.

No liberals are afraid of Palin. No she is not nationally popular. No she will never be president.

I see you are in denial, because if you truly thought that you would not be on this thread, it would be a total waste of your time. Dream on.:lol::lol:

What an asinine talking point.

I was told to Dread the Fred too. By other nitwits on the right.
[I know you would like to think that but it is still a very broad tent, you always have your fringe groups, just like liberals do. The things that Reagan, Palin, Pawlenty,and Romney all know is that the great silent majority is extremely concerned about the debt that is being run up to astronomical amounts, they know that the majority of Americans are not happy with the takeover of 6% of the American economy in health care. l:

Reagan, the Father of the modern massive US deficit.
She needs to remove herself from the Republican party. It's a sinking ship. Moderates will not back a Republican candidate. She needs to start a third party movement. She has the clout to pull it off, too.

Am I saying I would vote for her? No. Am I saying she would win? No. But if she wants a serious shot, she needs to make bold moves to show she is NOT just a business-as-usual Republican. Trying to reform a long-established party is going to get her nowhere. McCain tried it, and he failed...and he's been in the game far longer than she has.

If she wants a real shot, being part of the Conservative party would do her better than being on the Republican ticket.

She's already perceived as a Republican, her handlers are trying to sell her as the next Ronald Reagan.

If she doesn't run for president, they should make her the RNC chair.

I don't think she'd even get close to winning the presidency especially against Obama but she sure looks like she's giving it a try.

Let her try 20 some debates in the 2012 Republican party primaries, see how that goes. :lol::lol:
She needs to remove herself from the Republican party. It's a sinking ship. Moderates will not back a Republican candidate. She needs to start a third party movement. She has the clout to pull it off, too.

Am I saying I would vote for her? No. Am I saying she would win? No. But if she wants a serious shot, she needs to make bold moves to show she is NOT just a business-as-usual Republican. Trying to reform a long-established party is going to get her nowhere. McCain tried it, and he failed...and he's been in the game far longer than she has.

If she wants a real shot, being part of the Conservative party would do her better than being on the Republican ticket.

She's already perceived as a Republican, her handlers are trying to sell her as the next Ronald Reagan.

If she doesn't run for president, they should make her the RNC chair.

I don't think she'd even get close to winning the presidency especially against Obama but she sure looks like she's giving it a try.

Let her try 20 some debates in the 2012 Republican party primaries, see how that goes. :lol::lol:

I don't think so either but then again I never thought Reagan would make it to the WH. Record Oprah on Monday. Levi has already responded to her comments saying it was bullshit.

Love to hear what you think.
Jon, McCain is not a fiscal conservative, he never has been one, that was his problem, he ignored the conservative base of his party and lost. Palin is a conservative and she fires up the conservative base, that's why libs are scared to death of her and that's also why she is soooooooooooooooooo popular. She is to us conservatives the Rock star that Obama is to liberals.:clap2::clap2: 40% of Americans state they are fiscal conservatives, while only 20% identify themselves as liberals. That's why the fear.

No liberals are afraid of Palin. No she is not nationally popular. No she will never be president.

I see you are in denial, because if you truly thought that you would not be on this thread, it would be a total waste of your time. Dream on.:lol::lol:

27 percent of voters have a positive feeling toward her, compared to 46 percent with negative feelings. She has a net rating of zero on the question of "shares your values" (49-49), -4 on "strong and decisive leader" (47-51), and 71 percent feel she's not qualified to be president.

Yeah, the public really isn't big on her.

In case you want comparsion to Obama, his positive feeling number is +23 (56 positive, 33 negative), +6 on "shares your values" (53-47), and +25 on "strong and decisive leader" (62-37).

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff (R). Oct. 22-25, 2009. N=1,009 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1. for the feelings numbers.

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. Oct. 16-18, 2009. N=1,038 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. for the others.
No matter what your feelings are, Sarah Palin can't win in a national election. Politicians like Richard Nixon and Ron Reagan revived their careers but Palin suffers from Dan Quayle syndrome. No matter what you do, you can't fix stupid.

You can't make more than on first impression and Palins lot has been cast. She can be a force in the conservative movement, but she can never overcome the Couric interview or Tina Fey. Once you become a laughing stock you can't unbreak an egg
No liberals are afraid of Palin. No she is not nationally popular. No she will never be president.

I see you are in denial, because if you truly thought that you would not be on this thread, it would be a total waste of your time. Dream on.:lol::lol:

You are correct - there is legit fear of what Palin represents by that segment of Americans who are hardcore leftists. She redefines the term of feminist, much to the angry outcries of traditional leftist feminists.

This anger is then willingly transformed into derision, ridicule, and at times, outright cruelty.

I have a number of former colleagues who disagree with Palin's politics, but they maintain a respectful disagreement that is sadly missing from some in forums such as this - and a handful of inane leftist media pundits.

Palin appears to be simply rising above their likes though - gotta give her props for that...

Derision directed at political figures = Fear??

lol, are you sure you want to go with that?
I truly think there is a third party in the making,, How does Constitutional Conservative sound?

I personally would like to see the libertarian party make a splash! I think they should start attack some smaller conservative states first!

For a legitimate 3rd Party to emerge beyond spoiler status, things will have to get much worse.

That is a possibility given the sometimes scary ineptness of the current administration and Democrat controlled Congress, but there is a ways to go yet, and frankly, I don't know if I wish to experience things getting that bad.

A widespread tax revolt would be nice though...

I've been saying for awhile that many of the people who are interested in this third 3rd party idea would find they have much in common with the Libertarian Party.
She needs to remove herself from the Republican party. It's a sinking ship. Moderates will not back a Republican candidate. She needs to start a third party movement. She has the clout to pull it off, too.

Am I saying I would vote for her? No. Am I saying she would win? No. But if she wants a serious shot, she needs to make bold moves to show she is NOT just a business-as-usual Republican. Trying to reform a long-established party is going to get her nowhere. McCain tried it, and he failed...and he's been in the game far longer than she has.

If she wants a real shot, being part of the Conservative party would do her better than being on the Republican ticket.

Jon, McCain is not a fiscal conservative, he never has been one, that was his problem, he ignored the conservative base of his party and lost. Palin is a conservative and she fires up the conservative base, that's why libs are scared to death of her and that's also why she is soooooooooooooooooo popular. She is to us conservatives the Rock star that Obama is to liberals.:clap2::clap2: 40% of Americans state they are fiscal conservatives, while only 20% identify themselves as liberals. That's why the fear.

No liberals are afraid of Palin. No she is not nationally popular. No she will never be president.

She's not nationally popular??? Seriously? You might want to call SNL and inform them of that then. Oh yeah, you might want to check in with the NY Best Sellers List and Amazon, too. Aaaaaand CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Katie whatsername, Barbara Walters and Oprah. They all took a ride on the Palin ratings rollercoaster..but not because she's good looking or a good moose hunter...she's a national past time for Christ's sake!!!

Still, I don't think she's gonna run for President. She's smart enough to NOT want to inherit the newly changed Amerika and all it's problematic baggage.
Jon, McCain is not a fiscal conservative, he never has been one, that was his problem, he ignored the conservative base of his party and lost. Palin is a conservative and she fires up the conservative base, that's why libs are scared to death of her and that's also why she is soooooooooooooooooo popular. She is to us conservatives the Rock star that Obama is to liberals.:clap2::clap2: 40% of Americans state they are fiscal conservatives, while only 20% identify themselves as liberals. That's why the fear.

No liberals are afraid of Palin. No she is not nationally popular. No she will never be president.

She's not nationally popular??? Seriously? You might want to call SNL and inform them of that then. Oh yeah, you might want to check in with the NY Best Sellers List and Amazon, too. Aaaaaand CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Katie whatsername, Barbara Walters and Oprah. They all took a ride on the Palin ratings rollercoaster..but not because she's good looking or a good moose hunter...she's a national past time for Christ's sake!!!

Still, I don't think she's gonna run for President. She's smart enough to NOT want to inherit the newly changed Amerika and all it's problematic baggage.

At present, with the accompanying book and book tour hype and the media blitz surrounding it, Sarah Palin's political star currently outshines Obama's.

That will likely last for the next few months - and then from there, who knows?

I am more concerned with the alarming malpractice of the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled Congress than I am the longer term implications of Palinism at the moment...
At present, with the accompanying book and book tour hype and the media blitz surrounding it, Sarah Palin's political star currently outshines Obama's.

for the sake of the republican party, palin needs to slide into obscurity. for more moderate conservatives like myself, she comes across as one of the most unintelligent pols in recent history. her quitting the governorship put her over the top for me and i'll never again consider supporting her in a national race.
for the sake of the republican party, palin needs to slide into obscurity. for more moderate conservatives like myself, she comes across as one of the most unintelligent pols in recent history. her quitting the governorship put her over the top for me and i'll never again consider supporting her in a national race.

To me, she seems much smarter than Bush. Bush got through college on daddy's money and family connections. Sarah did it on her own though hard work learning how to walk the runways in stilettos and blow a flute. Not as easy as it looks. Still, for the Republicans, it prepared her to be vice president and if something should happen, president.

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