If people want legal pot, then its up to congress to change the law


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
Pot is legal in California.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.

Or maybe the administration is just trying to get congress off its ass on the issue.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.

It is not a law, per se; it is a regulation. Now is the time for the 10th Amendment to be brought to bear on the will of the people.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.

It is not a law, per se; it is a regulation. Now is the time for the 10th Amendment to be brought to bear on the will of the people.

It's a regulation based on a law, the Controlled Substances Act of 1971, which states Pot is a Schedule I drug, that is always illegal (except for some small exceptions for research purposes).
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
But you basically said the states should tell federal law to go fuck itself. Thats where we part ways.
And thanks for the blue balls..
Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds gets to the crux of the argument. It's time to put up or shut up for all those congresscritters who talk about supporting pot legalization.

Here's a novel idea: If you don't like Jeff Session's marijuana decision, change the law

There’s even a bill in front of Congress to do just that, HR 975, the Respect State Marijuana Laws Act, introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., in 2017. It has bipartisan sponsorship, divided roughly evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

So why are Gardner, et al. attacking Sessions instead of speaking out in favor of new legislation?

Well, for one thing, it’s easy. Passing bills is work, denouncing Sessions requires only a press release — or in this case, a few tweets.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.

It is not a law, per se; it is a regulation. Now is the time for the 10th Amendment to be brought to bear on the will of the people.

It's a regulation based on a law, the Controlled Substances Act of 1971, which states Pot is a Schedule I drug, that is always illegal (except for some small exceptions for research purposes).
Prohibition is no longer a Power delegated to the federal government, since the repeal of that Bad idea, last millennium.

The Feds, couldn't handle it.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
But you basically said the states should tell federal law to go fuck itself. Thats where we part ways.
And thanks for the blue balls..
I just think the federal laws have lagged behind. Folks in the Obama administration clearly stated that they were using the states that had legalized pot as experimental "labs" to see how it would work out. If things worked out well, they had every intention of taking it off the "black list." Or trying to.
I've been thinking about that. It would make sense. And according to the polls, over 60% of the American public believes it should be legalized, so it shouldn't really be that hard a push. Maybe after the 2018 elections.
It amazes me that this administration can continue to dig into its bag of tricks and find more dead carcasses to wave before the people. How fucking stupid and unlikeable is the idea of prosecuting marijuana business in states that have made it legal and are regulating it just fine on their own.
Someone needs to slip Sessions a brownie. He needs to expand his mind a bit.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
But you basically said the states should tell federal law to go fuck itself. Thats where we part ways.
And thanks for the blue balls..
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
In India, maybe. If you've got it growing in your ditches, I'll bet you've got one popular road.
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
But you basically said the states should tell federal law to go fuck itself. Thats where we part ways.
And thanks for the blue balls..
I just think the federal laws have lagged behind. Folks in the Obama administration clearly stated that they were using the states that had legalized pot as experimental "labs" to see how it would work out. If things worked out well, they had every intention of taking it off the "black list." Or trying to.
Of course they have. Lagging behind or unconstitutional. Thats our wonderful fed gov!
I am totally for legalizing it. Legalize all of them. In fact, i think its complete bullshit when the govt tells you what to do with your own body. However, it is STILL federal law.
Your argument sets up a HUGE precedent.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
But you basically said the states should tell federal law to go fuck itself. Thats where we part ways.
And thanks for the blue balls..
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
In India, maybe. If you've got it growing in your ditches, I'll bet you've got one popular road.
LOL right?
It was just a more intense way of saying "natural"
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
But you basically said the states should tell federal law to go fuck itself. Thats where we part ways.
And thanks for the blue balls..
I just think the federal laws have lagged behind. Folks in the Obama administration clearly stated that they were using the states that had legalized pot as experimental "labs" to see how it would work out. If things worked out well, they had every intention of taking it off the "black list." Or trying to.
Of course they have. Lagging behind or unconstitutional. Thats our wonderful fed gov!
Things must not have been terribly scientific back in the day marijuana was equated with heroin as a dangerous drug. It gets you high, for sure, but it's not addictive and it doesn't stop your heart. The Puritans don't like the "high" thing, but they don't like anything that's fun anyway, so who cares about them.
In what way does it set up a huge precedent?
Just because a state is doing fine with regulating something illegal, doesnt mean they should tell federal law to go fuck itself and they should just sit back and fuck themselves.
I do like how are showing your support for states rights though. Its refreshing.
It's not about states rights with me--don't get excited. It's about a law that needs to change because just like with Prohibition, a great number of people are smoking pot and have been for ages, and for those who can't buy it legally it is just fueling the black market. If it were regulated and taken out of the hands of the drug dealers who can also encourage you to try other, harder stuff, it would be much better for everyone. People are using marijuana. It's like North Korea having nukes. Accept it and tax it, get rich and shut up about it.
Since states have voted their approval of that, there is no reason why the federal government can't change an outdated and initially ignorant law.
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
But you basically said the states should tell federal law to go fuck itself. Thats where we part ways.
And thanks for the blue balls..
I wish they would. Its a damn flower that grows in a ditch FFS
In India, maybe. If you've got it growing in your ditches, I'll bet you've got one popular road.
LOL right?
It was just a more intense way of saying "natural"
So is opium. People need to have more respect for the power of some "natural" plants. It's a bit of a hobby of mine. Lots of them can kill you quick.

Ideally, the federal law needs to be changed first. Federal statues can be changed to decriminalize the production, distribution, sale and possession of marijuana, specifically in states that allow such acts are licensed and taxed by the states that allow it.

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