If Obama withhold SocSec check, will he be impeached?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
If Obama withhold SocSec checks as he threatened, he should be immediately removed from office -- by force if necessary.

Our Seniors have paid into the "Trust Fund" their entire lives and the vast majority of them have come to depend on that check, some for their very survival. A short while ago, Obama made an outrageous, stunning threat that he will withhold delivery of the checks unless he gets his way with Congress. Obama's demands have NOTHING to do with delivering funds to our seniors.


Bernie Madoff is in prison for abusing funds entrusted to him and if Obama makes good on his threat to starve our elderly, he should be cellmates with Bernie.
Just threatening it was a very pissant thing to do. The man should be ashamed of himself. If he does withhold SS Checks,Impeachment should be on the table.

How can Obama with hold your precious?
The US Treasury issues the checks and makes sure they are payed.
So Obama is now the manager of all retirement accounts, how much does that pay?

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it" Barack "Social Security Really is Bankrupt" Obama
Just threatening it was a very pissant thing to do. The man should be ashamed of himself. If he does withhold SS Checks,Impeachment should be on the table.

Congress should have immediately moved against him. Went on record against him
The comparison of Our Kenyan President to pissants is giving pissants a bad name.

Please stop it.

I mean the use of the term in that context. Nothing can change Him into other than what He is.
If Obama withhold SocSec checks as he threatened, he should be immediately removed from office -- by force if necessary.

Our Seniors have paid into the "Trust Fund" their entire lives and the vast majority of them have come to depend on that check, some for their very survival. A short while ago, Obama made an outrageous, stunning threat that he will withhold delivery of the checks unless he gets his way with Congress. Obama's demands have NOTHING to do with delivering funds to our seniors.


Bernie Madoff is in prison for abusing funds entrusted to him and if Obama makes good on his threat to starve our elderly, he should be cellmates with Bernie.

Seriously. Do you know how this works?

The government pays out millions of checks. If there is no credit..and no one that is making sure those checks get out..they could be delayed.

There are alot of unknowns. You can't just shut down the government and expect BAU.
If Obama withhold SocSec checks as he threatened, he should be immediately removed from office -- by force if necessary.

Why? If it comes to that it's because Congress has told him to pick and choose (er, prioritize) which of the financial obligations to which it has committed the United States we should actually deliver on. That's a failure of the legislative branch, not the executive.

If Congress wants him to write the checks to cover all of the commitments it's already made, it needs to grant him that authority.
Just threatening it was a very pissant thing to do. The man should be ashamed of himself. If he does withhold SS Checks,Impeachment should be on the table.

No it ain't.

Fucking Conservatives have been trying to shut down government for decades.

That's really what you assholes are up too.
Fear tactics.
The basic tenants of our Republic is we do not need the Government.
All is well.
For years politicians of all stripes having been telling us that the excess of Social Security taxes collected over disbursements and administrative costs have been invested in the Social Security Trust Funds. In fact, at present, the trust funds show a balance of some $2.6 trillion — enough to pay benefits for many years. So what difference does it make if the debt limit is not increased and why would the president warn seniors that they might not receive their Social Security checks?

The answer is simple. The $2.6 trillion in the trust funds is not cash. Rather, as the excess Social Security payroll taxes were received, the money was used to pay government bills like defense, interest payments, agricultural subsidies, etc. So, what is in the trust funds? You guessed it: government IOUs!

OK! Then why not simply cash in some of the IOUs and continue sending the checks to seniors. What's the big deal? The big deal is that in order to cash in the IOUs the government needs money — and unless the debt ceiling is raised or taxes are raised the government will not have the money to do that.

Robert E. Pritchard: President Barack Obama telling truth about not getting Social Security checks? Sort of ... » TCPalm.com
If Obama withhold SocSec checks as he threatened, he should be immediately removed from office -- by force if necessary.

Our Seniors have paid into the "Trust Fund" their entire lives and the vast majority of them have come to depend on that check, some for their very survival. A short while ago, Obama made an outrageous, stunning threat that he will withhold delivery of the checks unless he gets his way with Congress. Obama's demands have NOTHING to do with delivering funds to our seniors.


Bernie Madoff is in prison for abusing funds entrusted to him and if Obama makes good on his threat to starve our elderly, he should be cellmates with Bernie.

Rahm Emmanual said, "Never let a crisis go to waste"
man these people just swim in hate

Do you deny that your fearsome leader made the threat?

There was no threat.


If the government gets shut down..bad things are really going to happen.

I know a lot of people on SS who took it as a threat. But of course if anything should happen we all know that it can't be Obama's fault. Ask him he'll tell you, or have his army of Obamabots tell you. I'm sure they will find a way to blame Bush.

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