If obama had a son...


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Mixed Race Mass Shooter in Oregon Kills Nine, Targets Christians


Damn! Is Obama his daddy?!
obama feels dis-empowered when these things happen, that why he gets on TV is to try and take power back

The OP wants to make this another of his racist rants and amazingly, wants to blame President Obama but all Americans feel "dis-empowered" by these constant shootings.

Almost one school shooting every single week since Sandy Hook.
150 Americans shot every day.
One child every three hours.

While the rabid right pretends to care about fetuses, they prove every single day that they don't care about children or their fellow American adults. The gun lobbyists and the NRA want to sell more guns because it lines their pockets. They want us to throw up our hands and give in to the RWs who actively support and enable mass shooters.
Liberals care about kids being shot every 3 hours but not the ones aborted every 3 minutes.

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