If Mitt Romney was a Lutheran . . .


Zen Bonobo
May 1, 2006
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Wady-Peytona Sector
he would be a cause for concern for Hillary's chances.

I must credit my good wife with that observation. We have parallel educational, graduate and career backgrounds. She grew up in a Nebraska and Indiana Republican household. She came of age in RFK stadium, May Day 1970. She had a moment of denouement from Girl Scout, Junior Red Cross volunteer to that of committed anti-war, anti-Nixon activists. She crossed her personal Rubicon and discovered she was then operating in the big leagues. She was recently honored by her firm for 15 years of clean uncomplicated business and for having 50 million of individual and small business investment capital under management.

Liberals have been falsely accused by fools and gullible sycophants of having questionable allegiance and political practices. Boosh-schwa! What hath the new Attorney General of the United States brought to the table? What will the FBI uncover as the current junta's juice drains into the gutter?

You may think, you hard cases and dead enders, that your time will continue. Think again. If Mitt was a Lutheran, there might have been a chance for Republicans. Hell, he could probably have been elected if he was Christian Science. Ain't gonna happen.

My shoulders are shuttering in a chortle.

Did anyone notice my very cleaver Universidad Pinochet comment re: the Joyless bloke?

he would be a cause for concern for Hillary's chances.

I must credit my good wife with that observation. We have parallel educational, graduate and career backgrounds. She grew up in a Nebraska and Indiana Republican household. She came of age in RFK stadium, May Day 1970. She had a moment of denouement from Girl Scout, Junior Red Cross volunteer to that of committed anti-war, anti-Nixon activists. She crossed her personal Rubicon and discovered she was then operating in the big leagues. She was recently honored by her firm for 15 years of clean uncomplicated business and for having 50 million of individual and small business investment capital under management.

Liberals have been falsely accused by fools and gullible sycophants of having questionable allegiance and political practices. Boosh-schwa! What hath the new Attorney General of the United States brought to the table? What will the FBI uncover as the current junta's juice drains into the gutter?

You may think, you hard cases and dead enders, that your time will continue. Think again. If Mitt was a Lutheran, there might have been a chance for Republicans. Hell, he could probably have been elected if he was Christian Science. Ain't gonna happen.

My shoulders are shuttering in a chortle.

Did anyone notice my very cleaver Universidad Pinochet comment re: the Joyless bloke?


thats like saying what if he was not cfr scum...what - if

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He's poll numbers do not match what you'd expect from someone who's spent as much money as he has, because he's a flip-flopping empty suit, The Stepford Candidate, if you will. If you're pro-war, you vote Giuliani or Huckabee, if you're libertarian or anti-war, you vote Ron Paul, but I'm not sure what Romney's appeal is. Is there anyone really fired up about Romney? On this board, or elsewhere?
He's poll numbers do not match what you'd expect from someone who's spent as much money as he has, because he's a flip-flopping empty suit, The Stepford Candidate, if you will. If you're pro-war, you vote Giuliani or Huckabee, if you're libertarian or anti-war, you vote Ron Paul, but I'm not sure what Romney's appeal is. Is there anyone really fired up about Romney? On this board, or elsewhere?

I could very easily see myself voting for Mitt Romney.
I could vote for Mitt Romney if the Republicans choose to make him their candidate. He's no more a waffler on issues than Hillary.
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