If main stream media continually reports how many people feel they are bias, are they really bias


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
If main stream media continually reports how many people feel they are bias, are they really bias
For those who continually call main stream media bias, even though they never read or watch it, you should give it a shot.
Main stream media reports extensively of claims of their bias. If they were bias, they would not report they are bias.
Fox, Newsmax etc. do not report how main stream media and main stream people think they are extremely bias.
It is the nut cases and the nut case media and main stream people and main stream media.

Who is really bias.
I realize you are quite nearly illiterate, Elmer, but the word you are looking for is "BIASED", not "bias"

I swear, sheeple IQ seems to be dropping by the day.
Speaking of biased media, has anyone seen Anderson Cooper's baby Hitler ?
If main stream media continually reports how many people feel they are bias, are they really bias
For those who continually call main stream media bias, even though they never read or watch it, you should give it a shot.
Main stream media reports extensively of claims of their bias. If they were bias, they would not report they are bias.
Fox, Newsmax etc. do not report how main stream media and main stream people think they are extremely bias.
It is the nut cases and the nut case media and main stream people and main stream media.

Who is really bias.
I quit the Washington Post in the mid-90’s due to incessant racist bias. I supplanted that with my dial-up AOL feed. That morphed into msn.com when I switched to DSL and Fios. Beginning with W Bush, every headline was bad W, bad W, bad W. The Nationals baseball team all but removed the W for Washington logo because it offended democrats. Then came Obama. Good Obama, good Obama, great Obama, etc., in the middle of economic disaster and contrived racial division. Then came trump. Every headline was bad trump, incessantly.
Now it’s gotten to the point where I disregard any msm. But I still get the propaganda without trying. I can’t google without getting a left wing headline. I’m just doing a search and they include a lefty headline. My phone dings while I’m not using it. I pick it up and it’s another left wing headline.
The point is that it’s impossible to not get inundated with left wing propaganda. Even when I try to avoid it.
So the onus is on lefties to consult alternatives lest they be ill informed.
MSM is pure Pravda.
there is no such thing that media is not biased that includes MSN, FOX NEWS, Qanon, etc, etc...
Always has been. But there’s a big difference between personal bias, institutional bias and Pravda.
The news media is all the same the only difference is the direction their politics lean.
Wrong. All mainstream news is Pravda now. Non-mainstream, and that only mildly includes Fox, must be reached through an internet or pay source.
ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, CBS, Fox network, all involve public funding or public broadcasting airwaves and are all Pravda.
I realize you are quite nearly illiterate, Elmer, but the word you are looking for is "BIASED", not "bias"

I swear, sheeple IQ seems to be dropping by the day.
Thank you for the correction. It is the first mistake I have ever made in my life. It just proves I am human. Embrace my humanity.
there is no such thing that media is not biased that includes MSN, FOX NEWS, Qanon, etc, etc...
I agree, there is no unbiased media. Was Walter Cronkite the last true newsman on TV?
If you feel there is no unbiased media, then CNN, MSNBC is biased like all media. They are no different than other media, like Fox, except in the nature of the bias.

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