If ICE deports illegal-alien parents with US-born kids, are they the ones "breaking up the family"?

The thread premise is yet another manifestation of the reprehensible right, and why conservatism is the bane of the American Nation.

What's reprehensible about abiding by the law?
What part of deporting small Americans born here to foreign nationals is obeying the law?

And why would another nation just willy-nilly take in American citizens, regardless of their age?

I'm talking about the illegal parent(s). However, I do take issue with rewarding someone with citizenship that occurs SOLELY as the result of a crime. Would you let the children of a bank robber keep the money?
By US law, they get to keep the money. Born here makes you an American and you, want to deport Americans. That is sins of the father, punishment of the innocent. Nice work.

So you're OK with giving someone citizenship that gets it solely as the result of an illegal act? Foolish.

Send the illegal parents back and I don't give a fuck what happens after that.
Not giving a fuck is the core of your problem. It makes you into a very stupid person. Like it or not you can't just deport American citizens at will, and there's not a reason in the world why any other nation on earth would accept our citizens, not matter how small.

The Anchor is real. It's our law.
What's reprehensible about abiding by the law?
What part of deporting small Americans born here to foreign nationals is obeying the law?

And why would another nation just willy-nilly take in American citizens, regardless of their age?

I'm talking about the illegal parent(s). However, I do take issue with rewarding someone with citizenship that occurs SOLELY as the result of a crime. Would you let the children of a bank robber keep the money?
By US law, they get to keep the money. Born here makes you an American and you, want to deport Americans. That is sins of the father, punishment of the innocent. Nice work.

So you're OK with giving someone citizenship that gets it solely as the result of an illegal act? Foolish.

Send the illegal parents back and I don't give a fuck what happens after that.
Not giving a fuck is the core of your problem. It makes you into a very stupid person. Like it or not you can't just deport American citizens at will, and there's not a reason in the world why any other nation on earth would accept our citizens, not matter how small.

The Anchor is real. It's our law.

But you can deport illegals and you're not willing to do that. Like I said, if the parents are illegal, get them out and then I don't give a fuck about what happens to the little shit they had after breaking the law to get here.
What part of deporting small Americans born here to foreign nationals is obeying the law?

And why would another nation just willy-nilly take in American citizens, regardless of their age?

I'm talking about the illegal parent(s). However, I do take issue with rewarding someone with citizenship that occurs SOLELY as the result of a crime. Would you let the children of a bank robber keep the money?
By US law, they get to keep the money. Born here makes you an American and you, want to deport Americans. That is sins of the father, punishment of the innocent. Nice work.

So you're OK with giving someone citizenship that gets it solely as the result of an illegal act? Foolish.

Send the illegal parents back and I don't give a fuck what happens after that.
Not giving a fuck is the core of your problem. It makes you into a very stupid person. Like it or not you can't just deport American citizens at will, and there's not a reason in the world why any other nation on earth would accept our citizens, not matter how small.

The Anchor is real. It's our law.

But you can deport illegals and you're not willing to do that. Like I said, if the parents are illegal, get them out and then I don't give a fuck about what happens to the little shit they had after breaking the law to get here.
Great, you don't care about young American citizens, and that's what they are, dumbo.

Dad broke the law so you can just live on the streets, maybe sell your body to survive, or drugs, and rob houses instead of being in school which by law you are entitled to? Prefect analysis, for a total idiot. Just grow up and stop using your tiny limp dick to piss into the wind.
I'm talking about the illegal parent(s). However, I do take issue with rewarding someone with citizenship that occurs SOLELY as the result of a crime. Would you let the children of a bank robber keep the money?
By US law, they get to keep the money. Born here makes you an American and you, want to deport Americans. That is sins of the father, punishment of the innocent. Nice work.

So you're OK with giving someone citizenship that gets it solely as the result of an illegal act? Foolish.

Send the illegal parents back and I don't give a fuck what happens after that.
Not giving a fuck is the core of your problem. It makes you into a very stupid person. Like it or not you can't just deport American citizens at will, and there's not a reason in the world why any other nation on earth would accept our citizens, not matter how small.

The Anchor is real. It's our law.

But you can deport illegals and you're not willing to do that. Like I said, if the parents are illegal, get them out and then I don't give a fuck about what happens to the little shit they had after breaking the law to get here.
Great, you don't care about young American citizens, and that's what they are, dumbo.

Dad broke the law so you can just live on the streets, maybe sell your body to survive, or drugs, and rob houses instead of being in school which by law you are entitled to? Prefect analysis, for a total idiot. Just grow up and stop using your tiny limp dick to piss into the wind.

dad, and moms, responsibility

not the governments
By US law, they get to keep the money. Born here makes you an American and you, want to deport Americans. That is sins of the father, punishment of the innocent. Nice work.

So you're OK with giving someone citizenship that gets it solely as the result of an illegal act? Foolish.

Send the illegal parents back and I don't give a fuck what happens after that.
Not giving a fuck is the core of your problem. It makes you into a very stupid person. Like it or not you can't just deport American citizens at will, and there's not a reason in the world why any other nation on earth would accept our citizens, not matter how small.

The Anchor is real. It's our law.

But you can deport illegals and you're not willing to do that. Like I said, if the parents are illegal, get them out and then I don't give a fuck about what happens to the little shit they had after breaking the law to get here.
Great, you don't care about young American citizens, and that's what they are, dumbo.

Dad broke the law so you can just live on the streets, maybe sell your body to survive, or drugs, and rob houses instead of being in school which by law you are entitled to? Prefect analysis, for a total idiot. Just grow up and stop using your tiny limp dick to piss into the wind.

dad, and moms, responsibility

not the governments
Not when those deported cannot provide for their little American Citizens. In case you forgot America is ultimately responsible for American Citizens, all of them.
The responsibility falls with the parents.

They can leave them behind, or take them with them.

If you want the government to step in, file adoption papers for them.

Put your money where your mouth is
The responsibility falls with the parents.

They can leave them behind, or take them with them.

If you want the government to step in, file adoption papers for them.

Put your money where your mouth is
No. They cannot take them with them! You can't just show up at the Mexican border and demand Mexican citizenship for American citizens, idiots.

And do you think there's a big group of people who want to adopt six or so million children of illegals aged one day to one day from 18? God you people are stupid to the fucking core.
No. they cannot take them with them!

Of course they can.

One, or both, of their parents are citizens of the country they are being returned to


seems in my family, children of parents from to different countries usually have dual citizenship, until the turn 18.

and how are the officials going to know the citizenship of the child anyway?

Check their passport?
No. they cannot take them with them!

Of course they can.

One, or both, of their parents are citizens of the country they are being returned to


seems in my family, children of parents from to different countries usually have dual citizenship, until the turn 18.

and how are the officials going to know the citizenship of the child anyway?

Check their passport?
That's correct, children go on their parent's passport or have their own. It's not just you're a child so come on in. And citizenship varies. There is no reason to believe that a child born here will have dual-citizenship. Most of them will be Americans, end of discussion.

But it's nice to know you want to deport Americans, with dual citizenship. That would have gotten rid of Ted Cruz.
No. they cannot take them with them!

Of course they can.

One, or both, of their parents are citizens of the country they are being returned to


seems in my family, children of parents from to different countries usually have dual citizenship, until the turn 18.

and how are the officials going to know the citizenship of the child anyway?

Check their passport?
That's correct, children go on their parent's passport or have their own. It's not just you're a child so come on in. And citizenship varies. There is no reason to believe that a child born here will have dual-citizenship. Most of them will be Americans, end of discussion.

But it's nice to know you want to deport Americans, with dual citizenship. That would have gotten rid of Ted Cruz.

I want to deport illegal aliens.

What they do with their children is THEIR choice.
No. they cannot take them with them!

Of course they can.

One, or both, of their parents are citizens of the country they are being returned to


seems in my family, children of parents from to different countries usually have dual citizenship, until the turn 18.

and how are the officials going to know the citizenship of the child anyway?

Check their passport?
That's correct, children go on their parent's passport or have their own. It's not just you're a child so come on in. And citizenship varies. There is no reason to believe that a child born here will have dual-citizenship. Most of them will be Americans, end of discussion.

But it's nice to know you want to deport Americans, with dual citizenship. That would have gotten rid of Ted Cruz.

I want to deport illegal aliens.

What they do with their children is THEIR choice.
Their children are mostly American citizens, dummy. Not caring about them just makes you an asshole and means your "solutions" will never ever happen. Never.
No. they cannot take them with them!

Of course they can.

One, or both, of their parents are citizens of the country they are being returned to


seems in my family, children of parents from to different countries usually have dual citizenship, until the turn 18.

and how are the officials going to know the citizenship of the child anyway?

Check their passport?
That's correct, children go on their parent's passport or have their own. It's not just you're a child so come on in. And citizenship varies. There is no reason to believe that a child born here will have dual-citizenship. Most of them will be Americans, end of discussion.

But it's nice to know you want to deport Americans, with dual citizenship. That would have gotten rid of Ted Cruz.

I want to deport illegal aliens.

What they do with their children is THEIR choice.
Their children are mostly American citizens, dummy. Not caring about them just makes you an asshole and means your "solutions" will never ever happen. Never.

If you want the government to take care of them, start and adoption agency, and get government funding.


Why do you insist on rewarding people that broke the law?
No. they cannot take them with them!

Of course they can.

One, or both, of their parents are citizens of the country they are being returned to


seems in my family, children of parents from to different countries usually have dual citizenship, until the turn 18.

and how are the officials going to know the citizenship of the child anyway?

Check their passport?
That's correct, children go on their parent's passport or have their own. It's not just you're a child so come on in. And citizenship varies. There is no reason to believe that a child born here will have dual-citizenship. Most of them will be Americans, end of discussion.

But it's nice to know you want to deport Americans, with dual citizenship. That would have gotten rid of Ted Cruz.

I want to deport illegal aliens.

What they do with their children is THEIR choice.
Their children are mostly American citizens, dummy. Not caring about them just makes you an asshole and means your "solutions" will never ever happen. Never.

If you want the government to take care of them, start and adoption agency, and get government funding.


Why do you insist on rewarding people that broke the law?
The part that you don't understand is you can't just deport American citizens to other nations? And if you say you don't care what happens to their kids, you just said you don't care what happens to millions of American children. Good job, asshole.

And if they were born here they were neither rewarded nor punished. They were born American Citizens. That is our law so just deal with it like an adult instead of whining like a child who lost a toy.
Oh, my.

The rabid Trump-haters and open-borders crowd don't want to touch this one.

Who can blame them?

The truth always works against the leftists' agenda.
Republicans have no problem breaking up families. They don't care about the morality. Because they have none. They wouldn't mind pissing on those kids. Remember Republicans "let him die" at the Las Vegas Debates. That's the GOP long before Trump.
You really are a silly goose, aren't you?

I didn't say one word about deporting American citizens, I said deport illegal aliens. Any children are THEIR responsibility, not the governments, (unless they are abandoned).

And where am I talking about people born here being rewarded?

I'm talking about people that have snuck in, and are being rewarded with an easier path to citizenship for having an anchor baby.

It's obvious you are incapable of reading comprehension.

that, or you are working on a Masters degree in pretzel making.
You really are a silly goose, aren't you?

I didn't say one word about deporting American citizens, I said deport illegal aliens. Any children are THEIR responsibility, not the governments, (unless they are abandoned).

And where am I talking about people born here being rewarded?

I'm talking about people that have snuck in, and are being rewarded with an easier path to citizenship for having an anchor baby.

It's obvious you are incapable of reading comprehension.

that, or you are working on a Masters degree in pretzel making.
Love our law or hate our law, deal with reality. The kids are American citizens and you are, supposedly, Pro-Family? Kids need parents so it sure sucks to be you now.
Kids need parents

I agree

If their natural parents deny their responsibilities and leave the children here when they are deported, I expect people like you to step up and adopt them.

I'm more Pro Law and Order than Pro Family.

I spent 10+ years working Corrections, and saw hundreds, if not thousands, of kids come in to visit their fathers.

The father broke the law, and are being punished for their crime.

Why do you want different for illegal aliens?

Because they have children?

Doesnt' work that way
...They'll get a path to citizenship...
Yep... bound to happen, with a 3rd Obama term.

...And we'll all be better off for it...
Well, the Illegal Beaners will be better off for it; the rest of us, not so much; not to mention the Please Invade Us message it sends to millions of others in future.

..."Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it" is a childish scenario, and will never happen.

Far better to felonize the giving of jobs or housing or cars or bank accounts or schooling or medical services or welfare or money wire transfer services to Illegals.

If there's no reason to be here, they won't be.
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Being illegal may be against the law , but I don't beleive its a crime .
Okay, once more for those who still don't know:

1.) Walking across the border into the U.S. without a visa, is a crime.
8 U.S.C. § 1325 : US Code - Section 1325: Improper entry by alien

2.) Entering the U.S. on a temporary visa, and then staying after the visa expires, is not a crime, it's an "offense".

You are an illegal alien no matter which one you do, and are subject to deportation for either one.
Happens a lot these days. Illegal alien parents who produced kids in the U.S., get busted and deported. What happens to their U.S. citizen kids? Especially young kids, barely past toddler stage?

An adult man crosses the border illegally, and lives here. He marries someone, say another illegal alien. They have kids here. The kids are U.S. citizens under the current interpretation of the 14th amendment, since they were born on U.S. soil.

Then the man (and maybe his wife) get busted by ICE, proven to be illegal aliens (which they in fact are), and get listed for deportation.

What happens to the kids?

The kids are U.S. citizens, no doubt about it. ICE has no grounds whatever for deporting them. But the parents are unquestionably illegal aliens, and the law is clear, the parents must be deported. Must the family be broken up? Who says so?

I've hear some people protest that it's inhuman for ICE to separate the kids (who are, say, 3 and 4 years old by now) from their parents. But is it ICE who is actually doing that?

This man knew before he ever came here, that he was breaking U.S. law, and was subject to deportation if caught. And his wife, if she is also an illegal alien, knew the same about herself. And when they were making kids here on U.S. soil and delivering them, they knew the same was still true.

It's not ICE who is planning to split up this family. It is the man and his wife, knowing that he and she might be booted out at any time for breaking U.S. immigration law, and that any kids they produced while living illegally in America, would be citizens NOT subject to deportation. They knew all these things going in. And one must assume they planned for them. (If they didn't plan, whose fault is that?)

So, what did this man and his wife plan would happen to their U.S. kids if and when they (the parents) got busted and deported? What plans did they make about what should happen to their kids? The kids are 3 and 4 years old now. They are considered U.S. citizens and have the legal right to stay in this country. Of course, they can't stay alone in the house their parents were just deported out of, if there are no other responsible adults around - the kids are just 3 and 4 years old. Of course, the kids also have the legal right to go with their parents back to the parents' home country.

The parents knew going in, that their own deportation was possible and legal... and even just. WHAT DID THEY PLAN FOR THEIR KIDS if that were to happen to them?

Did they plan that those kids would come back to the parents' home country with them? Or did they plan that the kids would stay with other (legal) family, however distantly related, in the U.S.? Or...? What DID these parents plan, for the time when the parents got busted?

Where does anyone get the idea that the government is responsible for the kids?

The parents are responsible for their kids. What have they planned?

Just because the kids were born here doesn't make them a prisoner of the state. They should be thrown out right along with their good for nothing illegal alien parents, in the interest of keeping the family together of course.

We're not going to deport US citizens.

So you'd make the child a prisoner of the state?

That question suggests a false choice.

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