Diamond Member
If Hasan was Japanese and it was 1943, what would FDR's Response have been?
Transcript: Obama's Remarks at Fort Hood Memorial Service -
^Would it have Sounded like that?
Would FDR have Praised Japan and it's Culture and told us not to view this as a product of the War against Japan?
Would FDR have asked Americans to NOT jump to conclusions?
Would FDR have said things like this about the United States when Addressing Ft. Hood at the Memorial?:
"In an age of selfishness..."
"But this much we do know -- no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor."
What Faith did the 9/11 Terrorists subscribe to?...
The USS Cole Terrorists?...
The Beltway Sniper?...
The Jihadis who Target School Buses FULL of School Children with Bombs?...
The Governments like Iran's that Execute Women for simple Accusations of Infidelity in the Name of the "God", the VERY same "God" that Hasan Praised as he began Opening Fire on Soldiers set to go and Battle his Brothers in Islam?...
They ALL subscribe to Islam.
This Willful Ignorance and Outright Dishonesty on the part of the American Left regarding who we are War with is WAY beyond Dangerous.
It's EXACTLY the Politically Correct, embrace EVERYTHING attitude that assisted in Hasan NOT being stopped before that Attack.
NOT looking at him for what he so Obviously was, was the FIRST Mistake by MANY Governmental Entities.
If we are going to continue to view Hasan and the other Hasans that are Most Definitely out there as if they are just Sick Individuals who are Incorrectly Interpreting the Quran, then we are only inviting MORE of these Attacks on our Soil.
It's Abundantly Clear what FDR would have done if Hasan were a Japanese Man in 1943 on a US Military Base...
Nothing, because it wouldn't have Happened.
FDR Rounded up the Japanese and Housed them in Internment Camps and the Possibility of a Massacre like Ft. Hood happening under FDR was ZERO.
Had it happened, the "Trial" would have been Swift, and he would have been Executed to the Applause of a Nation Unified against an Obvious Enemy.
Of course Internment is NOT what I am Calling for, but the Polar Opposite of that, which is to Embrace our Enemy even Harder after they Attack us, is NOT the path to Ending this Terrorism.
It hasn't been since 9/11 or BEFORE.
Our Enemy is Fighting us without the benefit of an Organized Military that we are always meeting on the Battlefield.
Our Enemy is Defining the Battlefield on an Indivual by Individual basis.
Hasan won't be the Last...
The question is, what will we do to stop the next Hasan?
Obsessively Praising Islam, starting with renaming our first War in Afghanistan back in 2001 because it "Offended" the Islamists, and up to the President's DISGUSTING remarks yesterday, hasn't Worked so far, but I am Sure this will be the path that the President and the American Left will continue to follow...
To the continued Harm of this REPUBLIC and it's Citizens.
I Hope I am Wrong.
Transcript: Obama's Remarks at Fort Hood Memorial Service -
^Would it have Sounded like that?
Would FDR have Praised Japan and it's Culture and told us not to view this as a product of the War against Japan?
Would FDR have asked Americans to NOT jump to conclusions?
Would FDR have said things like this about the United States when Addressing Ft. Hood at the Memorial?:
"In an age of selfishness..."
"But this much we do know -- no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor."
What Faith did the 9/11 Terrorists subscribe to?...
The USS Cole Terrorists?...
The Beltway Sniper?...
The Jihadis who Target School Buses FULL of School Children with Bombs?...
The Governments like Iran's that Execute Women for simple Accusations of Infidelity in the Name of the "God", the VERY same "God" that Hasan Praised as he began Opening Fire on Soldiers set to go and Battle his Brothers in Islam?...
They ALL subscribe to Islam.
This Willful Ignorance and Outright Dishonesty on the part of the American Left regarding who we are War with is WAY beyond Dangerous.
It's EXACTLY the Politically Correct, embrace EVERYTHING attitude that assisted in Hasan NOT being stopped before that Attack.
NOT looking at him for what he so Obviously was, was the FIRST Mistake by MANY Governmental Entities.
If we are going to continue to view Hasan and the other Hasans that are Most Definitely out there as if they are just Sick Individuals who are Incorrectly Interpreting the Quran, then we are only inviting MORE of these Attacks on our Soil.
It's Abundantly Clear what FDR would have done if Hasan were a Japanese Man in 1943 on a US Military Base...
Nothing, because it wouldn't have Happened.
FDR Rounded up the Japanese and Housed them in Internment Camps and the Possibility of a Massacre like Ft. Hood happening under FDR was ZERO.
Had it happened, the "Trial" would have been Swift, and he would have been Executed to the Applause of a Nation Unified against an Obvious Enemy.
Of course Internment is NOT what I am Calling for, but the Polar Opposite of that, which is to Embrace our Enemy even Harder after they Attack us, is NOT the path to Ending this Terrorism.
It hasn't been since 9/11 or BEFORE.
Our Enemy is Fighting us without the benefit of an Organized Military that we are always meeting on the Battlefield.
Our Enemy is Defining the Battlefield on an Indivual by Individual basis.
Hasan won't be the Last...
The question is, what will we do to stop the next Hasan?
Obsessively Praising Islam, starting with renaming our first War in Afghanistan back in 2001 because it "Offended" the Islamists, and up to the President's DISGUSTING remarks yesterday, hasn't Worked so far, but I am Sure this will be the path that the President and the American Left will continue to follow...
To the continued Harm of this REPUBLIC and it's Citizens.
I Hope I am Wrong.
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